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Liz Murphy

By Liz Murphy

Dec 25, 2019


Content Marketing

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Content Marketing

Merry Christmas from Content Lab (Content Lab, Ep. 41)

Liz Murphy

By Liz Murphy

Dec 25, 2019

Merry Christmas from Content Lab (Content Lab, Ep. 41)

'Twas the week before Christmas and it sure was a beauty,
While Liz and John wrapped up the last of their duties
They hastened discussion and tried not to blab,
As they earnestly planned the new Content Lab,

When what visions arose on this morning so dear?
but eggnog, and cookies, and a tall glasses of beer,
So away to their microphones they flew with a flash,
and opened a Drive folder marked "secret stash"

And instead of recording, and wasting the night,
They pulled up a document, lovely and bright,
And subbed it in quickly, nobody would know,
(except for the many rabid fans of the show),

Rather than sharing how sausage is made,
Or other details of the marketing trade,
They’d just read a poem that aligned with the season,
When lights are a-twinkle and the air is a-freezin,

The poem could be festive and clever and cheery,
At a time when some feel bedraggled and dreary,
We’d remind them of holiday joy and good cheer —
And that our show would return in the new year.

With presents to open and rich feasts to share,
John and Liz raised their voices, to all who did care
And with holiday spirit and hearts full of plenty
Said, “Content Lab will be back in the year 2020!”

Liz and John sat at their desks many miles apart,
With warmth and good cheer in their bright little hearts —
They'd saved Christmas week, just as sure as you're born,
In just a few days it would be Christmas morn,

From John in Connecticut where the snow clouds are gray,
And from Liz in her own home, by Chesapeake Bay,
We thank you for tuning in to our podcast
At any point over this year that has passed

We wish you the best in the coming new year,
May you spend it with people you hold the most dear,
Thank you for listening — but it’s now time to go
Happy holidays to all — now go play in the snow!

Listen to the episode

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Until next week! 👋

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