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So, Pillar Content Is Hard

But We're Going to Make It Easier

Here's the deal. Building topic clusters and creating meaningful, impactful pieces of pillar content takes practice and a lot of work. There's a good chance that, if you're reading this page, you attended one of my workshops on pillar content. That's great! We covered a lot of great stuff, didn't we?

However, there's also a chance you came across this page by accident, with no background or experience in my workshop. Or, you did attend, but you're like me -- you start forgetting all of the good stuff as soon as you walk out the door.

That's why I created this resource page -- a single source of truth, if you will -- on pillar content. I've created a lot of content over the past 18 months on the subject of pillar content -- podcasts, pieces of pillar content, a talk at IMPACT Live -- most of which I couldn't share with you during our time together. That's what you'll find here! 

If you have questions or feedback, shoot me an email

Watch This Video

My talk from IMPACT Live 2018 covers the WHY behind the rise of pillar content as the future of content strategy. Specifically, what's changed with search, as well as the most common dos and don'ts you need to keep in mind as you get started.

Read These Articles

Listen to These Podcast Episodes

Look at These Pillar Content Examples

Bonus Pillar Content Workbook

Some of this may look familiar, but it's a great resource to share with other people on your team -- or even other marketers outside of your organization!

Pillar Content Workbook

Want More Liz and/or Marketing Goodness?

Three times a week, we produce an obscenely useful email newsletter for marketers called THE LATEST. One day a week or more, I am the author of THE LATEST. Seriously, this is the email newsletter for marketers who freaking hate email newsletters. (Because that's me. I hate email newsletters. But not this one.)