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John Bonini

By John Bonini

Dec 16, 2013


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Quick Tip: How to Double Your Blog Subscribers Next Quarter

John Bonini

By John Bonini

Dec 16, 2013

Quick Tip: How to Double Your Blog Subscribers Next Quarter

While website leads seemingly get all the glory when it comes to online marketing, the true unsung heroes of a website that performs are your blog subscribers.

After all, having a substantial amount of loyal readers ensures residual website traffic, thereby increasing your opportunities for lead generation. 

Everybody wins, right? 

The following "hack" is responsible for boosting our own readership by 75% in only three months. However, it really isn't a "hack" at all, but rather the greatest opportunity you have for turning a website visitor into a blog subscriber. 

By adding a simple checkbox to all of your website forms that enables visitors to subscribe to your blog while completing a form fill, you're actually catching a visitor at the best moment possible.


They already value your content enough to download it. Chances are high they'd also subscribe if given the opportunity. Here's how. 

Setting it Up 

For HubSpot Users:

Step 1: Create a new field in HubSpot – a single on/off checkbox – to be included on all of your forms. 

Under the Contacts tab on your dashboard, choose Forms and select any one your current forms to add the checkbox to. Create a new field with all pertinent information.


Once the field is created, add it to your forms! All of them, as this greatly increases the opportunity to turn a visitor into a subscriber that much more. 

Step 2: Edit your master subscriber list and add a parameter that allows anyone who fills out the checkbox to automatically be added as a blog subscriber. 


For Non-HubSpot Users:

Step 1: Using an app like Zapier, sync all of your website forms with any corresponding blog and email subscription platform, i.e. AWeber, MailChimp, etc.

Step 2: Edit your master subscriber list and add a parameter that allows anyone who fills out the checkbox to automatically be added as a blog subscriber. 

Step 3: Make sure everything is working! 

Why it Works

Chances are that anyone who is willing to trade their contact information for one of your premium offers would also be willing to subscribe to your blog.

You've caught them at a great time, as you've already proven the value of a specific piece of premium content enough to warrant a form fill. Why NOT include the option to also subscribe to your blog? They're already bought in. 

Now, if you want to keep this heavy influx of new subscribers active, you'll need to keep pumping out great content. 

Free Assessment:

How does your sales & marketing measure up?
Take this free, 5-minute assessment and learn what you can start doing today to boost traffic, leads, and sales.