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Zoe Hunter

By Zoe Hunter

Oct 12, 2012


Marketing Strategy

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Marketing Strategy

Three Reasons Press Release Marketing Will Help Your Campaign

Zoe Hunter

By Zoe Hunter

Oct 12, 2012

Three Reasons Press Release Marketing Will Help Your Campaign


press release marketingPress releases?...Say what?!

Yes. You read right. Press release marketing can, in fact, help your marketing campaigns.

There have been on-going debates, discussions and scuffles challenging public relation’s role in marketing. And recently I’ve noticed people focusing more on separating the two rather than identifying ways they can help each other. Well, my good friends, I am here to proclaim that public relation’s press releases can help your marketing efforts. Let me explain why

Press releases are documents that companies write to inform media outlets and the public on products, services and recent developments within their organization. The main purpose of a press release is to generate interest for relevant media sources, to garner outside coverage. A press release is the formal document introducing this product, service or development to news sources and the public. Press release marketing, then, is the use of press releases for marketing efforts.

Interested in learning more about creating press releases for your company? Contact IMPACT and learn how we can help!

Reasons Press Release Marketing Helps

So how can a press release help with your company’s marketing? Easy. If you’re familiar with lead generation and buying cycles, press releases assist with the research/education stage of a buying cycle in three ways:

1. Credibility

Press releases are sent out directly from your organization about the developments of your organization...and who knows more about that than you? Press releases serve as the final word on rumors, developments, company news, and etc. If conversation begins to circulate about the development of an iPhone 6.5, this development can not be confirmed until a press release is formally published by Apple. Press releases hold more value than any other source because of its credibility; and that’s very important.

2. Information

Press releases explain more specifics; the “who, what, where, when, why and maybe even how’s”. This is important for potential sales during the research stage of their buying cycle. If a prospect doesn’t have information about your product or service, how can you expect them to buy it?...or even be interested in it? Press release marketing gives your company the chance to thoroughly explain its product, service or development without having to worry about designs and ad placement.

3. Enhances SEO

The purpose of a traditional press release is to generate coverage for relevant news sources; and with the increased use of social media, these press releases can also interest your industry’s influential bloggers.  The more coverage there is on your company, its products, services and developments, the more likely it is to appear in search engines. And I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how important that is!

Press releases, can be a great way to generate leads as they go through the research and education phase of the buying cycle. Sales are made based on the research a lead yields, and with press releases generating consistent coverage both online and in traditional media your company will very well be ahead of the game.

Expand Your Reach

Interested in press release marketing and learning more about how it can expand your reach? Contact IMPACT and see how we can help!

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