IMPACT Inbound Marketing Agency]

They Ask, You Answer Mastery

A coaching & training program that drives unmatched sales & marketing results.


Sales Performance Mastery

Improve the competencies and close rates of your sales organization.

Web design

Website Mastery

Web design, development & training for your team.


HubSpot Mastery

Everything you need to get the most from HubSpot.

AI Mastery

AI Enablement Mastery

Unlock the power of AI in all aspects of your revenue operations.

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Learning Center
Learning Center

Learning Center

Free resources to help you improve the way you market, sell and grow your business.

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John Becker

By John Becker

Oct 6, 2020


Inbound Marketing Marketing Strategy Working With Marketing Agencies
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Why do They Ask, You Answer Mastery packages start at $8,500 per month?

John Becker

By John Becker

Oct 6, 2020

Why do They Ask, You Answer Mastery packages start at $8,500 per month?

They Ask, You Answer Mastery programs are comprehensive and personalized to your business’ needs. You can expect frequent intensive coaching and training sessions with IMPACT experts in a variety of subjects — all designed to help you energize and revolutionize your business. 

In any given month, you can anticipate two leadership coaching sessions with your IMPACT coach and your account manager, as well as several subject matter expert (SME) training sessions. If you elect a package with a shorter timeline, you will see as many as 12 SME training sessions per month. Additionally, extended planning sessions will take place each quarter and each year. 

Your $8,500 monthly fee grants you access to these experts, this personalized coaching and training, and your entire program of study. 

Why businesses need to do it themselves

At IMPACT, we believe fundamentally that businesses can and should take control of their content marketing efforts.

All too often, we talk with businesses who are paying handsomely to agencies to complete their content marketing tasks. This could be producing videos, scheduling emails, or monitoring their HubSpot portal. Worst of all, thousands and thousands of businesses are letting agencies write their content — which we believe to be the very soul of a business. 

Think about this: If a prospect is interested in doing business with you, who would you like them to talk to to learn more — you or a freelance writer? Of course you’d want that prospect to talk to you. After all, you know what makes your business special. You know how your products and services solve for their problems. 

Your content should be no different. When you produce your content in-house, you make it more authentic and genuine. In-house production also allows you to greatly increase the volume of what you produce. No longer will you be hindered by an agency contract that says you’re only allowed to have X pieces of content with X number of revisions.

We at IMPACT want you to imagine a different future. Rather than paying an agency in perpetuity, we train you to take ownership of your digital sales and marketing. In 12 to 24 months, you will achieve mastery and independence. 

Our goal is to train you so you no longer need our services. Our goal is your independence. 

To truly achieve independence and mastery, however, you need to invest in your own learning. Your fees to IMPACT ensure that you have all you need to take ownership of your digital sales and marketing.

What’s included in They Ask, You Answer Mastery?

Each Mastery package includes frequent meetings with your coach, your account manager, and numerous IMPACT subject matter experts.

You can expect to engage in the following meetings — and can anticipate “homework” in between sessions to extend your learning and build a shared library of terminology and concepts.

1. Quarterly planning session (4x a year, 2-4 hours)

Who you should bring: Your leadership team, head of sales, head of marketing

Who we bring: Your IMPACT coach

What to expect: Each planning session will be a deep dive into your company’s health and goals. Your IMPACT team will utilize the digital sales and marketing scorecard to help set priorities, develop your one page strategic plan (OPSP), work on goal setting, and build a quarterly plan.

2. Leadership coaching sessions (usually twice a month, depending on client needs; 45-90 minutes)

Who you should bring: Your leadership team

Who we bring: Your IMPACT coach

What to expect: Your leadership coaching sessions will focus on detailed strategic work with your IMPACT coach. You can expect to review progress on quarterly priorities, initiatives, and learning objectives. This will also be a time to address impediments and decisions your company has made. 

3. Subject matter expert coaching sessions (30-45 minutes)

Note: The frequency of these meetings depends on the needs of the client and the discretion of the coach.

Who you should bring: Your HubSpot manager, content manager, videographer, or other staff as needed

Who we bring: IMPACT trainers

What to expect: These highly tactical training sessions will help your internal team develop mastery of core skills related to all aspects of digital sales and marketing. Your SME trainers will review your team’s progress and task completion, and assign lessons to ensure further skill development.

🔎 Related reading: What's included in IMPACT's comprehensive They Ask, You Answer Mastery program?

What’s not included in the Mastery program?

While the program is designed to be inclusive, there are some services that would incur additional costs.

IMPACT services not included

Your Mastery program is designed to offer you the coaching, training, and consulting necessary for you to bring your marketing in-house.

In addition, IMPACT does offer select implementation services that are not included in the package. These include

  • Paid media ad campaigns
  • Website design and development
  • Certain intricate HubSpot implementation services 

Your They Ask, You Answer Mastery package might include strategic coaching or training sessions with web development experts or paid media experts, but the building of a website or the development and deployment of a paid media campaign would be an additional expense.

Details about each of these can be found on our services pages

In the event that you and your coach and account manager determine that you need a website update, for example, you can speak with our team of web strategists to determine a path forward. 

Non-IMPACT related expenses

HubSpot and other technology: Accurate reporting on your content marketing efforts is crucial to the effective development of your strategy. As such, you will need to invest in the HubSpot platform. This presents a sliding scale of costs depending on your size and needs.

The cost of HubSpot marketing software can vary: From a free package up to $3,453 per month for the complete enterprise solution. On average, our clients spend about $10,000 per year on HubSpot.

🔎 Related reading: HubSpot pricing: Your guide to everything HubSpot costs

Some clients might choose to invest in other software needs (such as video hosting platforms) that should be coordinated independently.

Additionally, internal video production will require an investment in equipment and software. These needs vary for each business.

Cost of new team members: Your IMPACT coach will advise you to expand your internal marketing team to acheive the marketing autonomy that is the goal of the program. This means additional salary costs, which will vary somewhat based on your needs, location, and size.

Should you hire a content manager and a videographer, you can expect annual salary expenses to total around $110,000.

Your total out-of-pocket cost

They Ask, You Answer Mastery is designed to be a comprehensive program that’s personalized to your needs. Your monthly expense can vary from $8,500 per month to $15,000 per month, but the total package cost is nearly consistent. You can expect to pay around $180,000 as a total investment.

Therefore, if you engage in the 18-month Mastery package, and you bring on a content manager and a videographer, and you begin using HubSpot, you can expect to spend around $250,000 in the next year, give or take.

While these combined expenses represent a sizable investment, keep in mind that you will be drastically reducing (and eventually eliminating) what you spend on your outsourced marketing, so out-of-pocket costs should be significantly offset. 

IMPACT Live Group

Register for IMPACT Live in Hartford CT, October 14-16!

Register for the one and only They Ask, You Answer conference before rates go up July 31! Save $200 now.