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John Bonini

By John Bonini

Sep 18, 2012


Marketing Strategy

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Marketing Strategy

iPhone vs. Android Users: What Does your Phone Say About You? (Stats)

John Bonini

By John Bonini

Sep 18, 2012

iPhone vs. Android Users: What Does your Phone Say About You? (Stats)'s that time of year again. Fall brings a chill in the air, color to the leaves, and the frenzy of mobile geeks everywhere falling over one another for a new iPhone. (Guilty)

According to Apple, pre-orders for the iPhone 5 topped 2 million in just 24 hours. If this doesn't further illustrate the importance of ensuring that your website is optimized for mobile, I'm not sure anything ever will.

Along with iPhone users, Android users also represent a large portion of the smartphone market, and marketing toward this demographic is essential for the changing of the times, and also for the marketing of your website and campaign. Make sure you're mobile friendly!

We were curious about the stats and demographics in regards to iPhone vs. Android users, and thanks to this great infographic over at Hunch, we found some great data to share with you here. Who knew the type of phone you own could say so much about you?

Looking to ensure your website is mobile optimized? Give us a call at IMPACT and learn how we can help!

iPhone vs. Android Statistics

iPhone users





  • TV Shows: iPhone users are more likely to watch Planet Earth, Portlandia, and The Killing. (Tweet This)
  • Movies: Users are more likely to watch Midnight in Paris, Beginners, and Another Earth. (Tweet This)
  • Books: Users are more likely to read A Visit from the Goon Squad, Switch, and Freedom. (Tweet This)
  • Music: Users are more likely to listen to The Antlers, Belle and Sebastian, and Best Coast. (Tweet This)

Food & Drink

  • Breakfast Cereal: iPhone users are more likely to prefer Rice Crispies, Kashia GOLEAN Crunch!, and Crispix. (Tweet This)
  • Ice Cream: Users are more likely to prefer Salted Caramel, Mint Chocolate Chip, and Lemon Sorbet. (Tweet This)

Even More Stats

Worry not! We didn't forget about the Android users.

Android Users





  • TV Shows: Android users are more likely to watch Louie, How I Met Your Mother, and The Walking Dead. (Tweet This)
  • Movies: Users are more likely to watch X-Men: First Class, The Tree of Life, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2. (Tweet This)
  • Books: Users are more likely to read The Lord of the Rings, 1984, and The Gunslinger. (Tweet This)
  • Music: Users are more likely to listen to Radiohead, Janelle Monåe, and Girl Talk. (Tweet This)

Food & Drink

  • Breakfast Cereal: Android users are more likely to prefer Corn Pops, Honey Nut Cheerios, and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. (Tweet This)
  • Ice Cream: Users are more likely to prefer Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Vanilla, and Cookies and Cream. (Tweet This)

What Does it Say About You?

Obviously, statistics like these must be taken with a grain of salt, but it's still a lot of fun to see where you fall when measured against a large sample of users. I won't say what type of phone I have, but I will say this, I am not high-maintenance! Geeze.

Looking to enhance your mobile marketing capabilities? IMPACT ensures all websites are mobile friendly, give us a call and learn how we can help you!

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