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George B Thomas

By George B Thomas

Jan 5, 2017


Video Marketing

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Video Marketing

Video Marketing: Getting Your Company Started With Video

George B Thomas

By George B Thomas

Jan 5, 2017

Video Marketing: Getting Your Company Started With Video

It only takes a few Google searches for "2017 marketing strategies" to realize video marketing is at the top of everyones list. Here at IMPACT, we have been teaching our clients that 50% of their content creation moving forward, should be video content.

But, sometimes that's easier said than done!

We are so passionate about your company getting into the video marketing game, we even created an article "5 Easy Videos Every Small Business Can Make ASAP" where we share with you some great video marketing examples.

So, how do you get started? Better yet, why should you get started?

In a study done by Animoto last year, they found that four times as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it. In fact, 25% of consumers actually lose interest in companies that aren’t using video.

Since we want you to be successful and don't want your visitors to lose interest, let's get into it.

Video Marketing: It's About The Culture

When I say culture, I mean that it's important to make video a priority. Your video marketing efforts can not be a "bolt on" to what you are already doing. It needs to flow through everything you do when marketing your company. The easiest way to make this happen is to make it a priority in your marketing strategy.

Give your video marketing it's own area, it's own person, it's own time, it's own equipment.

Video Marketing: Office Studio

If you have a spare office or conference room, talk to your team about converting it into the video marketing department. Get your existing video equipment together, get it setup and ready to go.

Having a space ready to go makes it super simple to shoot that landing page, sales email signature, or new home page video. It allows you to be creative in the moment and removes the hurdle of time.

Acquiring some basic equipment including lights, backdrops, and mounting equipment, you can easily set up this space. Learn how to set up an office studio on a beginner budget or how to upgrade your office studio here.

Video Marketing: Videographer

Once you have your office studio set up, you'll need a captain to steer the video ship.

Best practice is to hire a full time "Jack Sparrow" videographer that has experience in production, editing, and promoting those new shiny videos you create. If your company does over 2 million in revenue, then this position should not even be an issue. However, we realize sometimes buy-in is proven, not given.

If you can't afford a full-time videographer or the powers that be don't understand the importance yet, well, the road may be a bit difficult but not impossible.

You can start by teaching yourself the tricks of the trade. Here are some of the video basics you will want to start with:

Most of this education can be found on YouTube for free. After you read the rest of the article, enjoy the "treasure" of links I gave you above. If you find new spoils along your internet training, make sure to add them in the comments below for future readers.

Pro tip: Search for your camera, mic, and light specific models to get more specific training videos.

If you want to dig deeper, a subscription or subscription to the Wistia Learning Center will be the educational tools of choice.

Video Marketing: Editorial Calendar

One of the most important parts of getting started is simply adding video content to your editorial calendar. What you schedule is important and what is important gets done.

When we go through this process with our clients at The Sales Lion we start with a couple things:

1. Schedule a brain dump of the most asked questions your sales team receives. Those questions should be videos that your sales team can then use to save time and close deals quicker in the future.

2. We also look at the Big 5 and align our video content with this search philosophy. If you have no clue what the Big 5 is, you can watch the Big 5 Explainer video.

See what I did there?

Video Marketing: Video Equipment

What I'm not going to do is tell you that you should spend $5,000 to $15,000 on video equipment. Likewise, I'm not going to tell you that you shouldn't spend that money either.

Each company is going to have a different budget level. The main point I want you to get here is no matter what budget, get the equipment, get educated, and get going.

Just don't let budget or equipment be the hurdle between you and success. There are many companies out there killing it with video marketing and simply shooting videos with an iPhone or Android device.

Now go get started with video marketing in your company.

If you have more specific questions, remember I am here for you. Just let me know in my inbox or in the comments below.

If you need help getting started, you may want to check out our Video Marketing Workshop. Or, just send us a list of your questions and we may create future videos that will help you along your way. Either way, just get started!

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