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How does your sales & marketing measure up?
Take this free, 5-minute assessment and learn what you can start doing today to boost traffic, leads, and sales.
John Bonini

By John Bonini

Jun 26, 2014


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How to Write a Sales Email That Actually Gets a Response

John Bonini

By John Bonini

Jun 26, 2014

How to Write a Sales Email That Actually Gets a Response

write-a-sales-email-that-gets-a-responseWhen was the last time you responded to any type of interruptive advertisement?

If you're anything like most modern consumers, it was probably sometime during the Clinton administration.

Thankfully the inbound marketing movement has helped businesses adapt their strategy to align with this changing behavior, however it's also caused practitioners to freeze up when asked about their process for actually connecting with inbound leads.    

"Well...I wait until they fill out a consultation form or let me know they're ready to talk." 

Too many marketers are making this mistake. If you're waiting for your prospects to raise their hand to speak with sales, you're leaving opportunities on the table. 

So, how are you supposed to connect with a lead who hasn't necessarily asked you to do so? Below I've detailed just one of the emails included in our free kit of templates for connecting with leads and why it works.

Writing a sales email that gets a response 

Below is a connect email sent to leads once they've been qualified for sales. 

write-a-sales-emailWhy it works

  1. This works because it’s brief, sets an expectation of being prompt, and doesn’t come across overly pitchy.
  2. In order to truly connect with a prospect, they need to feel you understand their challenges. Based on what you know, why would your customers typically download this offer? Assumptive pain points will make or break this connection.
  3. This shows you’ve done your homework. You care. It helps build trust. It’s all about empathy.
  4. This helps to pique their interest and increase the likelihood of a response.
  5. Rather than use words like “if you’d like to…”, be more assertive and ask what the best way to connect is.

Depending on your industry or product/service offering, your emails may look slightly different. Try experimenting with some variations of your own. 

There are other ways for connecting via email. Fill out the form below to access our complete kit including other downloadable email templates like the one above.

Free Assessment:

How does your sales & marketing measure up?
Take this free, 5-minute assessment and learn what you can start doing today to boost traffic, leads, and sales.