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"Gamify" or gamification has taken the marketing world by storm.
The key to gamification is turning extrinsic rewards to intrinsic rewards. You might not know this but Gen Y'ers are more susceptible to those rewards.
Who doesn't love games? Many target audiences have grown up playing Monopoly, Clue, Life, Sorry and Risk.
There's nothing better than integrating gamification into your social media strategy.
Implementing Gamification into your Social Media Accounts
Gamification was a huge trend in 2012.
Have you ever thought about incorporating contents and games into your inbound marketing strategy? Incorporating contests and games can be a great way to drive traffic to your website.
Think of all the times that you visit Google's homepage just to check out their new doodle. Even if you didn't need to use Google at all, you had to check it out. If done correctly, gamification can be a great way to engage with your audience.
And the best place to implement gamification into your marketing strategy is through social media.
Facebook is a popular place for game applications anyway.
Not only are contests being created on the platform, but companies and brands are developing games their users can play.
Did you know that Marriott hotels created a game application on Facebook? They use their Facebook game to recruit new employees. The game has players run a virtual hotel, to test their problem solving skills in situations similar to the one's they would face on the job.
Or it can be a way to introduce your fans to your new album. Follow in the steps of Lady Gaga, who debuted songs from her album "Born This Way" through her own version of Farmville.
Businesses have also used Facebook for contests. The most common content you may have seen is "the next 3 people to like us, get a gift card", (I won a gift card this way). It's important to note, that without the use of a third party app this is against Facebook rules.
Gamification doesn't have to be about giving away gift cards, it can be fun without giving away a prize. Have you ever thought about posting trivia questions or uploading photos and asking your fans to leave a caption? both of those are great for increasing the engagement of your fans and followers.
Hashtags can be used for serious business, like designating one for a webinar.
They don't always have to be about an upcoming webinar or as a way to expand your reach. Have a little fun with them. A great example is Charmin.
Charmin proves that even a toilet paper company can be funny when they don't take themselves too seriously. Their use of #TweetFromTheSeat shows that they are successful on Twitter because they don't take themselves too seriously.
Unlike Facebook, Twitter is a place where you can give away prizes in your contests. The binkd app is free and will help you to run the contest.
Pinterest already feels like a game, it is a helpful search engine. The modern day equivalent of a scrap-booking.
Adding a contest just makes it even more fun.
Modcloth launched a contest through a pin. To enter, contestants had to create a board which included 20 pins of Modcloth items. The winner got a $100 gift certificate. The push from modcloth to get more of their items pinned was undoubtedly worth more than that as repins from non-contestants drove sales back to their web site.
Social media should be fun and engaging. By coming up with creative ways to involve your audience you are reinforcing the relationships you have created.

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