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The Future of Sales: How to Integrate AI for Smarter Selling October 24, 1pm ET: Join IMPACT CEO Bob Ruffolo LIVE for a free session that will revolutionize your sales in the AI era.

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The Future of Sales: How to Integrate AI for Smarter Selling

October 24, 1pm ET: Join IMPACT CEO Bob Ruffolo LIVE for a free session that will revolutionize your sales in the AI era.
Joe Bachir

By Joe Bachir

Mar 16, 2021


HubSpot Inbound Sales

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5 HubSpot Sales Hub enterprise benefits we absolutely adore

Joe Bachir

By Joe Bachir

Mar 16, 2021

5 HubSpot Sales Hub enterprise benefits we absolutely adore

The HubSpot Sales Hub Enterprise tier makes HubSpot competitive in the enterprise CRM market with some valuable features.

That is why many companies will look at this tier and say “I have a big enough sales team, I absolutely need this” without ever thinking about how they can actually benefit. 

This usually leads you to either barely taking advantage of the enterprise features you are paying for, or not even using them at all.

In this article specifically, I will be talking about our favorite HubSpot Sales Hub Enterprise benefits and why we love them to help you understand what HubSpot Sales Enterprise is all about and how your team can take advantage of your sweet new enterprise-level features.

🔎 Related: Which HubSpot Marketing Hub plan is right for you? Free vs. Starter vs. Pro vs. Enterprise

Below are five of our absolute favorites HubSpot Sales Enterprise benefits. 

1. Better data organization with custom objects 

Last INBOUND, HubSpot came out of the gate with a giant change to their Sales Hub Enterprise platform and announced one of the biggest new enterprise features, custom objects. Custom objects were something that a lot of HubSpot customers were asking for.

🔎 Related: What are HubSpot custom objects and how do you use them?

Essentially, with them, you are now able to add a whole category of data into your CRM alongside the standard HubSpot objects like contacts, companies, deals, and tickets. 

This is a life saver for companies that need to store data on something that might be unique to them in their CRM to better organize and report on various data points. 

For example, companies that sell commercial real estate can use custom objects to create a place in HubSpot for a specific home.

They can then create properties (or data points) in that custom object to input information like location, lot size, price of the lot, and pretty much anything else that pertains to the land.

Without HubSpot Enterprise and, in turn, custom objects, you would have to try to fit all that data about the real estate into a standard object which can get confusing for you and the team.

For example, if you need to add building location, does this go under the contact, company, or deals record? Having a specific object for this information helps the team understand exactly where to input and find that information.

2. More user and content filters with hierarchical teams

With the teams feature in HubSpot, you can group all the users you have in HubSpot in their respective teams, enabling you to more accurately organize and control data and also report. 

With Sales Hub Enterprise, you can also create a team hierarchy, setting up parent-child relationships between your teams. For example, you can have one big sales team in HubSpot as the parent team, and then have the different regions your sales teams reside broken into different child teams. 

Why would you want to do this? Well, there are a couple reasons. If you accurately tag people as part of the right team, you can use that information to break out reports and notifications by different teams as well. Going back to the sales example, by breaking up the different sales regions, you can also use the teams to now look at how each individual one is performing compared to the others.

You also have the benefit of using teams to filter out assets in HubSpot. If you want to be able to see the marketing emails your team specifically had created, you can use the teams filter to do so.

3. Easier user permission assigning and tighter permission controls

Setting user permissions in HubSpot is crucial.

Imagine you’re a leader sales person. You’ve set up your CRM exactly how you want, company records have been customized to show you lead scores and crucial insights for conversations, and you have created playbooks for your team to use in the sales process to make sure they understand how the records should be used/updated. The next day, you come in to see everything has been accidentally changed by a new business development rep. Ugh.

This is one benefit of Enterprise that is so appealing. 

In HubSpot, you are able to select what a user is able to have access to, edit, and even delete/add in the account. This helps make sure that users are only able to use and alter things that pertain to them. They can’t accidentally update or change other things set by or for other teams. 

With user roles in Sales Hub Enterprise, setting the correct user permissions is very easy. You can simply create a group of permissions based on a role, and assign it to any user. This ensures that users in the same roles have the same level of access.

Speaking of setting permissions, with Enterprise, another benefit is you can set permission on the field level. This means that you can choose who has access to edit each field or property in HubSpot. 

Why does this matter? It ensures that your team is not incorrectly adding data to the field which can clutter the database and lead to inaccurate reporting. 

For example, if you want your sales team to update a property like “Sales Region” which you have already identified as five different set regions, you can limit them to only those five regions rather than potentially creating their own.

4. Powerful process implementation with playbooks

Playbooks in HubSpot is another feature you unlock with Sales Hub Enterprise that we absolutely adore. Playbooks allows you to create process guides that live right in HubSpot to help encourage consistency in how each team member works and makes it easier to train new employees. . 

If you want to create a process for your sales team to follow when performing that initial outreach to a prospect, a playbook in HubSpot is the perfect way to outline that process for your team to follow.

You create a playbook with the  initial outreach process, what templates should be used and instructions on what properties need to be updated in HubSpot and which record they should be in 

Below is an example of what is looks like to start building this out.

Having these directly in HubSpot is a huge benefit. It makes them quick and easy to access. While you’re working in the platform, you can swiftly pull the playbook up to follow the information on a client, deal, or company record. The playbook sits right on-screen so you can work alongside it. No fussing around trying to find them in another tool.   

5. More helpful call recordings with call transcripts

In HubSpot, regardless of your tier, you are able to note when you have had a call with a contact in HubSpot. However, in Sales Hub Enterprise, you can take that to the next level by actually recording your calls in HubSpot.  When you do this, HubSpot will then also automatically generate a call transcript for you. You are also able to quickly create follow-up tasks based on what was discussed.

Recording your calls from a sales standpoint can help your team on many levels. 

You are able to reference back what was discussed in your conversation to make sure that you are following up correctly, and so that you understand what information has already been given to the prospect. It can also be extremely valuable to learn from. Was it the most productive conversation? Was everything I wanted to discuss brought up?

For example, if you just ended a prospecting call in HubSpot that was recorded. HubSpot will generate a text transcript. Once you are ready to reach back out to that person, you can easily catch up on what was discussed by reviewing the highlights of the transcript that HubSpot made for you, rather than listening to the entire call again.

Taking advantage of HubSpot Sales Enterprise

Sales Hub Enterprise has some great quality of life updates, and just plain useful tools you wouldn’t have access to in Sales Professional. 

If you have the Enterprise tier already, make sure to go through each point above and see if you and your team are using these features. If you are, are you really benefiting from them? Remember, just because you are using a feature in HubSpot, doesn’t mean you are using it correctly.

If you don’t currently have the enterprise tier and are looking to upgrade, think about your current pain points and understand if the features mentioned in the article will really help you. Do you have a process in place but don’t know how to implement it? Are you finding that your team could really benefit from better permission settings? Is it worth the added cost for enterprise? If you find yourself saying “yes” to those questions, it is time to look at upgrading. 

For help with onboarding your team to Enterprise, training your team to use enterprise better, and anything else HubSpot, check out HubSpot training with IMPACT.


The Future of Sales: How to Integrate AI for Smarter Selling

October 24, 1pm ET: Join IMPACT CEO Bob Ruffolo LIVE for a free session that will revolutionize your sales in the AI era.