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Getting into your car and driving without a destination point can be fun, but is generally a waste of time. If you blog without a sense of direction you will have the same problem.
Your time is valuable so plan ahead and know where you’re going.
Even the most savvy bloggers, sometimes need a road map to ensure that they're on the right course.
Whether you blog once a week or three times a day, these four tips will help to guide you in your blogging journey.
Four Ways to Give your Blog Content More Direction
1. Know Your Audience
Why won’t One Direction ever tour with Metallica? Because they each draw a very different audience.
The same idea applies to blogging. Knowing your audience will help you determine what your content should be and how you should approach it. A post that is geared towards prospects should be framed differently than one that is for people who are already using your product.
Consider blogging on topics related to your frequently asked questions. If people are asking you these questions, then there are other people researching them on search engines.
2. Use Keywords
Consider what keywords are important for your business and for the topic you are blogging about. Incorporating these keywords will improve your search engine optimization (SEO). Your keywords can also help you to build a framework for the talking points your blog post should cover.
If you are having difficulty coming up with new content you can also research your keywords for new topic ideas. Long tailed keywords are especially easy to do this with.
3. Tie-In to Other Content
Sometimes the purpose of a blog is to promote other content, like a new offer on your website. By tying your new content to a call to action (CTA) you are keeping the reader on your website longer, and also providing them with additional value.
Is your new blog post related to a blog post that you had previously published? Include a link to the older post in your new blog. Your readers will find value in it if they are interested in the topic but did not catch the older post the first time. This can also help you to re-promote the older content that you already spent time on.
4. Stay Consistent
Every year in January gym memberships skyrocket due to new years resolutions. During the first week or two of the year it can be hard to find a parking spot or an open treadmill. But then the majority of the new members stop coming. Once you loose momentum on a new commitment it is hard to stay committed to it.
Don’t be a new years resolution blogger, set a schedule and stick to it. If you are going to post once a week on Wednesday mornings, then make sure you post every Wednesday morning. Your readers will get used to your schedule and you may loose their loyalty if you don’t keep up with it. It is also easier to continue to find time for blogging in your schedule when you make it a part of your regular routine.
Do you need help planning and organizing the content for your blog?
Don't ever let inconsistency affect your traffic and leads. With our blog editorial calendar, you will be on track in no time.

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