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Myriah Anderson

By Myriah Anderson

Mar 12, 2019


Video Marketing Inbound Sales
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Video Marketing  |   Inbound Sales

How To Produce Consistent Video Content [Film School for Marketers Podcast, Ep. 6]

Myriah Anderson

By Myriah Anderson

Mar 12, 2019

How To Produce Consistent Video Content [Film School for Marketers Podcast, Ep. 6]

On this episode of the Film School for Marketers Podcast we dive into how to begin producing consistent content. We discuss the roadblocks organizations typically face, how you can overcome them, and ways you can empower your organization.

Before we jump in we talk about an announcement in the video marketing and sales world. Vidyard announced the release of their GoVideo app, available to those with iPhones. Check out more information about it here.

Now let’s talk about how your organization can start kicking off weekly video content.

Listen to the full episode here (or scroll down to watch the video):

Why Should Companies Be Producing 2-3 Pieces of Quality Video Content Per Week?

We talk about the correlation we’ve seen from organizations producing regular video content and how it ultimately helps the bottom line. Whether it’s for your marketing efforts, or for your sales teams - video allows you to create trust and transparency with your customers on an even deeper level than written content.

Who Needs To Be Involved In This Process

Having buy-in from the top down is one crucial element. They don’t need to be involved with the week to week but they need to help make sure things get done. Beyond that sales and marketing need to be working together as a revenue team. It’s more important that the sales team be involved with content and videos, more so than even marketing.

What Role Can Sales Teams Play In This?

Video is a sales tool that happens to have really favorable marketing results.

Your sales team is the most qualified to be in your videos. They know the prospect better than anyone. They spend the most time with them, they know common objections, what they care about, and how to talk to them. In most cases they have probably answered every question a prospect could ever have.

Sales team members are typically the best performers on camera. They’ve talked about things so much that they don’t need to think about what they are saying and they know how to communicate it.

Does A Company Need Dedicated Videographer?

The ones who pull off this type of consistent content usually have a videographer. It’s not to say that there isn’t someone who has enough time on your sales or marketing team who can enough pick up a camera and start making videos. If you can’t get a videographer just yet, start there.

What a videographer allows you to do is dedicate more time to setting up shoots, editing footage, sorting through script outlines, and doing pre-production.

What Are Things That Get In The Way Of Organizations Producing Consistent Content?

Too many layers of approval. Prior to creating video you need to find out how many approvals you’re going to need to eliminate friction. You also need to prioritize the right video content. Be aware that many times everything can become a priority at once and you have to decide what truly is going to be of the most important content to create first.

Make sure no one is going straight to videographer and add a layer of separation, so someone approves projects before.

Should You Plan Ahead For Video Content?

Video production has so many different moving parts that you have to keep your video schedule fluid. The best thing to do is list out all of your projects and rank them in priority. Schedule your shoots out, and a follow-up date if it doesn’t work - do your best to stick to it. It can be hard, but the best thing you can do is make sure high priority things go to the top of the list.

If you do plan too far in advance and a real priority comes up it will throw everything off. Which in the end would make all your strict scheduling a waste of time. Focus on being agile.

What Types Of Content Should Companies Produce Regularly and How

We dive into a question that Keven Ellison from our Film School for Marketers community had:

Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at 4.11.15 PMPrioritize customer questions. If you answer the questions that no one else is willing to address you will see improvement in leads and closing rates.  Address with honesty and transparency.

Building Library Of Content

So you’ve addressed all this great content, what next? You have to make sure your team can find everything. If your sales team can’t find the videos that answer customers top questions how is a prospect going to find it? Melissa Thompson Currier from our IMPACT Elite community had that exact question: 

Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at 4.10.50 PM

We recommend a weekly publication where the sales team is briefed on videos and blog content that has been created so the sales team knows about it and can be using it. Also consider using a tool like Vidyard and organizing video content into a library, or in templates that link out to videos that your team can use.

Some people get discouraged before they even create video. They think they are late to the game and won’t be successful. It’s never too late - it’s really just the beginning. If you form good habits and start now it will be easier as you go. The question is, are you going to wait to get into the game or wait until your competition is doing it?




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