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Ready to Get Started? They Ask, You Answer 90-Day Starter Guide

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Ready to Get Started?

They Ask, You Answer 90-Day Starter Guide
John Becker

By John Becker

Sep 1, 2023


Working With Marketing Agencies Executives and Leaders Getting Started with They Ask, You Answer

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If you’re looking for a new direction for your marketing, it means something’s not working.

Maybe your leads have plateaued. Maybe your traffic is falling. Maybe you feel like you’re stuck paying an agency and not getting any ROI. 

Or maybe you’ve been a word-of-mouth business in the past and you're getting into digital marketing for the first time. 

Whatever your situation, you know you want to find an agency that understands your business, your needs, and your industry.

Maybe you’ve combed through the HubSpot partner directory and seen page after page of agencies that promise expertise, attentive service, and top notch platform knowledge.

At IMPACT, we believe that no one knows your business better than you. So, rather than "do" your marketing for you, we teach you how to do it yourself. 

So, how do you choose? How do you find the right partner to guarantee you meet your goals?

At IMPACT, we believe that no one knows your business better than you. So, rather than "do" your marketing for you, we teach you how to do it yourself. 

This article will explain exactly what that means. 

Below, you'll see 10 questions. Think about how you'd answer each one. If you're answering more "yes" than "no", we should talk. We'd probably be a great fit to work together. 

1. Have your sales and marketing efforts plateaued and you're struggling to drive revenue?

Have you found that what worked in the past no longer works? Are you having a hard time meeting the changing needs of your customers?

At IMPACT, we believe that the future of marketing is buyer education, and we teach businesses to build trust with the content that their buyers actually want.

2. Do you have to spend a lot of time educating your prospects? 

If you sell a complex product or service, your prospects need to be educated before they can become customers. They've got questions and concerns — and you need to answer them. 

If you leave this up to your sales team, your sales process will drag out and get longer and longer, filled up with your sales reps answering the same questions at meeting after meeting. 

If you sell a complex product or service, your prospects need to be educated before they can become customers.

In order to speed up the sales process, reps should use assignment selling. That is, they should share content with prospects that answers the most common questions and addresses the most common concerns — before the meeting even takes place.

By “assigning” this content (which is produced by the marketing team), your sales team can have more productive conversations with prospects who have already had many of their questions answered — which speeds up the sales cycle.

3. Do your sales and marketing teams struggle to work together? 

Time and time again, we’ve found that sales and marketing teams struggle to get on the same page. Marketing is frustrated that sales doesn’t value their work, and sales is frustrated by marketing materials that don’t actually help them close deals. 

Solving this problem is a crucial first step to achieving the results you’re looking for. 

To do this, your marketing team and sales team should unite to form a “revenue team.” This way, marketers can gather questions directly from sales and produce content that makes sales enablement even easier. 

4. Are you tired of paying an outside agency to generate leads?

We believe the traditional agency-client marketing model is outdated and inefficient. Clients are held in a cycle of dependency, always relying on an agency to produce content, film videos, organize their CRM, and update their website. 

At IMPACT, we train clients so they can be expert, self-sufficient marketers. We balance strategic coaching with specific, tactical training sessions to meet you where you are and bring you to mastery level. 

We guide companies to sales and marketing mastery in as little as 12 months.

5. Can you make updates to your own website? 

Businesses change all the time: You start offering new products or services, you add team members, your pricing changes.

If your website doesn’t accurately reflect those changes, it’s outdated — and it's a bad look for your company. But paying an agency or a freelancer to make updates is expensive and inefficient. 

We believe every business should be able to update its own website. And with the way websites can be built today, that's possible even without an internal IT team.

6. Do you struggle to hold on to great employees?

All-star employees like to be challenged and given growth opportunities. With the right coaching, employees can grow and deepen their skill set. We believe that investing in your team is the best way to secure a prosperous future. In the future, teams with a high talent-density will dominate marketes and win more revenue. 

Imagine if the future of your business is one of collaboration, innovation, and excellence

Working with IMPACT means embracing a new vision and developing company-wide buy-in.

7. Do your buyers do their own research before they enter the sales process?

In most industries, buyers today spend more time doing research online than ever before.

It really doesn’t matter what that purchase is. Think about it, whether you’re joining a gym, planning a vacation, picking a new software service, or buying a new dishwasher, your buying journey starts with a search engine (or possibly AI).

Buyers today spend more time doing research online than ever before.

You want to be an informed consumer — and your customers are no different.

Long before they’re ready to buy, they’re gathering information. When they’re ready to reach out, they are much closer to making a decision than buyers in the past.

Therefore, much more of the buying decision depends on what they learn from your marketing materials than ever before. 

8. Are you a trusted business in your industry? Do you pride yourself on your honesty?

We believe that trust is the currency of all business — and we believe that trust grows from honesty.

No matter what they’re purchasing, buyers everywhere have the same questions.

What does something cost?

What are the potential drawbacks?

Which option is right for me?

Your buyers have questions. They will either get the answers from your website or from another source. They build a relationship and begin to trust the source of those answers. Wouldn’t you want that to be you?

If you want buyers in your pipeline to trust you, you need to address these questions openly on your website — and again in your sales process. We will show you how.

9. Can you measure the ROI of your marketing?

Digital marketing works best when you can truly prove your ROI. A tool like HubSpot allows you to measure traffic and engagement in ways that help you evaluate past efforts and plan future strategy. 

HubSpot has pricing tiers ranging from free to enterprise-level, and we recommend that companies use this platform to facilitate all their digital marketing efforts.

We’ll train you to use the tools that make the most sense for your needs.

So, how did you do?

Did those nine questions resonate with you? Did you say yes more than no?

If so, I have one final question for you:

In an ideal world, what position would you like your company to be in 12 months from now:

  • You've got an internal team that's capable of producing quality written and video content and can manage and update all aspects of your website.


  • You're using an outside agency to create all written and video content and manage and make all updates to your website — and you'll keep paying that agency every month for as long as you're in business.

Are you ready to break the cycle of dependence?

With IMPACT, you can. 

We’ll be honest, it will be hard at first, but the benefits are worth it. And don’t worry, we’ll be with you every step of the way — until you don’t need us anymore. At that point, you’ll have the team and the knowledge to drive traffic, bring in leads, and shorten the sales cycle.

You’ll save money and see greater ROI. 

Imagine where you want to be in a year or two. Stuck in the same cycle of trying to find a new inbound agency who can do better than the last one? Or autonomous and self-sufficient, with in-house content, video, and HubSpot expertise, with internal specialists that truly know your business and know what it takes to succeed?

The journey to autonomy starts whenever you’re ready

So, are you ready to begin?

At IMPACT, our goal is your mastery. If you’re ready to get off the agency merry-go-round and want to take control of your digital sales and marketing future, let us show you how. 


Ready to Get Started?

They Ask, You Answer 90-Day Starter Guide