
They Ask, You Answer Mastery

A coaching & training program that drives unmatched sales & marketing results.


Sales Performance Mastery

Improve the competencies and close rates of your sales organization.

Web design

Website Mastery

Web design, development & training for your team.


HubSpot Mastery

Everything you need to get the most from HubSpot.

AI Mastery

AI Enablement Mastery

Unlock the power of AI in all aspects of your revenue operations.

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[NEW] The Endless Customers Podcast is now available everywhere. Learn how to earn trust & win more customers in the age of AI. Listen Now Listen Now
AI for Marketing & Sales Enablement
AI for Marketing & Sales Enablement

AI for Marketing & Sales Enablement

AI for Marketing & Sales Enablement

Stop dabbling with AI tools like ChatGPT, and start building a future-ready, superpowered sales and marketing operation, out-performing competitors, and rising as the clear leader in your industry with coaching and training from IMPACT.

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Learn about IMPACT's AI Training for Marketing & Sales.

Master AI with IMPACT, Your Guide in the AI Revolution

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Watch the Overview
Moments like this only happen once or twice in our lifetime. We are in the midst of the largest business transformation since the rise of the internet. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not just changing the game — it's rewriting the rules.

Companies that fail to adapt risk being outpaced, outsmarted, and outperformed by their AI-empowered competitors. Tragically, most CEOs are unprepared for this seismic shift and won't see it coming until it's too late. Is your business ready to seize the AI opportunity, or will it be blindsided and left in the digital dust?

No one is better equipped to guide you through this revolution than IMPACT. We do more than just introduce you to the latest AI tools and advancements in sales and marketing (although we excel at that). Our mission is to help you build a workforce that, from top to bottom, fully embraces and capitalizes on AI in every aspect of their daily work. This drives productivity, efficiency, increased revenue, and ultimately, more profit for your company. We align your entire organization around a common vision of becoming an AI-enabled powerhouse, invigorating your team with a shared purpose. And while we're at it, we ensure you're protected from risks associated with privacy, security, copyright violations, and costly or embarrassing automation errors.

What To Expect

8 Ways IMPACT Helps You Master AI in Your Sales & Marketing

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Watch What To Expect

We will lead your sales and marketing teams on an AI transformation journey. Starting from their current state of dabbling with AI, we will illuminate the profound shift AI brings to the business world. We will enable them to fully embrace AI, instilling a culture of experimentation and innovation. The end result is unequivocal: we will turn your teams into the most AI-empowered force in your industry, setting a new benchmark in leveraging the power of AI.

Full Buy-In and Alignment on AI

Without proper introduction and alignment, many of your employees will likely respond to AI with resistance, fear, or skepticism, while others will blindly start using AI in their day-to-day work, unaware of the privacy or security risks they may be creating for the company or your customers. That’s why it’s critical to begin your AI journey with a workshop that gets everyone excited, aligned, and educated on responsible use — your IMPACT coach will run this workshop for you.

AI Tool Experimentation and Improved Workflows

Long-term success with AI isn’t just a one-time training project. Rather, it requires building a culture of continuous learning, experimentation and improvement in productivity and profitability over time. Starting with the workshop and through regular coaching and training from our team, all members of your sales and marketing team will be empowered to explore AI in their day-to-day work, within the company guidelines.

Guidelines that Empower & Protect

We help you create guidelines for proper AI usage inside your organization. These guidelines are agreed upon by the leaders in your organization to empower your team to explore and learn, while also having the proper guard rails to ensure they’re doing this in a safe environment. Your IMPACT coach will guide you through the creation of your guidelines to ensure they empower and protect your AI implementation.

Insights & Training

We keep up-to-date on all things AI, such as advancements, use cases, and softwares, and we bring you the right insights, inspiration, examples, and recommendations for your company. The speed at which AI is advancing is a challenge to keep up with, and knowing what to look into and what to ignore can lead to one giant headache. Thankfully our IMPACT coaches are experts and stay up-to-date and in-the-know in order to guide you and your organization.

Risk Avoidance

We help you protect against risks in regards to privacy, security, copyright violations, and costly or embarrassing automation errors. We’ll work hand-in-hand with your employees and observe what they’re doing to ensure nothing will create a risk for you, as the CEO, down the road. We know you want to go fast, but we also know you want to avoid risk, and that’s where we come in.


In a world where far too many companies will wrongly overuse automation, generative copy, and deep-fakes, we’ll make sure your brand never loses its authenticity or perception of thought leadership and trust from your market. While you’re taking advantage of the power of AI for sales and marketing, we help you make sure your brand is always leading with real people, authenticity, and trust, and not falling into a sea of AI-generated generic content.

100% Participation

We help you integrate AI responsibilities into your sales and marketing organizations, with the right roles for the size of your company. This isn’t another marketing idea that your team is going to “try out.” This will be a full culture shift for your organization. Every single member of your team will need to be 100% on board with AI implementation, so much so that it’s within their job description. This won’t be an easy feat, and there will be push back. However, your IMPACT coaches are prepared to guide you through this process and bring the culture of AI Mastery in-house for your organization.

Measure the ROI of AI Efforts

We help you measure the ROI of your AI efforts, case by case and overall. While having time to experiment with AI sounds like a great idea — and it is —at the end of the day we need to ensure this is increasing profitability. So as your team begins exploration, we’ll ensure there is a true use case for each tool that drives profitability, increases efficiencies, and affirms your strategic choice to bring AI Mastery in-house.


5 Steps to AI for Marketing & Sales Mastery

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Watch the Process

What Does the Process Look Like?

Book a Call with an IMPACT Coach (It’s Free)

Start your journey towards in-house mastery of AI by booking a call with an IMPACT coach. Right from the start, your IMPACT coach will work with you to understand your current marketing state and challenges, solidify your goals, and figure out whether or not our program is a good fit for you. On your initial call, you can expect actionable advice that you can start implementing right away, whether we work together or not.

Create an Implementation Plan Customized for You

If we determine that we're a good fit for each other, your IMPACT coach will begin crafting a training program tailored to your needs. We understand that every company has a unique starting point with AI capabilities, buy-in, and experience, as well as distinct needs and goals. That's why our approach is a blend of proven training methods and processes, honed through our work with hundreds of companies like yours. Yet, we also provide the customization necessary to meet your company exactly where it stands. With IMPACT, you get the training program that is right for you.

Get Everyone Fully Aligned & Bought-In

When starting any new engagement, the first and most critical step is getting everyone in your organization aligned and bought-in to the vision and strategy for AI in sales and marketing. This specifically includes the sales organization and senior leadership, who stand to generate the biggest gains from this program — but only if they understand their role in the process. We accomplish this with a powerful AI strategy workshop, facilitated by your IMPACT coach, teaching everyone on your team the principles of effective AI implementation and showcasing examples, leaving everyone excited, energized, and ready to get to work. This workshop can be done virtually or in-person.

Begin Ongoing Coaching & Training

Once the team is aligned, it’s time to get to work.

  • Create AI guidelines.

  • Empower employees to start experimenting.

  • AI training for content marketing, video marketing, sales, analytics, and more.

  • Quarterly planning sessions. Every quarter, your IMPACT coach will facilitate a quarterly planning session to review your progress, set priorities, and get everyone aligned for the next 90-day thrust.

  • Executive-level coaching sessions. All of our programs include coaching with senior leadership at least once per month. Here we discuss our progress, prioritize goals, strategize on overcoming challenges, and align on the vision for future sales and marketing initiatives. These sessions also provide an opportunity to review performance metrics, ensuring our efforts are driving the desired results and contributing to the overall growth of your organization.

  • Share learnings company-wide and celebrate wins. Having intentional time set aside on a weekly basis for exploration is only worth it if we’re sharing what we learn with one another. This is an extremely collaborative process, and learning together will only make this process smoother. What did we learn that we should all avoid? What did we learn that we can all learn from? When we have a win, let’s celebrate it — and let’s celebrate it in a big way. This is just a small taste of the way you can build an in-house culture of AI for your organization.

  • Group training and masterminds. As your team's AI program evolves, we’ll extend an invitation to participate in group training sessions and mastermind meetings. These gatherings bring together other clients and members of the IMPACT community, all of whom are leveraging AI to grow their businesses. This collaborative environment fosters a sense of community, promotes shared learning, and serves as a source of inspiration, enhancing your team's experience.

  • IMPACT+. Everyone in your organization will receive access to IMPACT+ which is loaded with all the courses and tools you need as part of this program, as well as members of the IMPACT community who are always ready to lend a helping hand.
Master AI In-House

The last and final step of the process is when you achieve foundational mastery of AI for sales and marketing enablement inside your organization. Meaning you’re implementing AI consistently, your organization is fully integrated and aligned with the process of using AI to close deals faster, and you’re seeing significant gains in revenue from your AI efforts. It takes a typical company 6 months to build the foundation of in-house AI mastery.

At this stage, clients no longer need such an intense AI training program, and either reduce the intensity of their coaching and training program, or start shifting their focus to improving other areas of their sales and marketing with IMPACT’s guidance.

Meet the Coaches

Who Will I Be Working With?

In your journey with us, you'll be aligning with a coach who fully grasps the challenges you confront daily. Just like you and your team, they too are responsible for creating content, closing deals, and managing their own book of business; they don't merely instruct, but also 'walk the walk.'

Most importantly, all IMPACT coaches are proficiently trained in the art of coaching business professionals. They know exactly how to press the right levers to help you and your team unlock and unleash your utmost potential.


How Much Do IMPACT’s Coaching and Training Services Cost?


Small Business

(< $2.5m in revenue)

Mid-Sized Business

($2.5m to $50m in revenue)

Large Business

(> $50m in revenue)

Coaching & Training For Mid-Sized Businesses ($2.5m to $50m in revenue)

Free Initial Coaching Sessions: At IMPACT, we believe in starting strong, which is why we offer a few free coaching sessions. This allows you to become comfortable with your coach, and it gives us a chance to understand your business's unique needs. We'll delve into your sales and marketing challenges and map out your current standing and future goals, providing valuable, actionable advice you can implement right away.

Tailored Coaching & Training Programs: After gaining a clear understanding of your business, we'll work on creating a coaching and training program custom-designed for your needs. The typical cost range for most small businesses is between $10,000 and $15,000 per month (with a one-month setup fee), though it can sometimes be less and sometimes it could be more. 

At IMPACT, we’re committed to offering world-class sales and marketing coaching to businesses of all sizes. We know that mid-sized businesses often operate differently than smaller or larger businesses, and our coaching and training programs are designed to accommodate this. Even though our approach with mid-sized businesses might differ from that of smaller or larger ones, we believe in the potential of all businesses to achieve greatness with the right guidance and support.

Price Determining Factors: You might ask, "Why the range?" Well, two primary factors influence the final pricing:

  1. The scale of your goals. More ambitious goals require a more intensive coaching program.
  2. The number of training programs your team engages in simultaneously. Often, tackling several programs at once is key to mastering sales, marketing, and They Ask, You Answer within 18-24 months.

Additional Considerations: To achieve optimum sales and marketing results with the "They Ask, You Answer" framework, you need to have the right personnel, software, and/or equipment. These are crucial factors to consider when setting your budget.

IMPACT+ Included in Your Program: Every program includes an IMPACT+ for Business subscription in the initial setup fee. This provides access to our online community, a variety of enriching courses, progress scorecards, and passes to in-person events such as the "They Ask, You Answer" Summit and IMPACT Live.

In the initial sessions, we'll discuss your budget and work together to create a program that both fits your financial capabilities and drives you toward your goals. Let's get started on this journey towards success!

How To Get Started

Take the First Step to AI Mastery

Ready to get started? Go ahead and book your call with an IMPACT coach to see if AI training with IMPACT is right for you.

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You Ask, We Answer

Who is IMPACT? Who is IMPACT?
What is IMPACT+? What is IMPACT+?
What countries does IMPACT work with? What countries does IMPACT work with?
What happens if I’m not satisfied with the service? What happens if I’m not satisfied with the service?
Does IMPACT work with marketing agencies? Does IMPACT work with marketing agencies?
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