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Stephanie Hughes

By Stephanie Hughes

Aug 22, 2013


Social Media Marketing

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Are You Ignoring Negative Feedback on Social Media?

Stephanie Hughes

By Stephanie Hughes

Aug 22, 2013

Are You Ignoring Negative Feedback on Social Media?


Are You Ignoring Negative Feedback on Social Media?Having your company present on social media is very important in order to connect with current and potential customers.

Whats even more important is to make sure that your company is actively posting and engaging with it's customers.

I'm sure you can agree that when you come across a company's social media account and discover that they aren't active, it's disappointing.

That company is missing out on tons of opportunities.

Social media has increasingly become a place for consumers to contact businesses to share their experiences with their products or service, opinion on the service that they received, or even a place to connect with other customers.

What do you do when a customer writes a negative comment on your social media account? Do you ignore it? Absolutely not. That's almost as bad as deleting it!

Here are a few of our tips on how to easily handle negative feedback on your social media accounts.

How to Ensure You're Not Ignoring Negative Feedback on Social Media

Timing is Everything

On social media accounts like Facebook and Yelp, leaving a negative comment unaddressed can be detrimental to your company's reputation.

Potential customers are likely to visit your social media accounts before making a purchase. Seeing a negative comment about your company can discourage someone from doing business with you.

Addressing negative feedback as soon as possible is critical in handling it properly. That negative comment, if addressed in a timely manner, can show a potential customer that your company cares about the experiences your customers have and that you work hard to improve any negative experiences they may have. If the issue is handled quickly, it can make a huge difference!

Have a Game Plan

Knowing that you need to address negative comments in a timely fashion, you should make a plan of how to handle issues so that when they arise, you can quickly respond and offer a fix to the issue.

A game plan should include the people who are responsible for handling issues on social media, as well as the types of solutions you will offer to unhappy customers to compensate for their negative experience.

Deciding who will be responsible for negative comments is important to ensure that people in your company know that as soon as negative feedback is received, they are the ones that need to make sure to address it.

Make Sure to Personalize it

It seems like its becoming more and more common to see companies responding to users with what appears to be automated responses.

Depending on the amount of comments a company receives can impact how personalized a response can be. If you are able to make a message personalized, you should. It shows that you took the time to read the feedback and thought about the best way to help out your customer. It also shows that you didn't just copy and paste a typical response.

Making people feel heard and appreciated will show that you care about your customers and their experiences with your company. Even if a customer had a bad experience, theres an opportunity to make it up to them and keep their business.

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