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Myriah Anderson

By Myriah Anderson

May 15, 2019


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Diary Of Two Podcast Newbies: How To Start A Video Podcast [Film School For Marketers Podcast, Ep. 13]

Myriah Anderson

By Myriah Anderson

May 15, 2019

Diary Of Two Podcast Newbies: How To Start A Video Podcast [Film School For Marketers Podcast, Ep. 13]

On this episode of Film School for Marketers, Zach and I pass along what we've learned so far with starting a video podcast.

We are still learning as we go, but thought we'd share the initial struggles we've faced and what we've seen work well so far.

Listen to the full episode here (or scroll down to watch the video):

Camera Setup for a Video Podcast

We've had people reach out asking what we use for video footage.

Zach and I happen to live on opposite ends of the country so instead of being able to film our episodes together in person, we utilize a range of different tools and equipment to get things done.

For video, Zach uses a DSLR, while I use a mirrorless camera. We weren't happy with the quality of video Zoom recordings provided so we setup our cameras to record the video footage.

We also ask that our guests use a camera to record their video footage which can make things complicated when it comes to putting the three recordings together.

It's important to keep in mind that to put the three recordings together and have it look nice your guests need to stay in frame and composition has to be similar.

One technology hiccup we've seen with using cameras is that people's cameras sometimes shut off in the middle of the recording, a memory card will become full or your camera battery could run out.

It's important to keep those things in mind if you decide to go down the route of using your camera for video footage. 

We'd also recommend letting your guest know ahead of time all the different pieces involved and prep them on what they need to know prior to recording so you don't waste time when you're scheduled to record.

Audio Setup for a Video Podcast

We use Zoom while recording the podcast which is what we use for the audio piece.

For mics, we both use the Audio-Technica ATR2100-USB. They hook up straight to a USB port which makes things easy.

One thing we learned with audio is that if you're recording on Zoom, you should record separate audio files.

We noticed that if one of us was laughing or talking while the other person was, it would default one individual and cut out the others if we used one single audio recording.

We'd recommend isolating the recordings to avoid that.

Should You Use Lighting for Your Video Podcast?

Sometimes Zach will get reflectors out but not usually, since we both record out of areas of our home which have decent light.

Zach also talks about how he likes his setup because it's what you'd see if you were hanging out with him in person.

We talk about the vibe we wanted and why our setup is conducive to that.

The Editing Process of a Video Podcast 

Zach has to sync up all the video and audio feeds and then four separate versions of the video feed.

There is video feed for just Zach, just myself, and then for both of us. 

His process for editing is he rolls through and listens to the whole episode and goes back to make cuts and re-arranges if needed. As he's making trims, he hides different layers.

Usually it takes Zach 1-2 hrs peer week to edit and export the podcast for a 20-minute podcast. He uses Adobe Premiere Pro for everything. A lot of the audio post production he has laid out in a series of effects and template he can use every week. 

Starting a Video Podcast Is a Time Investment

When we first started, we didn't think the show would be as time consuming as it is.

We do editorial calendars, outlines, show notes, the recording, editing, and promoting.

You have to be aware of all the moving pieces and understand even if you're recording a 20-minute podcast, it doesn't mean you can get everything completed in less than an hour. 

Foundational Elements To Tackle First

Video podcasting is like approaching any great video project.

You should know what your podcast is going to feel like, what energy and emotion will it have.

Like most of his projects, Zach started with music as it dictates the feel. We also talk about the elements we originally planned on incorporating but didn't and why. 

Then Zach created our logo bumper which took him a long time to make since he's not a motion graphics artist. 

Once we had those assets done an we had a mood and idea down, then we made the album art which was our two pictures and the title for our branding.

We also did a promo video that we used for social promotion. We'll dive deeper into the promotion and branding side of a podcast in a future episode.

Uploading Process and Publishing a Video Podcast

I have to send Zach my footage which takes time and then Zach has to export the final video footage.

We then upload to various publishing platforms.

We then upload our video to YouTube and then take the same project and export the MP3 which then gets uploaded to Libsyn.

Libsyn then handles all the publishing to iTunes, Spotify and GooglePlay and gives us embed code for show notes. It's $15 a month and easy to use, and saves us time.

Biggest Takeaways

If you're thinking about starting a video podcast specifically first thing you need to figure out is the quality that you'd like to have.

You could record over Zoom and it would look fine or you can choose to have high quality and use cameras to record.

Second decision is what kind of technology for audio.

Early on we decided on our mics and Zoom. All your other considerations are branding and what you want the show to be and not to be. 

Two Bonus Pieces! 

1. Fellow IMPACTer Kathleen Booth did a fantastic article where she interviewed 24 professionals (including Zach and I) who have a podcast to learn the do's and don'ts of starting a podcast. You can read it here.

2. If you are interested in the equipment Zach uses you can check it out here.



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