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How does your sales & marketing measure up?
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Bob Ruffolo

By Bob Ruffolo

Jul 14, 2016


Marketing Strategy

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10 Free Marketing Conference Sessions Everyone Needs to Watch [Slides & Videos]

Bob Ruffolo

By Bob Ruffolo

Jul 14, 2016

10 Free Marketing Conference Sessions Everyone Needs to Watch [Slides & Videos]

It's been over a month, but the overwhelmingly positive response  we got after our first marketing conference has not worn off. 

On June 3rd, we gathered some of the sales and marketing industries greatest minds to share their expert advice, insights, and business lessons at Brewing Marketing & Sales Success 2016 and it was a huge win for everyone involved. 

We laughed, learned, and even threw back a few awesome brews, but in case you weren't one of the lucky 130+ marketers to join us, I'm excited to finally share ALL of the session videos with you in this article. 

Thanks to our media partner, VBD Video Productions & Freelance Services, we have all of the expert sessions captured in the 10 videos below.  

Check out my and Tom's sessions right now then unlock the rest to hear what our keynote speaker, David Meerman Scott, HubSpot's Pete Caputa, and so many more had to share! 

Here's the Agenda:

Bob Ruffolo: Welcome / Are You Ready For This Kind of Growth?

"Generating business from the internet is critical to your success. You need to increase your brand awareness. You need to improve your lead generation. You need more revenue. You’ve heard it all and know content, search, social media are key to making it happen. “Let’s just buy software and hire a blogger” you say, or “maybe we can just hire an agency to do it all for us.”

If that sounds like you, you’re not alone.

There are great case studies of companies that found digital marketing success, but there’s just as many companies, if not more, that feel stuck and can’t crack that code.

The reason: They’re not ready to do what it takes.

And without making a major change, it’s never going to work for them. To succeed, it takes a shift culture, commitment, humbleness, risk and thought leadership to stand out.

In this session, Bob Ruffolo walks you through his Success Readiness Scorecard to see how ready you are for growth and help you identify what changes you need to make right now to improve."

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Tom DiScipio: Case Study: How IMPACT Prospects Inbound Leads

"Ok, so you’ve made an investment in lead generation, but revenue has not increased at the same rate - what gives? This is not as uncommon as you may think... Most small to mid-sized businesses still won’t see an uptick in revenue when lead generation increases. Why? Because most sales teams don’t know how to prospect inbound leads.

Tom DiScipio walks you through the systems IMPACT has put in place to ensure we’re maximizing the revenue being generated from our marketing efforts. He also provides a step-by-step playbook so you could do the same for your organization."

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David Meerman Scott: Real-Time Marketing and Newsjacking to Reach your Buyers

"Today’s communications revolution presents tremendous growth opportunities for those who know how to tap this once-in-a-millennium transformation. Gone are the days of planning marketing and public relations programs to suit your timetable. It’s a real-time world now — if you’re not engaged, you’ve opened doors for your competition.

In this energetic session, David Meerman Scott shows how to make the power of real-time to work for you! His inspiring, high-energy presentations are tailored to each audience, revealing ways to generate attention for products and services in minutes (not months.)

Audiences walk away with relevant and actionable ideas: how to develop (or refine) products or services based on feedback from customers or events in the marketplace; how to engage when people are eager to do business; how to make speed and agility a competitive weapon; how to get the media talking about you; and much more.

Real-time business means acting first — and — while your competitors scramble to adjust, opening new channels that grow your brand. Scott shows how to succeed NOW . . . in real-time."

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Luke Summerfield: Rethinking Web Design: Building a Peak Performing Website with Less Waste and in Half the Time

“You are wasting time and resources on your website and don’t even know it.” - The traditional web design process is totally broken, resulting in long timelines, late launches, running over-budget and lackluster results.

Join Luke as he teaches you Growth-Driven Design, a smarter approach for building and growing your website which leverages user-guided decisions, continuous iteration, and personalization to create a peak performing website."

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Pete Caputa: 8 Steps to Creating a Predictable, Scalable, Lovable Client Acquisition Machine

"Peter Caputa IV
 shares the 8 step inbound sales and marketing process HubSpot pioneered. Pete was a key player in not just creating this playbook, but he also founded and scaled HubSpot’s partner program which has taught agencies how to implement this process for client after client. Because of Pete’s vision and execution, partners like IMPACT are among 2900 others worldwide who have helped tens of thousands of companies attract and close clients of their own.

In total, more than 15k customers have implemented the inbound marketing process and 60k more have implemented inbound selling practices.

Based on the hundreds of case studies HubSpot and its partners have published showing measurable increases in traffic, leads and sales, this 8 step process is designed to provide a predictable and improvable ROI when leveraged consistently."

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Scott Drozd, Allison DePaola, and Andrew Dymski: The Business Growth Panel

"In this exciting panel, gain unique insights into what it takes to grow your business. Want to know what it takes to turn a small brick and mortar company into a $20 million ecommerce machine? Or would you like to know it takes to get a bootstrapped startup software company noticed? How about the legal issues facing digital marketers today and in the future? Topics will include culture, growth, podcasts, processes, and compliance." 

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Michael Hurczyn: Here is What Happened to Me, Today. Creating Remarkable Content Out of Ordinary Conversations.

"'Wait! You want me to write how much?' Have you ever felt this way? Creating content can be a daunting task. This session helps you find content creation opportunities out of some of your daily routine tasks, discuss what formats are effective today, and what you can do to repurpose some of your existing content.

Michael Hurczyn, Director of Inbound Strategy at 710 Studios, shows you how he has taken mundane items like solicitation emails and phone calls, and turned them into engaging content for the web." 

Download the slides here

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Tim Lynch: Sales Team Efficiency & The Importance of CRM Adoption

"Tim discusses the importance of having the right marketing and sales playbooks as well as the technology needed to support these efforts -- but what happens if the people in your organization are not following protocol?

Tim Lynch, VP of Sales at Applango, walks you through the realities of organizational sales technology adoption and the steps you need to take to change behavior, improve efficiency, and maximize your revenue and ROI."

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Karl Sakas: Three Magic Words to Grow Your Profits

"Once you invest in marketing and sales to get customers, how do you keep them? According to Bain & Company, increasing customer retention by just 5% can boost your profits 25-85%.

Successful, profitable retention comes down to a simple yet powerful concept: "Warmth & Competence." You magnetically retain customers, by giving your team a framework for making better short- and long-term decisions. This comes from The HUMAN Brand, by Princeton psychologist Susan Fiske and CMO Chris Malone.

Agency consultant Karl Sakas shows you how to apply Warmth & Competence to your business. It's worked at companies across the world, and it can work for you, too!"


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David Meerman Scott & Bob Ruffolo: Fireside Chat

After a full day of sessions, David and Bob fields questions from the audience to ensure no question has been left unanswered.

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How does your sales & marketing measure up?
Take this free, 5-minute assessment and learn what you can start doing today to boost traffic, leads, and sales.