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Marcus Sheridan

By Marcus Sheridan

Mar 21, 2017


Web Design Video Marketing Marketing Strategy

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7 Places to Use Video Marketing on Your Website

Marcus Sheridan

By Marcus Sheridan

Mar 21, 2017

7 Places to Use Video Marketing on Your Website

So, you’re ready to crush video and make it a full part of your organization’s sales and marketing efforts? Great.

Considering studies saying that 80% of content consumed on the web will be video by 2019, it’s time everyone start taking this medium very, very seriously.

Assuming you have the right content approach and the videos have been produced, you may be wondering as to the best places to put videos on your company website.

If this is the case, here is a list of some potential considerations.

#1 Home Page Background Video

Although video isn’t always the “right” solution for your homepage, one great place to consider it is in the background above the fold of the screen. The key to making this work, however, is a video that gives the site visitor a true sense for the problem your company solves, or at least a unique differentiator of a certain aspect of your company.

An excellent example of this is Model Apparel.


Within the hero section of their homepage, they show examples of the production of their products. This gives the visitor a “behind the scenes” look at different phases of the process, and build trust towards the brand.

Another thing to keep in mind, is that a background video shouldn’t distract from the overall message of your page, but rather aid it and help drive it home.

With its overlay, Modern Apparel’s video is subtle enough that it draws attention to the hero area, but doesn’t pull a visitor’s focus away from the value proposition.   

#2 Social Proof Sections of the Website

Does your website have a case study section? Or possibly a customer testimonials area?

At this point, most companies do, but unfortunately, more often than not these important areas of a website generally lack the all-important video content necessary to truly “show” the story at hand.

Remember, reading a case study or testimonial is nice, but NOTHING compares to being able to see and hear a satisfied customer tell their story. It’s authentic and more tangible than text alone. .

Below is a great video case study for WorkflowMax about their success with their customer Cymon Allfrey Architects.

Within the video, they’re able to tell a great success story and also display the faces of a happy customer. This gives more detail to the problems that WorkflowMax can solve.

places-to-use-video-NZ-architect.jpgNZ -- Architect - Cymon Allfrey Architects

#3 A Video Resource Library

More and more consumers today only do their buying research through video, in fact 64% of people are more likely to buy an item online after watching a video, which is why we’re getting to the point where every website needs to have a “video library”—a place where video content lives but is organized, searchable, and displayed in such a way that the visitor can immediate find, and see, what they’re looking for.

#4 Product/Services Pages

For too long, company product and services pages have consisted of one or two photos plus a few hundred words of explanatory text.

As you can imagine, this isn’t good…at all. If we truly want our customers to see what makes us special and different, a quality video on each of these pages is necessary to provide the ideal shopping experience.

Lumira Studio, based in Hertfordshire, created this wonderful product demonstration video for a solar-powered light set up. Within the video, they are able to display each feature of the product, as well as provide visual evidence for ease of use.

#5 Homepage Explainer Video

Different than the homepage background video mentioned in #1, an explainer video is generally found further down the page and allows the viewer to get an immediate sense of not just who the company is, but more importantly the problem they solve, as well as the thing that makes them unique.

LuckyOrange has a great example of an explainer video, which they use on their homepage. In the video, they do a great job of explaining the problems they solve, displaying their solution, and presenting their value proposition.

#6 About Page (also applicable to Recruiting/Hiring Page)

Traditionally, about pages—just like product/service pages—lack any type of video to give the viewer a true sense of what makes up the organization. At this point, if we really want to show our company culture and team, video content is a must.

#7 Employee/Team Pages

As mentioned previously, here at The Sales Lion, personal employee videos, especially for sales teams, are critical in terms of helping visitors “know” the types of people that make up the organization.

Unfortunately, this is another weak area for most organizations, regardless of size, and considering these videos are so incredibly easy to produce, there is really no reason not to integrate them into your content mix.

Here’s an example of our very own George B Thomas introducing himself and what makes him tick. These videos live on our ‘Meet the Team’ page and allow visitors to get to know our whole team, nearly face to face.

places-to-use-video-George.jpgGeorge_Thomas_AboutMe - TSL Learning Channel

So there you have it; seven places to start incorporating videos on your website and into your marketing strategy.

Keep in mind, just the fact that you have this type of content on your website immediately separates you from the competition and can give you a major leg up when trying to win trust of today’s digital buyer.

Need Help Getting Started With Your Video Content?

  • I freeze up when the camera starts rolling
  • I have NO idea what equipment I'll need to shoot
  • I don't even know what I should Shoot

If any of these problems sound like you, you could use a video workshop.

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