
They Ask, You Answer Mastery

A coaching & training program that drives unmatched sales & marketing results.


Sales Performance Mastery

Improve the competencies and close rates of your sales organization.

Web design

Website Mastery

Web design, development & training for your team.


HubSpot Mastery

Everything you need to get the most from HubSpot.

AI Mastery

AI Enablement Mastery

Unlock the power of AI in all aspects of your revenue operations.

Discover how IMPACT’s services can help take your business to the next level. Book a free 30-minute coaching session Book a free 30-minute coaching session
Learning Center
Learning Center

Learning Center

Free resources to help you improve the way you market, sell and grow your business.

[NEW] The Endless Customers Podcast is now available everywhere. Learn how to earn trust & win more customers in the age of AI. Listen Now Listen Now
Website Mastery

Website Design, Development, and Optimization

Web Design, Development & Optimization

Website Mastery combines design, development and training for your team into a single program that turns your website into your highest-performing sales asset – and instills your team with the expertise to keep your website looking and performing at its best for the long-term.

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Mary Brown, IMPACT’s Head Website Strategist, walks through everything you need to know about Website Mastery.
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“IMPACT taught us how to be self-sufficient in our digital marketing and website development needs.”
TJ Payne
Marketing Specialist, Ethos Insurance Partners
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“There's been a significant uptick in traffic; our traffic has increased by about 7x from this program.”
Eric Wince
CEO, Coeo Solutions
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“I cannot underestimate the importance of the coaching that we had and continue to have. The process we went through with continual coaching and incremental changes was super helpful.”
Denise Schmitz
Web Strategy Head, Neumann Monson Architects
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“They weren't here to just build a website. IMPACT was seeking to really understand what we needed at the core of our organization and what we do every day.”
Rachel Burnham
VP of Marketing, Skyla Credit Union
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Frustrated with Your Website's Results? Stop Spinning Your Wheels.

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Watch the Overview
If you’re on this page, you’re likely experiencing a few of the following frustrations:
  • You've poured money into website overhauls, only to be disappointed by lackluster sales and lead generation.

  • Your team is eager, but under-equipped to maintain a high-performing website that drives sales and marketing results.

  • Your current website isn’t built in a way that gives you the ability to manage changes or improvements quickly and easily.

  • Your website fails to meet the expectations of today's savvy consumers, and you're losing market share as a result.

  • Despite your best efforts, your website's traffic and search rankings are dwindling, leaving you puzzled and concerned about how to turn things around.

Our Approach

There are three simple, yet essential, elements of what makes a website successful. 

A clear framework to follow with your website content strategy and messaging.

A website that is easy to change, evolve, and improve — and that still looks incredibly professional and represents your brand.

A deep understanding and belief that your website is never done. It should be constantly improved, and you should have that ability in-house, WITHOUT having to call an agency to do it for you every time.

Breathe New Life Into Your Website (and Marketing Team)

Whether service or product-based, B2B or B2C, local, national, or international, we have helped companies of all shapes, sizes, and industries worldwide optimize their websites and learn how to maintain their results in-house.
Benefits & Expected Outcomes

Visible ROI, More Revenue, and a Better Team

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Watch the Benefits & Expected Outcomes

As part of our Website Mastery program, you’ll experience:

Clear Messaging

Your team will learn how to write content that addresses your audience's key questions and performs well in search engine rankings. No more uncertainty about what to say or how to say it; we'll guide you in making your message clear and effective.

More Conversions

Once people are on your website, you MUST get them in your pipeline. Our strategists will fully optimize your website to generate leads, then train you on how to keep the results long term through variant testing and other conversion rate optimization techniques.

More Confident Sellers

When your team effectively uses your website to provide prospects with the information they need, you'll see shorter sales cycles and higher closing rates. Plus, your sales team can focus on using quality content (in an intentional way) to enhance the sales process.

A Savvier Team

Your team will have an updated, easily editable website that doesn’t require paying an agency month-over-month to maintain or improve. Your team will be trained on how to review website data and utilize it to improve your buyer journey, increase qualified leads, and keep your website performing well.

Easy-to-Use Websites

Your team will have the expertise necessary to keep your new website (built on HubSpot or WordPress) optimized, converting, and growing. They’ll have every feature they need to make changes on your website, without the need of a developer (unless they need a unique functionality).


You’ll have an easy-to-use website, a defined strategy, and an internal team that knows exactly what to do next. What’s this mean? You’re free. Free to do your best work. Free to reach your potential.

“We more than doubled our daily traffic within a week of launch. We instantly saw that number increase, and it hasn't gone back down.”

TJ Payne, Marketing Specialist, Ethos Insurance

“The outcomes we've seen have been unbelievable. Just a few months after we launched, we saw a big increase in our analytics.”

Denise Schmitz, Web Strategy Head, Neumann Monson Architects

“It's given us the ability to do a lot more on our own. We can produce our own content and run our own website without the help of a third party.”

Eric Wince, CEO, Coeo
  • ethos-insurance-partners-inc--logo

  • Neumann-Monson-Logo

  • Coeo-Logo

Website Design & Development

Drive Sales Growth...Not Just Traffic or Leads

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Watch the Website Design & Development Overview

Most businesses think of their website as a “set-it-and-forget-it” project that gets worked on every few years.

In reality, the companies that generate the best results make continuous, iterative and data-informed improvements to their website – all while leveraging the site as a key part of their sales process.

Coupled with the design and build-out of your new website, the Website Mastery program also teaches your team how to become self-sufficient in the key aspects of maintaining and optimizing a website so you can improve your user experience, generate more leads, and ultimately, more revenue.

What’s Included with a New Website?

Website Audit

What pages and content do you currently have? What’s missing? What’s working? What’s not? Web Mastery starts by working with your team to audit the current state of your website and diagnosing what needs to be done to achieve your marketing and sales goals.

Website Strategy

With your marketing and sales goals in mind, we develop individual strategies for each of the core pages of your website. This includes their messaging, layout, conversion points, videos, and more to help your website be the best sales tool possible.

Website Messaging

We’ll teach your team how to leverage the key principles of both the StoryBrand & They Ask, You Answer frameworks to help you clearly and concisely articulate what your business does across all areas of your website.

Learning Center

The most user-friendly and effective way to deliver all types of content to your site visitors is through what we call a “Learning Center.” Here you’ll host your blog articles, videos, downloadable resources, and more – all resulting in noticeable upticks in key website metrics like time-on-site, page views, and qualified conversions.

Agile Design and Development

By putting the focus on the most important touch points, you can launch quickly to gather real user data to fine-tune and improve future changes. Once the site is up, we’ll start training your team on how to analyze the website’s performance and guide you in making incremental changes to improve your results.

Website Health Optimization

Understanding the health of your website is crucial to its long-term success. We will teach your team to be confident in analyzing and making informed decisions from the data you’re collecting through tools like HubSpot, Hotjar, LuckyOrange, Semrush, and Google Analytics 4.


Web Design Portfolio

Here’s a sample of companies that have driven incredible success through their websites after going through Website Mastery and Ongoing Optimization.

What Does the Process Look Like?

Talk to an IMPACT Web Strategist (NOT a Salesperson)

They’ll use this time to learn more about the challenges you’re facing, identify the type of help you need, and discuss whether or not IMPACT will be the right fit to help you. (This includes figuring out if a website redesign is actually going to solve the pain you’re experiencing.)

We’ll also talk through key decisions and process items such as:

  • What content creation will look like for your team
  • What CMS we’ll be building on (either HubSpot CMS or WordPress)
  • Who is going to “own” the site in-house for the long term
  • What special functionality you may need
Strategy, Design, and Development

Once an agreement is in place, we’ll host a discovery session where the strategist will seek to understand more about your current content, important touch points for your user, and gaps in the user journey that should be addressed. Once this is set, you'll move into design and page strategy, where we see what the site will look and feel like — both from an aesthetic point of view and a user flow standpoint. Upon approval of the design, we’ll begin to develop the designs into functioning web pages.

Launch and Training

We’ll work to get core website pages up and running first – usually within 4 months. After launch, we’ll start gathering visitor data to help us perfect the launched pages, as well as build out the remaining pages of your site. At the same time, we’ll train your team on how they manage and update your new website.

Website Optimization

Continuously Improve Your Website's Performance and Results

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Watch Website Optimization

Your website is a living, breathing thing that, if left on its own, won’t grow to reach its full potential. That’s where ongoing optimization and improvement comes in.

These activities help your business take your new website and keep it performing at its best for years to come. Through Website Mastery Optimization, your team will learn how to do this in the most efficient way possible.

What's Included with Website Mastery Optimization?



We'll assess your website's current state to identify what's needed to meet your marketing and sales objectives. This includes considering what you want to keep, along with insights into your industry, audience, SEO, and conversion strategies for planning next steps.



With your marketing and sales goals in mind, we develop individual strategies for each of the core pages of your website. This includes their messaging, design, conversion points, videos, and more to help your website be the best sales tool possible.


Website Updates

Your new, live website will be gathering real user data that we’ll use to fine tune and improve it over time. We’ll train your team on how to analyze the website’s performance and use the data to inform decisions on future improvements.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Your team will learn everything they need to know in order to outrank your competitors, including keyword research, optimizing headers, writing compelling meta descriptions, managing technical SEO, creating pillar content, and more.


Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Your team will learn the ins and outs of conversion rate optimization, including behavioral data analysis, multivariate (A/B testing) in HubSpot, and how to view the data to make the best decisions for your users.



Your team will learn to be comfortable and confident when analyzing your specific data using tools like HubSpot, Hotjar and Lucky Orange, Google Search Console and Analytics, and more.

Is It Right for You?

Do I Even Need Website Design and Optimization Services?

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Watch Is It Right For You
At IMPACT, we understand our services aren’t for everyone.
In fact, our Website Mastery and Optimization offerings may not be a good fit for you if:
  • You feel you already have the perfect website strategy as a business.

  • You don’t believe your website should be constantly updated to drive the best long-term results.

  • You’re generating the trust, traffic, leads, and sales you want, and don’t feel an urgency to improve these metrics.

  • You don’t want a website that is easy for you to change, update, etc. In fact, you’d rather just make a phone call and have an outside company do that for you.

  • You already have designs or strategies created and aren’t interested in feedback or improving them.

  • You’re not interested in making sure your team understands website best practices.

  • You’d rather reach out to an agency to get all your performance metrics than simply be able to find that information yourself.

  • You have no interest in ongoing website optimization and improvements.

We’ve stated the information above because we really do want this decision to be black and white for you. We want you to know if our method aligns with your goals. This way, any time we spend discussing your project will be time well spent, as we’ll all start off on the same page, with the same expectations.

How Much Does It Cost to Create a Website With IMPACT?

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How much does a website cost?
Website pricing and ongoing optimization services can vary wildly with respect to costs, as there are many factors that will drive overall budget.
Specifically, here are some of the factors that will affect pricing:
  1. The overall size and scale of your site, and how much content needs to be created, migrated, or optimized.
  2. The knowledge your team has in key areas such as conversion optimization, behavioral data review, and SEO best practices.
  3. Customizations needed for your specific business model or tools that are required for launch.

With that in mind, a typical client invests $50,000 to $120,000+ on the Website Mastery program over an 8 - 12 month period. This range includes your initial website strategy, design, development, ongoing training and optimization over the course of time you work with our team.

In addition to the monthly investment, there is a one-time, $5,000 commitment fee at the beginning of our engagement. This fee includes an IMPACT+ for Business membership. which gives your entire team access to a comprehensive suite of courses, training tools, and resources that will be used throughout your program.

What results can I expect?

Typically, “you get what you pay for” with website redesigns.

There’s always a cheaper way to do things when it comes to your website. Unfortunately, that usually leads to additional work needed or lackluster results, because lower costs may come with inexperienced people doing the work or cutting corners to help drive better margins.

We’ve invested in experts who have a track record of driving real website growth and can train your team on how to keep it growing — helping you keep costs down over the long term.

“We will continue to invest in this program in the future.”

“This has definitely helped our sales process and helped drive more visitors to our site. Our traffic & inbound leads have significantly increased.”

Eric Wince, CEO, Coeo

“We definitely see a return on value.”

“We had really great training built into the package which eliminated the need to go out and do additional courses and certifications. We were trained on all kinds of different integrations and software.”

TJ Payne, Marketing Specialist, Ethos Insurance Partners

“Results we have seen have been really tremendous.”

“It has differentiated us in the marketplace and shifted our culture. It was exactly the right thing for us, and we haven't looked back.”

Denise Schmitz, Web Strategy Head, Neumann Monson Architects
  • Coeo-Logo

  • Ethos-Insurance-Partners-Logo

  • Neumann-Monson-Logo

Meet Your Website Team

In your journey with us, you'll work with a seasoned web strategist and team fully versed in the challenges you confront daily. They have strategized, designed, and developed hundreds of websites for a wide variety of industries across the globe. Their diverse experience ensures that they won’t just talk the talk, but walk the walk.

Results & Success Stories

Ethos Insurance Gets A New Website That Can Grow Along with the Business

Ethos Insurance Partners is a liability insurance wholesaler.

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Ethos Insurance Partners was struggling to be seen as a cutting edge company with a website built more than 15 years ago. Beyond aesthetics, the site didn’t speak to their customers’ needs. It was just a digital billboard. And a flawed one at that.



From their first meeting with IMPACT, the Ethos team realized something was different. They were not just having discussions about branding and UX, like they were with other agencies. The IMPACT team was asking questions about marketing and sales strategy. It was clear that both sides understood that a website was not just a marketing project. It needed to be a part of a larger effort that served the customer from beginning to end.



The Ethos team was excited to have an up-to-date new website that doubled their daily traffic within a week of launch. But even more important were the in-house skills they gained. IMPACT trained them to update the site, gather user data, and test messaging and design. Today, the website unites their sales and marketing efforts — and provides visitors with all the information they need to become customers.

Coeo Solutions Gets a New Website and 7Xs Its Traffic

Coeo Solutions is a Chicago-based telecom company.

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Coeo Solutions was trying to swim with a weight around its neck. Its old website was clunky and outdated, and the team didn’t have the ability to make updates. In a fast-moving industry like telecommunications, this held up the launch of new offers and content — and the site didn’t give customers the image of a cutting edge company.



In the past, Coeo had worked with agencies that did everything behind closed doors. IMPACT was different. The process was collaborative, with design and strategy meetings mixed in with training sessions. The Coeo team met regularly with their IMPACT counterparts to make sure the final site would serve them now and in the future.



Coeo didn’t just get a new site from IMPACT — it got the training to use it. The team no longer needs to reach out to agencies or freelancers to create content, test messaging, or build a landing page. No longer does Coeo have a digital liability that was dragging it down. Coeo’s new site is a traffic- and lead-generating resource that can support new initiatives and reflect a forward-thinking business.

Neumann Monson Architects invests in a customer-centric website and see increase in overall customer base

Neumann Munson in an architecture firm based in Iowa

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Architects are used to having their work speak for itself. But Neumann Monson came to realize a website all about the firm’s accomplishments didn’t necessarily resonate with customers. Instead, the website was a digital billboard. Nice to look at, but ineffective at converting visitors.


After working with IMPACT on content training, Neumann Monson needed a website that would house and display that content, making it easier for visitors to find the site — and the information they were looking for. IMPACT’s web team took the time to really understand the firm’s customers, making sure the new site would serve their needs.


Within a month of the new site launching, Neumann Monson was in disbelief. Not only was the new site faster and cleaner, it was built with the customers in mind, and those customers were coming in droves. The new site (filled with content the Neumann Monson team had created) quickly became a trust-building workhorse that truly reflected the firm.

Credit Union Gets a Modern Website Built for Its Customers

Skyla Credit Union is based in North Carolina and offers a range of financial services.

Video Play


Skyla Credit Union had just gone through a merger and a rebranding, so it was ready to update its website to reflect its new identity. At the same time, the team was aware that the old site didn’t fully serve its diverse customer needs.


They sat down with the IMPACT team and started by developing a wishlist for their new site, drawing inspiration from far and wide. But IMPACT made sure these discussions were not just about UX and page design. They wanted to really know what customers would want from the Skyla site.


From the very beginning, IMPACT was clear about one thing: client independence. The Skyla team would learn to use the site themselves. This meant gathering data, making updates, and tracking site health — all without IMPACT’s help. Today, Skyla has end-to-end ability to manage their new site, which furnishes them with customer data they’ve never had before.

  • Ethos-Insurance-Partners

  • Coeo

  • Neumann-Monson-Logo

  • Skyla-Logo

How To Get Started

Take the First Step to Website Mastery

It’s go time.

If you feel like you’re ready to take the next step, let’s schedule a call with one of our Web Strategists. This is a very “safe” call, and as mentioned above, there is no hard-selling. Instead, we’ll have a productive conversation and we’ll start to understand you and your business while you get a sense for how we work.

Fill out this form to take the first step to getting a revenue-driving website that grows with your business.

Courses & Additional Insights

Get a feel for our content and our people with these free resources

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Course Course
Fundamentals of Website Management and Optimization
Mary Brown
Mary Brown
Course Course
Inbounder's Guide to Google Suite Tools
Kevin Phillips
Kevin Phillips
Course Course
Elements of a Great They Ask, You Answer Website
Zach Basner
Zach Basner
Article Article
What Does a Great Inbound Marketing Website Look Like in 2024?
Ramona Sukhraj
Ramona Sukhraj
Article Article
7 Reasons Why 90% of the Websites We Build Are on HubSpot
Vin Gaeta
Vin Gaeta
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How Much Does a Website Redesign Cost in 2024?
Vin Gaeta
Vin Gaeta
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Website Redesign Agency: 15 Must-Ask Questions Before You Hire for Your Next Project
Mary Brown
Mary Brown
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Website Conversions in 2024 — STOP, START, KEEP
Vin Gaeta
Vin Gaeta
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Your Website Strategy Must Include These 6 Things
Mary Brown
Mary Brown
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5 ways launchpad websites go wrong (and how to avoid those mistakes)
Mary Brown
Mary Brown
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What Is a 'Learning Center' and Why Does My Website Need One?
John Becker
John Becker
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What can we expect in working with IMPACT on a website redesign?
John Becker
John Becker
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Website Mastery: A better redesign process for your business website
John Becker
John Becker
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4 Ways To Recession-proof Your Website In 2024
Marcus Sheridan
Marcus Sheridan
Frequently Asked Questions

You Ask, We Answer

Who is IMPACT?
Who is IMPACT?
What is IMPACT+?
What is IMPACT+?
What countries does IMPACT work with?
What countries does IMPACT work with?
What happens if I’m not satisfied with the service?
What happens if I’m not satisfied with the service?
Does IMPACT work with marketing agencies?
Does IMPACT work with marketing agencies?
My business is unique, how can I know your services will work for me?
My business is unique, how can I know your services will work for me?
Is it required that a company do Website Mastery if they only would like to build a new website?
Is it required that a company do Website Mastery if they only would like to build a new website?
How long does it generally take to build a new website with IMPACT?
How long does it generally take to build a new website with IMPACT?