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Megan Lang

By Megan Lang

May 9, 2020


Video Marketing Infographics Marketing Strategy

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Why your marketing strategy should include personalized video [Infographic]

Megan Lang

By Megan Lang

May 9, 2020

Why your marketing strategy should include personalized video [Infographic]

I remember when I first started at IMPACT and I met Marcus Sheridan. Everyone had spoken so highly of him in the first few days I had worked there, I was excited to meet him. I also knew he was a well-known speaker and author.

When I finally met him, he was so nice to me, and asked me a few questions about myself, and then hopped onto a plane to go speak to a huge audience somewhere in the world.

I didn’t expect him to even remember my name when he returned some weeks later, but he did, and he even asked me how my dog was doing.

Have you ever experienced a feeling like that? That unexpected joy of being seen and remembered as an individual?

🔎 Related: Our ultimate video for sales getting started guide

We all love to be remembered and recognized as individuals. It makes us feel important. It’s flattering when people remember our names and remember certain things about us.

But when companies devote that level of attention toward us, it can make purchasing a more enjoyable, personal experience. 

This is why IMPACT loves personalized video.

When we reach out to clients and prospects, it lets us add a level of warmth and genuineness. Personalized video allows us to address an individual or company with specific, unique messaging.

We want to make sure people feel special and important. That’s part of why we partner with Vidyard. Their platform allows us to send personalized videos quickly and easily. All you need to get started is your computer’s webcam.

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You may not have any experience with personalizing video, so here are some facts from Vedia to give you insight into how personalization could give new life to your brand. 

People want brands to personalize their content

Just like when I met Marcus, I want to feel known in my social media experience as well.

It seems like I’m not alone in that feeling. According to Vedia, 81% of consumers said they want brands to know and understand them.

93% said they were annoyed at irrelevant content and wanted more personalized content. Consider me in that 93%. A misplaced or poorly-targeted ad will make me dismiss a brand entirely. 

Most marketers are on board

98% of marketers believe personalization is the way to go to advance customer relationships. And why wouldn’t they? 

Seeing your name in a GoVideo or getting specific messaging that relates to your interests shows the company’s interest in you. It shows that they’ve done their research. 

The fact is, personalization works. 

Personalized videos have 16-time higher click to open rates, and that they produce a 19% lift in sales. 

The difficulties

It sounds awesome, but personalization is sometimes not so easy to implement. 

It’s hard to collect data, let alone enough to personalize.

And it’s not free. Video services like Vidyard cost money (although there is a free version). 

Another difficulty would be the sheer number of videos. You can’t realistically send a video to everyone you think might be interested in your brand. You’ll have to figure out some kind of qualifier to know when personalized video makes sense and is feasible.

Lastly, you don’t want to be intrusive or creepy. We don’t want marketers jumping into our lives with too much information about us. 

It can be hard to find that line as a brand that says, “We think you’re special and want to treat you as an individual,” but not, “We've been watching everything you've been doing.” 

But a lot of marketers believe personalization is worth it. 97% of agencies said they were planning on increasing their budget for personalization.

Personalize it!

It can be a real effort to personalize video content. You might have to sift through your leads and decide who would benefit from a video. You might have to invest in video hosting platforms, and convince your sales team to get on camera.

But take a look at the stats below and decide for yourself if personalization is right for your company.



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