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John Bonini

By John Bonini

Sep 4, 2012


Content Marketing

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Content Marketing

Your Marketing Content: "Are you talkin' to me?"

John Bonini

By John Bonini

Sep 4, 2012

Your Marketing Content: "Are you talkin' to me?"


marketing contentWhen it comes to marketing content, many companies and copywriters commit the cardinal sin of not knowing who they're content is "speaking" to.

Simply saying, "our prospects and consumers" isn't going to cut the mustard. Marketing on the web has become so much more cerebral given the amount of competition out there as well as the advances in technology the industry has seen. All businesses are online! And for many of these businesses, they feel that's good enough. But for the ones that would like to stand out and rank high in search engines, your marketing content will be the catalyst for doing so. (In my totally unbiased opinion).

The tone of your content is completely dependent on the industry you're in. B2B companies will feature content much different than B2C companies, and learning these differences and implementing the content necessary to tailor to these industries will greatly improve the success of your website and overall marketing campaign.

Easier said than done? Absolutely. But therein lies the joy and challenge of copywriting; identifying who needs this content, and figuring out a way to get them to respond to it.

You never want your visitors to leave your site thinking, "were they talking to me?" or worse yet, "they're not talking to me." Instead, you want your visitors to feel like you're talking to them and only them. Well-targeted marketing content is personable and most importantly, extremely effective.

Looking to feature more powerful, effective marketing content? Contact IMPACT and learn how we can help!

B2B Marketing Content

So how do you write content for business professionals? Should you lace it up with tons of big words? Not so fast.

While business professionals don't like to be talked down to, they simply want value to be conveyed through your content, as most times they're making purchases on behalf of their company, and would love to look good in front of their boss during the next board meeting.

What they're looking for:

    • Content that conveys value. They're looking to save money, make money, or both.

    • Proof. Case studies. Testimonials. Something to take back to their boss prior to making a purchase.

    • Trust. They want to know you're an expert on the subject or in the industry.

This doesn't mean your content needs to be dry and boring. In fact, you don't want to use too much industry specific jargon that will turn off the employees of the decision makers. In other words, you want the receptionist at the law firm visiting your site to fully understand the value of your service or company so she can take it to the partners and sing your praises.

B2C Marketing Content

Consumers making purchases for themselves or family require a whole different approach. A lot of times, saving money and making money is not even a priority. In fact, they're willing to spend money simply to solve a problem, make something easier, or simply because they want it.

Craft your content to focus more on their emotions, as this has proven to be a very effective approach. Just about every car commercial you see does this extremely well. They focus on the family aspect, and keeping them safe on the road. Now if you're a parent looking to buy a new car, this is certainly going to play a role in the decision making progress.

These consumers make emotional decisions. The key is identifying how your product or service can tap into their emotions, and formulate your marketing content accordingly.

Carefully Craft your Content

The truth is the content on each of your web pages and blog articles is just as important as the graphics and design of the page itself. Having more focused content will result in more sales ready leads rather than aimless traffic that ends up leaving your website anyways.

So next time you're hopping on the keys (the keyboard, that is), take the more cerebral approach and try to really understand what your target market wants to hear and how you can write it.

Interested in featuring more powerful marketing content on your website? Give us a call at IMPACT and learn how we can transform your pages to be more lead generating!

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