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Rhetoric and the power of precise language in content (Content Lab, Ep. 48)

By Liz Murphy
Nov 8, 2020

Editor's note: This episode was originally recorded in July. Please see the show note at the bottom of this article for more context about its delayed release.
When you're a content creator — whether you're writing a script for a video, riffing off the cuff on camera, or creating written content for yourself or in the voice of others — words are your bread and butter.
The right words can move people to take action.
The right words can give life to an idea.
The right words can inspire someone.
It's why one of my pet peeves is when someone is searching for the words or phrases to express something, then they give up and instead say, "Well, you know what I'm trying to say."
And then the other person says, "Yeah, totally." Then they both walk away thinking they understand each other, when there's a good chance they don't.
But how do you find those right words? What are some of the simple word tricks any digital marketer can employ to make the content they create more memorable, more powerful, more engaging?
Well, that's exactly what we talk about in this episode.
Listen to the episode
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Related resources
- How to write a blog post (+ blog post template)
- Most common ways you're undermining the power of your words
- Ultimate blogging tips guide for content marketers
- How to create a content style guide for your brand
Important show note
As I mentioned in the previous episode, in the coming weeks, we'll be releasing a bunch of episodes John and I recorded over the past few months. For various reasons, we always felt very quickly that they would become obsolete — for example, we would cancel events we were promoting in those episodes, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
After serious consideration, we've opted to release those episodes anyway. So, please understand that there may be some cases where we reference events that ended up not occurring during certain episodes that we opt to publish down the line, as they make sense. They also may be released out of order, based on their topic. The topics we discussed are still very valuable and evergreen, however, so we hope you'll excuse any momentary confusion.
Until next week! 👋

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