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John Bonini

By John Bonini

Sep 14, 2012


Video Marketing

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Video Marketing

Creating Killer Animated Marketing Videos that Sell Your Brand

John Bonini

By John Bonini

Sep 14, 2012

Creating Killer Animated Marketing Videos that Sell Your Brand

animated marketing videosWhen it comes to offering website visitors a positive experience, marketers always tend to lean toward what content or graphics will get the job done. This is standard thinking.

More and more, however, you're starting to see companies take a chance and use animated marketing videos to help tell the story of their company in a quick, informative, and entertaining way. This is forward thinking.

These are not to be confused with your standard marketing videos. Like the name suggests, these videos are animated, and require a great deal of creativity to ensure it's done right. But rest assured, if it is done right, it will result in your visitors staying longer and even clicking through to more pages on your website.

Due to the level of creativity involved in creating a great video, animated marketing videos are often times are intimidating for marketers of business owners to take on. At IMPACT, we're experienced in the process of creating great videos for our clients as well as our own website, so let us share with you what you'll need to create killer animated marketing videos.

Creating Killer Animated Marketing Videos

Write a Killer Script

In most cases, you'll be outsourcing the creation of your videos to an animator and voiceover professional.

So where do you come into the equation? Well...only the most important aspect of the entire video...the script.

It's imperative that your script is killer, as you'll need it to be brief, informative, yet also entertaining to keep the interest of the visitor. The whole idea revolves around replacing paragraphs of boring content with an animated video in order to more effectively convey the message your company and brand is trying to create.

Always ask yourself, "what is the visitor getting out of this?" Explain your services as clear and concise as you can, yet let the personality of your company shine through. Explaining services may have a tendency to get dry and boring, so be sure your video is as entertaining as it is informative.

Here are the essentials regarding your script:

    • Who are you?
    • What do you do? Services? (Clarity is key!)
    • Personality (Keep the viewer engaged!)

Review the script several times before it's passed on. Once you have a great script in your hands, it makes the process run that much more smoothly and successfully.


Once you have a killer script written, it's time to put those words into images. Quick simple sketches are fine, but make sure the story flows and shows transitions (even a one minute video needs a beginning, middle, and end).

Provide detail in your storyboard by using arrows to show how the screens will transition, how an object will come into the screen, and also indicate any sound effects you'd like to include. (Also include this in the script so the voiceover professional can include it.)

I'm sure you're thinking to yourself, "I'm no artist, that's why I'm having a professional do this!" Worry not, as a professional will certainly be the one responsible for the final product. Your job is to simply provide a blueprint in order to provide an idea of where you'd like the video to take the viewer.

Finding the Animator

There are plenty of animators out there, but finding a quality animator that you can build a solid relationship with (you may need more videos) is critical in selecting the right person for the job.

You'll be working closely with the animator, and the great ones will certainly surpass your expectations once you see the final product in regards to transitions and effects.

So be sure to focus your attention on finding a great animator, and a poorly animated video will render all of your script and storyboard efforts as wasted time.

Finding the Voiceover Professional

Finding the right voiceover professional is another crucial element of an effective animated marketing video. The tone is everything. If you're in the medical industry, you'll obviously want a more serious tone.

However, if you're a young internet marketing company, you'll want a tone that conveys more personality and color. Once you find the voiceover professional you're looking for, you may even work through a few drafts until you find one that is just right. Make sure the tone fits both your brand and the message you're trying to convey.

Review and Refine

Perhaps the most important aspect of successfully made animated marketing videos is the review process. You'll need to watch and re-watch the video so many times, the dialogue will be permanently burned into your memory.

The voiceover needs to be perfect and relatable. The animation must be clear and informative. Making small changes to the animation to make sure it matches your concept completely is extremely important. You've likely spent a good deal of money to have this video created, so make sure you go over it with a fine-toothed comb to ensure it's perfect.

Killer Animated Marketing Videos

Looking for the perfect video to help feel your brand on your homepage? We work with only the best animators and voiceover professionals, so give us a call at IMPACT and learn how we can help you get started!

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