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Bob Ruffolo

By Bob Ruffolo

Mar 30, 2012


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How to Improve Your Klout Score

Bob Ruffolo

By Bob Ruffolo

Mar 30, 2012

How to Improve Your Klout Score


Klout ScoreWhen something’s important, it’s gotta have “clout”, and that couldn’t be more true when it comes to Klout. Your Klout score is becoming increasingly popular (though its importance may be negligible to some) as social media networking sites play a larger role on the web.

Haven’t heard of Klout? Klout is a tool that helps provide a number of different social media statistics across a number of different social networking sites, like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. There are quite a few Klout critics out there that argue with both its business model and its operating principle, but one thing cannot be denied: more and more people are turning to Klout to see how their influence on social media stacks up against the competition.

Here’s the basic rundown of how Klout works: all analytical data is created by taking data from social media sites (like those I mentioned above), and then measuring things like:

    • The size of an individual’s network

    • The content that’s been created

    • How people interact and use that content

Anyone who signs up for Klout are then given a Klout score ranging from 1 to 100. The closer you get to 100, the more powerful your social media influence.

Interested in Klout and want to build up your score? Here are some ways that you can start building up your score today:

Build Up a Network

Remember, one of the primary measurements of Klout is the size of your network. But for an even better Klout score, you’ll want to build up a network that’s both targeted/related to your niche audience and engaged. You want to have people in your network who are actually interested in your company and what you have to offer. This can easily be measured by Klout through the following methods.


Engagement is key. Engagement tells Klout that you have a network of folks who actually care about what your company, brand, product, service, or website is about. This tells Klout that the people who are connected to you are valuable, which boosts your score. Engagement can only be made truly possible, however, if you create quality content.

For more on content, check out our free eBook "How to start a Business Blog."

Quality Content

Don’t have meaningful content? Then you won’t have a network either. If you want to boost your Klout score, try to focus on creating some sort of strategy that will allow you to either aggregate or create great content that your network will love to the point that they’ll share it with others. Change up the media that you use. Publish blogs. Create videos. Post Twitter tweets. Publish regularly and you’ll be sure to see results. And remember to always, ALWAYS, provide links in every single post, video, blog, etc.

Build Better Social Media Sites

It’s always a good idea to have a well made social media site if you want t build your network. Take a peek at our free eBook, “Social Media Tune-Up”, for some great ideas on how you can do this.

Scheming Never Prospers

Just as Black Hat SEO will come back to bite you in the behind with search engines like Google, scheming or going outside of the rules with Klout will come back to haunt you as well. One example of this is for you to focus on engaging in conversations with those who have high Klout scores. While initially that may seem to help out, people will catch on to your game, become annoyed and, eventually, ignore you. It happens all the time. Don’t think it’ll happen to you? Well, consider if it’s worth the risk.

For more on optimizing your website for Google, check out our new eBook "Google's Latest Algorithm Hates Your Website."

Talk to Everyone

There’s nothing wrong with talking to people with a low Klout score. For whatever reason, there are those out there who think that if they interact with people with a lower Klout score that it will somehow lower their own. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Never Give Up

You have a low Klout score. So what? The nice thing is that you can continue to work at it and watch it continue to grow.

On that note, the one thing that you can’t let Klout do is ruin your social media experience. Your Klout score doesn’t matter nearly as much as the fun and success you’re enjoying from your social media sites. Having fun and talking to your leads and customers is far more important to your score than any kind of ranking.

Key Takeaways

Klout scores are becoming increasingly important, mostly because they help you measure your success against other companies and firms on social media sites. But it’s important for businesses to not lose sight of what their social media networking efforts are all about in the first place, which is to keep in touch with their leads and customer-base on a human level.

Need Help?

If improving your Klout score is something you are interested in but are having trouble getting started, contact us today to schedule your free marketing analysis!

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