IMPACT Inbound Marketing Agency]

They Ask, You Answer Mastery

A coaching & training program that drives unmatched sales & marketing results.


Sales Performance Mastery

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Website Mastery

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HubSpot Mastery

Everything you need to get the most from HubSpot.

AI Mastery

AI Enablement Mastery

Unlock the power of AI in all aspects of your revenue operations.

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John Becker

By John Becker

Nov 10, 2021


Coaches, Consultants & Strategists

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Coaches, Consultants & Strategists

How Do I Make Money as a Certified They Ask, You Answer Coach?

John Becker

By John Becker

Nov 10, 2021

How Do I Make Money as a Certified They Ask, You Answer Coach?

Many applicants looking to become certified They Ask, You Answer coaches are small agency owners or consultants dealing with the same core challenge: They are looking for a new way to service their clients that offers more stable, lucrative revenue.

They’ve been operating at razor-thin margins for far too long, with the constant threat of client churn keeping them teetering between success and struggle.

Becoming a certified coach offers a new opportunity — and a new way of serving their clients.

Rather than being implementation specialists who write content, build landing pages, and schedule emails for their clients, they can instead become strategic specialists.

The difference is a stark one: As an implementation specialist, you do the work for your clients and seek their approval for each deliverable you produce.

As a strategic specialist, you teach the clients to do the work themselves.

With the latter, they seek your approval, and you spend less time each month trying to seek approval from them. The client is held accountable for turning out high-quality work, for hitting their goals, and for producing the results.

But the They Ask, You Answer certification process is a big investment, of both time and money. And each applicant wants to know the same thing: How do I actually make money by being a certified They Ask, You Answer coach?

In this article, we’ll dive into specific, concrete ways our certification program will deliver a return on investment, including:

  • Why more and more agency owners and consultants are interested in They Ask, You Answer.
  • How your coaching certification can broaden your offerings to clients.
  • How your coaching certification can improve the work you do with current clients.

Let’s dive into the details and explore how this investment will yield a return.

Building a more profitable agency

Years ago, IMPACT was a small inbound marketing agency similar to thousands of competitors. We believed firmly in the inbound marketing methodology, but our clients’ results were inconsistent. We dealt with the same challenges that so many agencies experience: unreliable results, client churn, and small profit margins.

Then we found Marcus Sheridan and They Ask, You Answer.

We were blown away.

Marcus’s tiny agency was operating at unheard-of profit margins. They boasted tremendous case studies — and the clients were doing it all themselves, with Marcus and his team offering guidance.

We saw that They Ask, You Answer was the future of inbound marketing.

They Ask, You Answer offered a more efficient, repeatable model for inbound success. And it had a growing fanbase.

Rather than doing the work for the clients and seeing only marginal success, we would be coaching our clients to do the work themselves.

Suddenly, we were different from every other HubSpot agency. We were They Ask, You Answer coaches. And people took notice.

As we transitioned from implementation to coaching, our agency grew. We operated with better profit margins, and we were able to work with more clients at the same time — and those clients were more successful.

The growing They Ask, You Answer movement

For many business leaders, inbound marketing can feel like an abstract endeavor that’s hard to tie to real-world results. Can content really bring in revenue?

They Ask, You Answer is the premier inbound framework that unites sales and marketing around shared revenue goals.

And more and more businesses are catching the vision.

Every year, millions of people learn about They Ask, You Answer through IMPACT’s website, where they read our blog, listen to our podcasts, watch our videos, and learn from our guidebooks. And they head to IMPACT+, our online learning community to dive deeper into all things They Ask, You Answer.

Or, they buy the book or hear Marcus Sheridan speak about his methodology.

They Ask, You Answer (the book) was recently named by Book Authority as the #1 marketing strategy book of all time.

Now in its revised and expanded second printing, the book has sold tens of thousands of copies.

Marcus tirelessly spreads his message to help more and more businesses catch the vision and find success.

Each year, Marcus delivers roughly 75 keynote lectures at conferences, trade shows, and industry events all over the world.

Marcus speaks regularly at HubSpot’s INBOUND conference, and he has been featured in The New York Times, Forbes, the Harvard Business Review, and many other publications.

Marcus was also named #1 on LinkedIn Top Voices for Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

When you become a certified They Ask, You Answer coach, you become a part of this movement.

You become part of the future of inbound marketing.

An ongoing partnership

As a coach, you’ll be included in our certified coach directory and will have access to our coach insider content and community.

After you complete your certification, ongoing biweekly cohort meetings with an IMPACT expert will help you stay on top of your game as you work through challenges together.

And every time They Ask, You Answer wins another fan or is featured in another podcast, the movement you’re a part of will get bigger.

3 New offerings for your clients

A They Ask, You Answer certification will change how you serve clients, and that might look different depending on your unique circumstances.

This is how many They Ask, You Answer certified coaches choose to package their services and scale over time.

1. They Ask, You Answer workshops

During your intensive first week of sessions, you’ll learn much of what you need to know to begin offering They Ask, You Answer workshops.

In fact, you’ll present elements of the workshop directly to Marcus Sheridan and Chris Duprey, lead program coach, in your second week — and you'll get detailed feedback.

After you complete the first six months of the certification program, you can begin to offer these workshops on your own. (Note: Here’s how IMPACT markets its own They Ask, You Answer workshops.)

Typical coaches charge around $5,000 for this workshop, plus travel costs, if you choose to do one in person.

You can deliver workshops on your own. No additional team members are required.

2. They Ask, You Answer coaching

Upon completion of the certification program you will be able to offer full-fledged coaching services to your clients. The typical coach charges around $2,500 per month for this ongoing service, meeting with clients two to four times per month.

No additional team members are required.

3. They Ask, You Answer Mastery

As coaches scale their business and staff up their agency, They Ask, You Answer Mastery is their flagship service offering. Priced between $5,000 and $10,000 per month, They Ask, You Answer Mastery services typically include coaching, as well as supplemental training in content, video, and HubSpot.

Most certified coaches have team members assist them in delivering this service. For example, a content trainer and a HubSpot trainer.

Better service for your current clients

Becoming a certified They Ask, You Answer coach doesn’t just allow you to offer new services to your clients. It also helps you improve the services you already provide.

Your training with IMPACT will help you have better, more productive relationships with your current clients as well. The certification program will focus heavily on communication training, including role-plays and other skill-building activities.

In future meetings with clients, you’ll be more candid, facilitate richer discussion and debate, and build effective consensus among stakeholders.

No one can articulate the value of this more clearly than a recent graduate.

In reflecting on his They Ask, You Answer training, Nick Burrage said this:

“[The training] has revolutionized my presentations both remote and in person. It has given me a set of skills that allow me to maintain much more stature and power in client relationships.”

“All of these things translate into improved profitability and less wasted time which are, obviously, massive benefits.”

The better work you do with clients, the more productive and profitable you will be. A certified They Ask, You Answer coach is a more dynamic and effective professional.

What you do with your training is up to you

A They Ask, You Answer coaching certification is a rich learning experience that will deepen your knowledge, improve your communication ability, and enhance your professional relationships.

We’ve had past graduates sell They Ask, You Answer workshops within days of completing their initial training. In doing so, they made much of their investment back within a few weeks.

But what you do with this knowledge is up to you. After all, you run your business, not us. You make decisions on how you package and sell your services.

The opportunities outlined above represent the tip of the iceberg. There’s a tremendous amount of opportunity for agencies willing to reimagine the way they work with clients.

If you’ve struggled with thin profit margins, unhappy clients, and frustrated employees, coaching offers a new way forward that benefits all parties. Your clients will be more successful and self-determined — and your agency will operate with better profit margins and a more sustainable pace, the value of which is undeniable.

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How does your sales & marketing measure up?
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