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There’s nothing better than a steady stream of traffic.
I’m not talking about horn-honking, bumper-to-bumper mayhem on your way home from spending Memorial Day weekend in the Cape. You know what I’m talking about, right? That sunburned, nothing on the radio type of traffic you inevitably come face to face with on your journey back to reality. Yuck.
Anyway, what I’m talking about is website traffic. The heartbeat of your business.
Your ability to produce website traffic has a major influence on your ability to convert visitors into customers.
What we’ve found is that many businesses are plagued by the “if I build it, they will come” mentality. That’s not the case.
In order for your business to generate healthy website traffic, it is up to you to devise a strategy that will assist it in doing so.
In an attempt to remedy insufficient traffic, we’ve come up with 4 different ways for your business to approach website traffic generation.
Include a Link in Your Twitter Bio
Your Twitter bio provides you with a 160 character opportunity to showcase your brand. While Twitter allows you to add your website in their website field, unfortunately it will not show up in a Twitter search.
Lets say that you put in a Twitter search for ‘coffee’ and you start scrolling through the results:
You’ll notice that Klatch Coffee, Inc has included a link to their Facebook page, making it easy for a Twitter user to simply click the link and explore their brand even further. While we can’t guarantee that this will transform your website’s performance, it’s worth making note of.
It is important to consider how the way you position information will ultimately have an effect on the way people interact with it. Including a link in your Twitter bio is a fool-proof way to invite people beyond the surface of your brand.
Add a Link in Your Facebook Short Description
Similar to the tip we mentioned above, adding a website link to your Facebook Short Description is an easy way to pull potential website traffic in.
But wait, what’s a Short Description?
The fact of the matter is, the Short Description is often overlooked by Facebook users. Located in the prime real-estate under your profile image and cover photo, the Short Description is exactly what it sounds like.. a short description of your brand (think short & sweet).
While most brands add a link to their website in their Facebook Description, this will only appear when a visitor clicks into your ‘About Me’ section. Adding a link to your Short Description will ensure that your visitors don’t have to search for your link. By creating a clear path to your website you are will increase the likelihood that a visitor will choose to visit your website.
Time Your Posts Right
7:00 AM, noon, 5:00 PM, midnight?
While many marketers struggle to find the golden time for publishing posts, the truth is, there isn't one.
However, we’ve compiled a bit of data that will take a little of the guesswork out of deciding when to post content. Why? Well, in order to drive traffic back to your website, you want to be sure that you are posting content at a time when it will be seen by the greatest amount of people.
Simply put, posting content at the right time means more traffic, and more potential for engagement and sharing.
According to data from KiSSmetrics and HubSpot's Dan Zarrella, 70% of users read blogs in the morning. To be more specific, the average blog usually sees the most traffic around 11 AM, and the most comments around 9 AM.
Not only does timing influence traffic, but frequency plays a big part in these numbers as well.
This graph is a visible representation of the impact posting frequency has on your brand’s ability to drive more traffic:
Create Compelling Titles
The truth is, a majority of your audience comes across your content on social media websites, or in search results, not while they are on your page already. With this in mind, the key to persuading people to click your links and visit your page is to put forth titles worth clicking on.
According to CopyBlogger, eight of ten people will read a title, but just two of ten readers will continue reading the article. For every person that opts out of clicking on a link to your website, you stunt the growth of your website traffic.
So what elements contribute to a great title?
Clarity: You want your reader to be completely aware what they are getting themselves into by clicking a link to your content. Leave the ambiguity at the door, and work towards conveying the value up front.
Keywords: Not only will a specified keyword help to guide your content, but it will also help you rank higher in search engine results pages. A strong title is will contain a keyword or keyword phrase that has a high search volume, therefore you should keep track of search trends.
Solutions: Your audience has a ton of questions. Lucky for them, you are an expert on your product or service! Use your knowledge to create content that serves as a solution to their problem, or an answer to their question. Use your title to communicate how you will solve their problem.
Additionally, be sure to make note of the type of titles your existing visitors have responded well to. Do your best to replicate well received title formats, or find ways to reposition the subject matter they've shown interest in.

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