
They Ask, You Answer Mastery

A coaching & training program that drives unmatched sales & marketing results.


Sales Performance Mastery

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Web design

Website Mastery

Web design, development & training for your team.


HubSpot Mastery

Everything you need to get the most from HubSpot.

AI Mastery

AI Enablement Mastery

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Learning Center

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The Logo

Master Logo

The IMPACT master logo should be used at all times for all IMPACT related content assets. If not possible – one of the other logo variations should be applied (see below), ensuring brand consistency across all communications. If referenced without the logo, IMPACT should be written in all uppercase letters. Additional information about the trademark for the logo can be found under our Trademark Usage Guidelines.

Download the Full Logo

The “IM”

The IM may also be used as a substitute when the full logo doesn't work for the project.

Download The Half Logo

Space / Size

Please use an appropriate amount of spacing when placing the logo in your composition. As reference, use the size of the arrow as the minimum spacing on all four sides.

Minimum Size

Never reproduce the Logo or the “IM” at a size smaller than these recommendations, as it will result in the loss of their impact and readability.
The IMPACT logo should never be:
•  smaller than 100px wide OR 30px tall in digital
•  smaller 35.5mm wide or 11mm tall in print.
Small IM
THE IM” should never be:
•  smaller than 30px wide OR 30px tall in digital
•  smaller 35.5mm wide or 35.5mm tall in print.

Logo Use

It is important that the appearance of the logo remains consistent. The logo should not be misinterpreted, modified, or added to. No attempt should be made to alter the logo in any way. Do not rotate, warp, or disproportionately scale the logo. Its orientation, color and composition should remain as indicated in this document—there are no exceptions.

Do not change the color of the logo


Do not change the logo font


Do not rearrange the logo typography from the 'IM'


Do not use the logo disproportionately



The IMPACT Plus logo should be used at all time for all IMPACT Plus related content assets. If not possible – one of the other logo variations should be applied, ensuring brand consistency across all communications. Logo choice depends on the use case and available spacing.

Download All Logos


Primary Color Palette

The primary palette should be applied in all of IMPACT's marketing communications. The palette has been designed to give a bold and exciting direction to the brand, offering flexibility in conception – online and in print. Percentage tints can be used in any of these colors.

Typography Palette

The typography color palette serves as a carefully curated selection of colors designed to enhance the visual appeal and readability of text-based content. Each color within the typography palette is strategically chosen to establish a harmonious balance between text and background, ensuring optimal contrast and legibility. This intentional selection not only enhances the overall visual experience but also contributes to the brand identity and message consistency.

Brand Blues

Blue shades used either as backgrounds, illustrations, or accent colors.

Brand Greens

Green shades used either as backgrounds, illustrations, or accent colors.

Brand Grey-Blues

Grey-blue shades used either as backgrounds, illustrations, or accent colors.

Neutral Colors

Neutral shades used either as backgrounds, illustrations, or accent colors.

Miscellaneous Colors

Service Pages Colors

Sales Service Colors

HubSpot Service Colors

Website Service Colors

AI Service Colors

Marketing Services Colors


Heading Font

Merriweather is our heading font used throughout the website. Bold and Regular weights are used throughout IMPACT's website pages.

Display H1 • Serif--2XL • Merriweather • 60px

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

H1 • Serif--XL • Merriweather • 48px

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

H2 • Serif--LG • Merriweather • 36px

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

H4 • Serif--SM • Merriweather • 24px

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

H5 • Serif--XS • Merriweather • 20px

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

H6 • Text--LG • Proxima Nova • 20px

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Paragraph Font

Proxima Nova is our paragraph font used throughout the website and on our blog. Regular weights primarily used, but emphasized text will often be bolded.

H5 • P--LG • Proxima Nova • 20px

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

P--Default • Proxima Nova • 18px

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

P--SM • Proxima Nova • 16px

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

P--XS • Proxima Nova • 14px

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Handwritten Font

Kalam is our script font used throughout the website on stylized text elements. This font style is used often times on callouts, statistics, and decorative fonts throughout website pages.

Script--XL • Kalam • 64px

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Script--LG • Kalam • 44px

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Script--MD • Kalam • 32px

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Script--SM • Kalam • 28px

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Script--XS • Kalam • 20px

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.