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Justine Timoteo Thomas

By Justine Timoteo Thomas

Mar 7, 2022


Video Marketing Examples

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Video Marketing  |   Examples

7 Top Video Marketing Examples From Companies Doing It Right

Justine Timoteo Thomas

By Justine Timoteo Thomas

Mar 7, 2022

7 Top Video Marketing Examples From Companies Doing It Right

If you’re like most businesses we speak to, you know you should be doing more video marketing, but you aren’t quite sure where to start. You know you need marketing videos that generate revenue, but you might be feeling overwhelmed and in need of inspiration.

You want to know exactly how other businesses are succeeding with their video marketing efforts.

A recent survey by Wyzowl found that over 80% of marketers said video helped increase dwell times, leads, and sales. Another 90% claimed their marketing videos increased brand awareness and generated a strong return on investment (ROI).

Generally speaking, video marketing could change the landscape of your business’s growth — but only if done correctly. 

As its name suggests, video marketing involves incorporating video into your overall content marketing strategy and campaigns. 80% of all businesses are already using video marketing in one form or another, so the time is now to use video to reach your target audience and stay ahead of your competition. And we’re here to help.

In this article, we’ll share:

  • Reasons why video marketing is effective and how it can help you grow your business.
  • Video marketing examples that do it right.

This way, you can be sure to get started with video marketing on the right foot and stop wasting time trying to figure out which video content to create and how — whether your business is B2B or B2C, and no matter your industry.

Ready to learn how companies like yours are succeeding with video marketing?

Here’s what to know!

Why is video marketing so effective? 

To put it bluntly, people love to watch videos. 

They are easy to consume and convey information faster and in more interesting ways than text alone. Video can better captivate our target audience, holding their attention and increasing interest with the use of sound and visuals. 

With the rise of video on social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat, in addition to increased communication on Zoom, FaceTime, and WhatsApp, people are getting so used to using video that many expect to find it while searching for your products and services.

In The Visual Sale, Tyler Lessard of Vidyard explains how content consumption trends point to a bigger need for video marketing in business:

“To [consumers], video is simple, engaging, and expected. It’s truly fascinating (and occasionally terrifying) to observe as a parent — and to consider as a business leader — how these new baseline expectations will impact how we connect with customers in the years ahead. 

It’s already started with video conferencing and two-minute explainers becoming the norm. However, this is only the beginning of the self-service visual age for business where video has a massive role to play.”

Now that you know how video can be an important part of your marketing strategy and help you land more leads and sales, here are some examples to get you thinking about how you can use video to grow your bottom line.

Successful video marketing examples from companies doing it right

There are so many different types of videos you can produce and incorporate into your marketing strategy. The best type of video marketing campaign doesn't just create more traffic and leads. It displays your company’s personality — and it helps your sales team shorten their sales cycle and land more deals. 

At IMPACT, we teach our clients to produce seven different types of videos that are used in marketing and sales. We call these The Selling 7, and I'll explain each type below. 

1. The 80% video 

The first video is intended for your sales team. Ask any sales rep at your company: How much time do they spend answering the same questions over and over again, call after call? 

The 80% video has a simple mission: to answer these questions in advance.

Here’s an example of an 80% video from IMPACT client ATS Logistics:

Why this marketing video works:

  • It explains clearly why they’re answering the potential customers’ questions: “To help you make the best decision for your business.”
  • The information is given by the team at ATS Logistics, which helps build trust in your company. The prospects who watch this get to know the ATS team they'll be working with.

Once you’ve created these (one for each of your biggest products and services), your sales team can forward them to clients before their sales calls. Your team will dramatically shorten sales cycles and no longer need to spend the time answering those same old questions.

2. Employee bio videos for email signatures

When employee bio videos are created and used in the right way, they allow prospects to “meet” and see your sales team or any other customer-facing employees before they interact with them. 

Videos like these turn prospects into customers because they immediately establish a human connection and trust. 

You should mix professional and personal information in these short 90- to 120-second videos and place them in your email signature.

Consider this example introducing Leigh Ellis of IMPACT client Aquila:

Why this marketing video works:

  • It explains what the person does for the company and what they love about their job.
  • It reveals a small bit of personal information about what they do outside of work to give the prospects a feel of who they are.

3. Product and service fit videos

What if you could create a video that not only explains how your products and services work, but also helps your bad-fit leads weed themselves out, saving your sales team time they otherwise would have wasted pursuing bad-fit leads? 

Not only are you explaining the ins and outs of working with your business, but you’re also strengthening your attractiveness to your good-fit leads. When you address who you’re not a good fit for, the leads who are left now know you are a transparent and trustworthy business. 

The most effective product and service videos include information about the product or service, but also mention who your products and services aren’t a good fit for, as IMPACT client Fire & Ice does in this video:

Why this marketing video works:

  • Begins by establishing the company’s authority: “We’ve serviced thousands of air conditioning units.” This immediately shows they know their industry. 
  • Goes through everything to expect as a customer if you hire Fire & Ice: What to expect during the repair, how much the service will cost, and even how to schedule an appointment on the Fire & Ice website.
  • Immediately eliminates people out of their service area, but also gives tips for who to contact if you’re outside that location ("make sure the contractor is licensed and certified"). 

These videos help your prospects understand what to expect when working with you and also help your sales team avoid wasting time fielding prospects who don’t qualify for your services.

4. Landing page videos

Landing pages are any page that offers a form for prospects to fill out. It might be to “sign up for our newsletter,” “download our free guide,” or even “buy now.” 

When consumers land on these pages, most are wary of providing their personal information because they’re not sure what you’ll do with it. Will you spam them with a barrage of sales calls and marketing emails? Will you be sending them more information about setting up a sales call?

A landing page video serves to eliminate your prospect’s fears and set them at ease by walking them through exactly what they can expect when they fill out the form. IMPACT has found this approach increases conversion rates by about 80% because you’re easing their fears.

River Pools, which is owned by co-owner of IMPACT Marcus Sheridan, and has been supported by the IMPACT team, has a great example of a landing page video:

Why this marketing video works:

  • It’s short and gets right down to business: “We’ve all had that uncomfortable moment when it’s time to submit our contact information.” The fact that River Pools is willing to talk about what we’re all thinking when presented with an online form makes that initial connection.
  • Explains exactly what will happen if you fill it out. You will get one confirmation email and phone call within 48 hours from a design specialist. Direct, simple, sweet.

For many of our clients here at IMPACT, landing page videos have helped generate hundreds of thousands in additional revenue they otherwise wouldn’t have seen. 

5. Cost and pricing videos

Not only do cost videos give your sales team another powerful tool for explaining how your business makes pricing decisions, but they also give your prospects an efficient way to share cost information with their key decision-makers

This can help overcome any communication gaps that might otherwise happen if a “messenger” is relaying this important cost information to others. 

If you don’t teach your prospects how to buy from you and why your pricing is what it is, chances are they’ll either purchase the cheapest option or go with another business that is able to explain its costs. 

Look at this video by another IMPACT client, Bill Ragan Roofing Company, to see how this type of video is done right:

Why this marketing video works:

  • The owner of the company, Bill Ragan, begins by explaining that although they’ll be going over cost, there are several factors that can affect your specific costs.
  • Ragan continues by explaining those factors (damage severity, leaks, improper installation, how steep the roof is, etc.).
  • He ends by giving a ballpark estimate and actual numbers, so that prospects have an idea of the price, even if it isn’t exactly what their roof repair will cost.

Though you can’t always cover everything that pricing entails, use these videos to address the most common issues and questions about cost.

6. Customer journey videos

While most businesses know to provide some sort of social proof on their websites, such as client testimonials or case studies, few companies use what we call customer journey videos. 

Customer journey videos are three-stage videos that use the traditional hero’s journey — a storytelling strategy often used in film and literature — to guide people along the journey of working with you in a way that allows them to see themselves in your clients’ shoes.

After working with IMPACT, turnkey operations and corporate culture business CultureWise created this customer journey video with their client Rita’s Italian Ice: 

Why this marketing video works:

  • The customer first explains their problem — all the worries and concerns that led them to reach out to CultureWise for a solution.
  • Next, they share the journey they took with CultureWise to fix the problem, including all the steps they took to establish a better culture in their organization and how it affected their team.
  • The customer then describes where they are today, which shows that with the company’s help, they were able to fix their problem and have a better outcome.

Most happy customers are more than willing to help you out in this way, and it leaves you with a valuable video you can share with prospects that helps them feel more comfortable working with you. 

7. ‘Claims we make’ videos

Last but not least, your company should create a “claims we make” video that provides your prospects with proof that you are what you say you are

There are things we all tell our prospects, such as:

  • We are the best at _______.
  • We have the most _______.
  • No one does _______ like we do.

Anyone can say these things, but the most successful businesses are the ones that can prove it. These videos are sometimes similar to an “about us” video, but when they’re done right, they provide visual proof of why you’re claiming what you are.

IMPACT’s client Industrial Packaging does this well:

Why this marketing video works:

  • Includes images and employees speaking about all different parts of what makes their claims true.
  • Heavily focuses on how their packaging solutions meet their customers’ needs and address their worries (instead of focusing solely on what makes the company great).

And if you don’t think you’re that different (which is how some of our clients feel), simply making one of these videos and showing your staff and behind-the-scenes processes shows you are. 

Create a video marketing strategy that gets results

Even though it’s clear that video marketing is a fundamental part of the buying process today (of all consumer web traffic this year, 82% will be video), most businesses we speak to aren’t using their video marketing resources as efficiently as they should. 

What we typically see is that in order to “do” video, businesses think they need to spend thousands of dollars on agency-produced marketing videos. After spending a lot of money on these videos, many are left with lackluster content that comes off as an inauthentic representation of your brand. This is because no matter how much money you spend to have a third-party create your videos, it isn’t coming from those who know your business best: your company’s subject-matter experts and staff.

In fact, our clients that see the biggest revenue growth and ROI embrace a culture of video in-house

This means the businesses that succeed with video the most hire an in-house videographer to own the video production process, start to finish.

As Marcus Sheridan, one of the principals at IMPACT and author of They Ask, You Answer, often says, we are all media companies — and when your sales team is properly using video in the sales process, you’ll quickly see how important a videographer is to your bottom line. 

Learn how to build this video culture within your company with our free course Video Sales and Marketing Strategy with IMPACT’s Zach Basner, or talk to an advisor who can walk you through the steps. 

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