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Myriah Anderson

By Myriah Anderson

Nov 19, 2018


Video Marketing Vidyard

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Video Marketing  |   Vidyard

7 Ways to Use Vidyard GoVideo for Marketing

Myriah Anderson

By Myriah Anderson

Nov 19, 2018

7 Ways to Use Vidyard GoVideo for Marketing

You’ve probably heard a lot about Vidyard’s tool, GoVideo and how it can be used during the sales process (and probably a lot of it from me) but we haven't talked too much about how it can be an effective tool for marketing teams to use as well.

Think about it.

We use GoVideo on the sales team to introduce ourselves quicker to our prospects to set ourselves apart early on.

What’s the harm in us introducing our team of experts to contacts much earlier on, during their marketing journey?

Finding a way to tie more personal elements into your marketing can do wonders for engaging with your contacts and driving results sooner.

In this article, we’re going to dive into seven ways you can use GoVideo for marketing and accomplish just that.

1. Newsletters That Aren’t Boring!

We’ve all been on the other side of receiving newsletters from organizations - and for the most part, we’ve probably all ignored or deleted most of them. (Except IMPACT’s THE LATEST, of course!)


Generally, newsletters are either boring, have information that isn’t of interest to us, or are filled with self-promotional material.

If your marketing team is spending time rushing to put together newsletters, you have to stop and think about whether the ones you send out are effective or not.

In a world that is full of email inbox noise, you have to get creative and find a way to grab your contact’s attention.

Newsletters don’t have to be boring, and they don’t have to something that people tend to ignore. In fact, if you spice things up, you might have contacts just waiting for your newsletter rather than ignoring it.

What’s the secret sauce? Video!

HubSpot revealed a stat that showed video in an email leads to 200-300% increase in click-through rates.

Video allows your organization to show emotions on a much deeper level than plain text email alone which drives engagement rates higher than your typical boring newsletter correspondence.

You should still include text in your newsletter, however, as some recipients might still prefer it to get an idea of what your newsletter is about before watching the video, or they may prefer to consume info via text. This also a good fall-back if for some reason their email provider or browser won’t play the video.

This isn’t a video that needs to be highly produced - in fact, recording on your webcam will make it feel even more personal. GoVideo gives your entire team the opportunity to do this!

For example, our lovely Director of Audience Engagement & Community Stephanie Baiocchi does a GoVideo recording that she includes in our weekly IMPACT Elite 60-second recap:

Newsletter with Video

We find that it allows our community the ability to connect and establish a relationship with Stephanie, and in turn, she is able to really show the human side of our business and interact with contacts on a whole new level.

Previous iterations of this email show us there might not be the same impact if it was just a plain text that went out each week.

2. Create a Product Demo

Another great way to make use of GoVideo for marketing is by creating a product demo.

Sharing product demo videos while people are still in the marketing phase makes it easier for them to evaluate your tool and determine if they're ready or interested in a conversation. 

Think about all the time your team could save doing demos individually, and how much more effective conversations with prospects would be down the line.

Plus, if you have one of your sales reps record the demo, they'll start building a relationship with potential buyers much earlier on. 

Worried about prospects having questions while watching a demo?

Chances are your sales reps probably hear the same old questions every time they do a demo, so why not go through those lists of questions at the end of the walk-through?

Then, at the end of the video, you can place a call-to-action allowing the viewer to book a meeting to ask any additional questions and dive deeper into your product or service.

Not only will this allow your sales reps to save time, and have more effective conversations with qualified leads, but it will also give your leads more flexibility in when and how they can experience a demo.

3. Create a Blog Teaser

As video becomes more and more popular, it’s important your team thinks about ways in which video can be used in blog content.

Just because video is a huge area of interest for companies right now, you don’t want to give up on creating consistent blog content.

It’s still one of the greatest ways to build out your inbound marketing and start ranking for certain topics and keywords in search engines in ways video can’t.

With that being said, providing a way to integrate both mediums of content gives you the best of both worlds.

This is where GoVideo can help you out.

For example, have the author of the blog do a quick GoVideo setting the stage for what the reader can expect to learn from the blog, the high-level important takeaways, and why it’s important.

This allows the reader to connect with the author on an even deeper level and learn why the author chose to write the article in the first place. It’s like a teaser.

4. Enhance Existing High-Performing Blog Articles

Another way to capitalize on GoVideo for your blog is to do a video version of high-performing content.

This way, your reader can choose between consuming the content by watching the video or reading through the article.

If people are more interested in watching the video than text you’ll be expanding your possible audience by providing two different ways to consume the info.

You might be thinking, “If I’m doing vlogs shouldn’t my video be more produced?”

Well, you can do it either way, but if you don’t have the resources to make a  produced video, you shouldn’t let that hold you up as GoVideo is really a great alternative.

It’s more important that you get started with video now and work your way towards having a library of video resources, than being left behind on the video train and letting competitors get ahead of you.

5. Conversational Marketing

Conversational marketing has changed the game when it comes to being able to build relationships with active website visitors in real-time. GoVideo is great for this!

Have you ever had a website visitor who was having trouble on your site chat you, or reach out when they are looking for resources to help them out?

This is when using GoVideo to record a quick response can really help out.

Not only are you able to provide information through a medium that is more interactive, but it helps the visitor begin building a relationship with a human at your company.

Think about an interaction on a website chat that is all text versus one that is a friendly video. Which one is going to be more engaging and memorable and make you feel bonded to the brand?

I think the answer is pretty obvious.

It also saves you time.

If you have to explain how to figure something out on your site, making sure you write things out in a cohesive way might take a little time, whereas opening up GoVideo on your computer and recording a quick video could be completed in no time. Some people are more comfortable and confident speaking, so, make use of that!

This ties back to nurturing in sales, but you should also look at follow-up campaigns to your chat and how you can incorporate a GoVideo.

Focus your efforts on your calendar abandonment strategy or follow-ups to contacts you have who were on your chat asking about pricing and packages. Those are low hanging fruit. You can follow-up with a video looking to book a time to talk or sharing a demo video.

6. Make Your Case on a Landing Page

As a marketer, conversion rates are super important, which makes finding creative ways to help this number go up imperative.

It’s shown that including video on landing pages can increase conversions by 80%.

If you’re a small marketing team or have zero video support, you might be freaking out a little trying to figure out a way to do this.

That’s where using GoVideo as a stepping stone can be helpful.

Like any content, when it comes to your video, you have to think of the end goal and what it’s being used to communicate.

Your main goal with adding video to a landing page is to let your contact know what they can expect, the main points of the content they will be receiving, and why it’s valuable.

As long as you’re providing real value, it doesn’t matter if a video is produced or if it’s a recording you do on your webcam.

This is where using GoVideo as a way to start including video can help you get a head start.

GoVideo will also allow you to track who is watching the video and how many times they are watching (which gives you insight into their overall actions to help with lead scoring and follow-up sequences.)

7. Internal Reporting

Last but not least, GoVideo is also a great way for your internal team to share data and reporting with each other instead of email.

Data and statistics can be confusing. Hearing them explained verbally by one of your peers can make understanding them a lot easier.

This can also help cut down on meetings; by creating something that people can watch and rewatch at their leisure. This is especially useful when you have a partially remote team, like IMPACT.

We use it across all our teams when there are department announcements or process changes. It allows us to get things across without any miscommunication that could happen via email.

Get Camera Ready!

GoVideo doesn’t just have to start with sales, in fact, there are many creative ways you can begin exploring how it can work within your marketing process.

The more that you’re able to introduce your team of rockstars to the world through your outreach, the more connected people will feel with your brand and company.

It is also important to remember that GoVideo is a tool that is meant to make life easy. Use this as a stepping stone if you’re putting together a video team, or don’t have resources right away.

If you’re looking for inspiration of ideas, check out Vidyard's Inspiration Hub which is full of Vidyard and client examples for marketing videos. It’s a great place to start as you begin putting together your strategy ideas.

Let us know how you’re getting creative with GoVideo in your marketing efforts!

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