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Liz Murphy

By Liz Murphy

Mar 22, 2019


Content Marketing

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"Content Strategy Best Practices vs. Reality" with Doug Breaker of Scripted (Content Lab, Ep. 26)

Liz Murphy

By Liz Murphy

Mar 22, 2019

"Content Strategy Best Practices vs. Reality" with Doug Breaker of Scripted (Content Lab, Ep. 26)

Often, there is a Grand Canyon's-worth of difference between what we know are best practices and "ideal" approaches, and what is actually possible given our situations as inbound marketers -- either at an agency or in-house for one company.

On one hand, we know to create content (blogs, podcasts, videos, etc.) that actually gets results, we need to focus on answering the most pressing questions our buyers have as thoroughly and as honestly as possible. We also know that content we create ourselves will always be of higher-quality than content we outsource to a part-time freelancer, agency, and so on.

On the other hand, it can be hard to reconcile what we know we should be writing about with the desire to get found online -- and the modern SEO principles we know we need to embrace. Moreover, as organizations, we don't always have the ability (or the budget) to bring content creation totally in-house immediately, once we recognize that's what we need to do.

Both in working at IMPACT, as well as my years as Quintain's content manager who oversaw the entire content production pipeline for our clients, I know first-hand how painful this disparity between best practice and reality can be. 

That's why I invited Scripted CEO Doug Breaker to join me for a candid conversation about bridging those divides, their new product Cruise Control, and more. (Scripted was my go-to when I first started out as a content manager -- years later, I still consider them a great resource for those who are new to inbound or are working on bringing their content in-house at a future date.)


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