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The Future of Sales: How to Integrate AI for Smarter Selling

October 24, 1pm ET: Join IMPACT CEO Bob Ruffolo LIVE for a free session that will revolutionize your sales in the AI era.
John Becker

By John Becker

Nov 26, 2023


Lead Generation Video Marketing Advanced They Ask, You Answer The Selling 7

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5 Landing Page Video Examples to Help You Boost Conversions

John Becker

By John Becker

Nov 26, 2023

5 Landing Page Video Examples to Help You Boost Conversions

It’s funny to think that there was a time, not long ago, where things like color psychology were the go-to methods to increase conversions of your landing pages.

Meaning, if your conversions were low or not where you wanted them to be, but you changed the color of that “submit form” button, all your sales and marketing woes would be a thing of the past.

Fortunately, times have changed.

If you still find yourself unsure about how to increase conversions on a landing page, however, you’re certainly not alone.

There is one simple thing you can do to make a world of difference: add video. Using video on our websites has completely transformed the way sales and marketing generate leads.

The beautiful thing is that landing page videos are easy to make, yet they can have a significant impact on lead generation.

Landing page videos are easy to make, yet they can have a significant impact on lead generation.

After working with our clients to help them create some of their own landing page videos, many have seen their conversion rates increase between 80% and 250%, which, in turn, has generated substantial revenue. 

In this article, we'll cover the basics — and then share some helpful examples. 

  • Why are landing pages so important for lead generation?
  • Why is building trust a challenge on landing pages?
  • What makes an effective landing page video?

Ready to kick your conversion frustrations to the curb and generate landing page videos that actually drive results?

Let’s dive in.

Why are landing pages so important for business lead generation efforts?

By definition, a landing page is any page on a website that hosts a form. The most common landing page businesses use is the “contact us” page.

As an example, here’s IMPACT’s contact us page:


However, landing pages are also commonly created for offers or downloads, a place to book meetings or calls, or requesting additional information about your organization’s services or products.

Even ungated pillar content can be considered a landing page if you have a form there or create the ability for someone to convert, in addition to consuming the content:


For example, our How to Create a Content Style Guide (shown above) is completely ungated. Meaning, all content is available for viewing and consumption without having to fill out the form.

However, we also give readers the option to have a copy emailed to them, making it (technically) a landing page.

No matter what the landing page is trying accomplish, it can't do it without building trust.

Landing pages need to build trust

Think about the last time you were about to enter information on a website. There you were, getting ready to turn over your contact information.

How did you feel, especially when that information included your phone number or your email address?




We’re wary of turning over this information because we’ve ALL been spammed before, and it sucks. Plus, with identity theft and other data security issues, it’s hard not to be nervous about sharing information online.

If you and I feel that way on landing pages, it's likely that your prospects do too.

Fortunately, we can develop a solution that will make them feel more comfortable: Be honest. Use a video to tell them what’s going to happen (and what's not going to happen) when they fill out that form. 

This, in turn, creates trust and comfort.

What should be covered in a landing page video?

If you’re wondering how to get started with a landing page video, there is a simple three-step framework that does the trick:

  1. Explain why the viewer needs the solution.
  2. Explain what the solution is.
  3. Explain what happens next if they use the solution (or how the solution works).

These three steps quickly communicate the value of your offer and explain what’s going to happen once that prospect turns over his information.

Communicate the value of your offer and explain what’s going to happen once that prospect turns over his information.

Let’s say, for example, I was creating a landing page video for an “Ultimate Guide to Landing Page Videos.” Below is what my script might look like broken into the three sections of the video.

  1. Why do I need this solution? “Landing page videos have been shown time and time again to drastically increase conversions. The problem is, creating landing page videos can be difficult and time-consuming without the proper structure. In fact, many organizations will never include a video on a landing page simply because they don’t know where to start.”
  2. What’s the solution you’re providing? “That’s why we’ve created the ‘Ultimate Guide to Landing Page Videos.’ In this guide, you’ll learn the simple yet effective structure for the video, tips for how to shoot it, how to embed it on your landing page, and more.”
  3. What’s going to happen next? “To download the guide, fill out the form on this page. After you hit submit, you’ll be taken to a page where you can download your guide. You’ll also receive a copy in your inbox, just in case you missed the download link or would rather download it later."

Why is this framework effective?

Many copywriting experts have concluded that establishing a relatable problem early and then providing the solution is intriguing to the viewer. It helps the message emotionally resonate with the viewer. It also helps the viewer name or articulate her problem and realize that she's in need of a solution.

In fact, some years ago I noticed a trend in the ads I was shown on social media. Many of the ads — which, in my case, have been primarily related to health or fitness — used a similar technique of hyper-sympathizing with and explaining my problem before they pitched the solution.

In other words, the first 90% of the video ad would be making statements like “You’re eating all the time, but you’re not gaining muscle mass” or "You've been doing tons of cardio, but you're not losing weight."

It worked on me, and this is when I realized how important it is to show your prospect you understand their problem before you pitch a solution.

Now that you know what a great landing page should accomplish and include, let’s take a look at some that did it right.

5 rockstar landing page video examples

Over the course of consulting and training dozens of organizations, we’ve seen some really great landing page videos. I’d like to show you a few IMPACT clients, as well as two of our own, as inspiration and tell you why I believe they’ve been so effective.

1. River Pools and Spas ‘Request a Quote’ landing page

I love how Cristian and the team at River Pools executed this short, simple video.

In the beginning, he gets right down to business: “We’ve all had that uncomfortable moment when it’s time to submit our contact information.” I sure have! The fact that River Pools is willing to talk about what we’re all thinking makes that initial connection.

What’s more, we know exactly what’s going to happen next. One phone call from one person. One email. Short, simple, sweet.

In less than a minute, Cristian has eliminated by two biggest concerns!

2. MoveMobility's 'Contact Us' page

In a similar vein, here's MoveMobility's take on the 'contact us' page. Again, it's made clear exactly what happens after you fill out the form. In an age of cybersecurity risks, it's nice to hear a company looking out for its customers.

Once again, I'm impressed by the brevity. This entire video is less than 60 seconds, but I already feel like I've got a sense of the company's culture. In fact, I feel like I've started to trust them.

3. RoofCrafters: 'Can I Finance My Roof' page

Home improvement projects can be stressful — especially as costs start going up. Here, RoofCrafters offers a straightforward introduction to financing. By the end of the video, a process that might have seemed intimidating has been broken into clear steps.

Potential customers are put at ease, feeling like the understand what's going to happen next. 

4. Retrofoam of Michigan’s ‘Ultimate Foam Insulation Buying Guide’ landing page

First, what great branding and use of color. That’s just a bonus on this sweet landing page video.

What’s great about this video is it not only that makes me feel more comfortable filling out the form, but it also gets me excited about it. I mean, if I were a concerned homeowner, just look at all the things I'll now be educated on, and I don't have to hunt down the right information from 20 sources.

The comprehensive explanation of what it includes makes it a little less daunting to explore such a big guide. From a production standpoint, I can also appreciate the way they left the right side of the frame open for all the text this video needed.

5. IMPACT’s ‘Contact Us’ landing page

OK, here’s an example from IMPACT, and (granted) I may seem a little biased. However, I want to be clear about the reason I’m sharing this: There is a lot you can learn from this video and emulate for your business.

Sometimes as businesses we don’t realize that, although the contact us page can be an easy way for people to get ahold of us, they are kind of lame and ineffective in many cases.

This landing page video is great because it goes right to the heart of the matter. Chris is offering a coaching call to help understand your challenges. We get the sense that Chris is going to be doing a lot more listening than talking in this meeting, and we appreciate that this will be more of a 'sample session' than a disguised sales pitch.

How to get started with your first (or next) landing page video

The information and examples we shared with you here come from the award-winning inbound marketing framework we teach our clients called They Ask, You Answer, which has transformed thousands of companies, small and large, B2B and B2C, across a wide range of industries.

Hundreds of our IMPACT clients have used these steps to help their sales teams realize incredible results.

To implement They Ask, You Answer in your business, here are a few helpful resources:

  1. You can start by checking out What is They Ask, You Answer?
  2. Next, we recommend you subscribe to our podcast "Endless Customers". You can find it wherever you get your podcasts. 

We offer coaching and hands-on training for marketing and sales teams to help businesses scale. If you're ready to see what's possible, set up a time to talk to one of our advisors, and we’ll show you how to take real steps forward.

Happy filming!


The Future of Sales: How to Integrate AI for Smarter Selling

October 24, 1pm ET: Join IMPACT CEO Bob Ruffolo LIVE for a free session that will revolutionize your sales in the AI era.