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Liz Murphy

By Liz Murphy

Oct 25, 2020


Content Marketing Video Marketing

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Content Marketing  |   Video Marketing

How to write a video script for marketing (Content Lab returns, Ep. 46)

Liz Murphy

By Liz Murphy

Oct 25, 2020

How to write a video script for marketing (Content Lab returns, Ep. 46)

Since we all last gathered 'round the Content Lab campfire, a lot has changed with my role as IMPACT's editorial director. 

And you may have figured that out if you took a gander at some of the content I've been creating recently. For example, how to use Trello to run your video content strategy and how to run a fully blended written and video content strategy are two articles I published recently. I also heavily referenced video in my article about how to create sales enablement content.

I'm also now making regularly appearances on IMPACT's YouTube channel:

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That's right — creating revenue-generating business videos for IMPACT now falls under my content umbrella. We've always done video, but we wanted to embrace the They Ask, You Answer way of creating videos at scale (and consistently) that answer our buyers most pressing questions. 

So, we post them on YouTube, add them to relevant articles...

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(Like this one!)

...and share them with our sales team so they can use them during the sales process, since they're a big part of how we determine what types of videos get produced at IMPACT, using the revenue team model.

One of the most challenging parts of this process, however, is guaranteeing that every single week we have scripts ready for these videos for filming. Yes, while many videos work best when you're filming off-the-cuff with no script, often videos will require a script because of how much detail needs to go into it. 

So, in this episode, I pull back the curtain on my surprisingly easy process for creating video scripts, and integrating the creation of video for sales and marketing into an existing content strategy. 

In addition, this week's learning corner is all about my favorite trick for guaranteeing your content always gets in front of the right people at the right time, but why I have serious beef with buyer personas and how they are the red herrings in the content marketing world.

John also shares a hilarious "what I'm reading" this week called Small Talk from 1348 from The New Yorker.


Listen to the episode

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Important show note

As I mentioned during this episode, in the coming weeks, we'll be releasing a bunch of episodes John and I recorded over the past few months. For various reasons, we always felt very quickly that they would become obsolete — for example, we would cancel events we were promoting in those episodes, due to the COVID-19 pandemic

After serious consideration, we've opted to release those episodes anyway. So, please understand that there may be some cases where we reference events that ended up not occurring during certain episodes. They also may be released out of order, based on their topic. The topics we discussed are still very valuable and evergreen, however, so we hope you'll excuse any momentary confusion. 

Until next week! 👋

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