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Vin Gaeta

By Vin Gaeta

Jul 26, 2017


Lead Generation HubSpot Case Studies Web Design

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HubSpot Website Redesign Improves UX, Increases Conversions

Vin Gaeta

By Vin Gaeta

Jul 26, 2017

HubSpot Website Redesign Improves UX, Increases Conversions

The Closet Works Inc. is a custom closet and organization solution company servicing the greater Philadelphia area. 

While their team had no issue delivering value to their clients with their top-of-the-line, custom solutions, their website was still failing to engage website visitors and convert them into leads. It was time for a website redesign.

The Challenge

Closet Works initially reached out to IMPACT in 2015 as they were ready to give their website a much-needed face lift using the HubSpot Website Platform.

That original design focused primarily on the products Closet Works offered and had numerous sections to guide the user through their journey -- but something felt off.

Overall website traffic and leads increased from their original design, but the site still didn’t feel “sticky” enough.

Users wouldn’t spend time browsing the company’s products, or reading and engaging with their content. A typical user would land on the site, browse aimlessly for a few minutes, and leave.

We knew something had to change.   

The Solution

Over the last two years, we made several iterative updates to the Closet Works website based on user data. The original goal was to improve the metrics on the website, but collectively we soon realized the site needed a full refresh.

In 2017, we began updating the overall design of the website and released new templates to help improve the user experience.  

We selected larger, brighter imagery, while also maximizing white space to allow the content to breathe, emphasize the products, and ultimately, guide the user through the website more naturally.

In addition to these changes, the color palette was shifted to appeal to a more feminine persona. This was in contrast to the previous strategy of seeking to attract a broader, more nebulous audience.


When selecting homepage elements, we focused on creating a fluid user experience that would carry through the rest of the website.


The new design followed a single-column style, with client testimonial videos being a focal point. The addition of top, middle, and bottom-of-the-funnel offers aimed to attract and convert website visitors, regardless of where they stood in the funnel.

It was then collectively determined the other main areas of focus should be the showroom and the blog.


The previous Closet Works' showroom felt clunky and cumbersome -- it needed its own redesign.


With the new Showroom, we focused on bigger, more vibrant images of each product. To complement each image, we also added a dedicated area for a brief description, as well as HubSpot CTAs to ensure the user always had a next step for their journey.

The addition of a larger social proof area was the final addition that gave the user everything they might need on the single page.


The blog underwent a much larger redesign, focusing  on readability and subscriber generation.


We leveraged our Blog Optimization Package to ensure an optimized and readable experience for the users.

Because the original blog was built on the HubSpot Website Platform, we were able to easily go back and review the historical data to help see what the previous performance was, and make strategic improvements.

We also used Closet Works’ top-performing whitepaper as a “lead magnet” offer to entice blog subscriptions.

Style Quiz

To help generate more qualified leads, we knew there needed to be an engaging top-of-the-funnel offer that we could promote.

We created a Style Quiz to allow users to answer a few questions and see exactly what style system they should go with.


Once the user completes the quiz by entering their name and email in a HubSpot form, they’re given the style that best matches their taste.

Additionally, the information is logged as part of their lead's contact record in HubSpot. Closet Works could then segment those contacts (HubSpot smart lists) and implement campaigns (HubSpot email marketing) aligned with the interests of their new leads.

The Results

Since launching the new design in March 2017 we have seen promising increases across a wide range of metrics.

The Homepage

We primarily tracked HubSpot CTAs we had placed on the homepage, based on heatmap data from the previous iteration.

The data showed us that many people weren’t scrolling passed the first two to three sections of the page, so the decision was made to add an attractive top-of-the-funnel offer after the social proof section.

Before the redesign, we saw a Click-Through Rate (CTR) of .27%. After the redesign, the CTR jumped to .64% -- a .37% increase.

We also saw an increase in time on-page compared to the previous year. 


The Showroom

Because the showroom is the cornerstone of the Closet Works website, we focused the redesign of these pages on driving conversions.

The focus metric here was also CTR. However, since most of the calls-to-action lead to a consultation request (their bottom-of-the-funnel offer), it was even more important.

For tracking metrics, we looked at their most popular product - custom walk-in closets.

The original design was generating a .18% CTR. After redesigning with the user in mind, adding bigger, more vibrant imagery, and streamlining the experience, we saw the CTR on the walk-in closet showroom page jump to .33%.

Screen Shot 2017-07-26 at 8.13.57 AM.png

The Blog

We saw the best results from the blog redesign.

Looking at the same time range of the original design (December 1, 2015 - July 20, 2016), the blog generated 2,203 views and 124 email subscribers.

After the redesign, however, we saw a tremendous jump in stats. Blog views grew to 13,359 -- a 490% increase -- and email subscribers increased to 626, a 404% increase.

The below is a snapshot of July 2017’s blog traffic compared to July 2016’s traffic -- a 396.35% increase in overall traffic.


Style Quiz

The last piece of the puzzle was the Style Quiz, which was built using HubSpot Website Platform pages.

The intent was to create an offer that would draw a lot of attention from the audience, help to generate new contacts, and get some style information about the users.

Since the quiz launched in March, we’ve seen over 9,418 views, 4,225 submissions, and 1,472 new contacts. The client was extremely pleased with the results, and we were even able to attribute two new customers to the style quiz.


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