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Carly Stec

By Carly Stec

Jul 14, 2014


Content Marketing

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Content Marketing

5 Important Steps to Take After You Publish a Blog Post

Carly Stec

By Carly Stec

Jul 14, 2014

5 Important Steps to Take After You Publish a Blog Post

shutterstock_204592468Sick of calling upon traditional marketing methods, only to face continuous rejection from uninterested buyers?

Wish that it was easier for your ideal customers to find you?

Start by providing the resourceful information they're looking for through blogging.


Quite simply, the companies who have adopted blogging as a best practice for their business are the same ones who are seeing results.

However, in order to become the resource your prospects are looking for to assist in their buying process, you need to know not only what to do before you publish, but also what to do after.

How can you ensure that your business is getting the most juice from the squeeze?

We've detailed 5 important steps that you should take after you publish a blog post to permit more traffic and more conversions. 

Read it one more time

One of the easiest ways to discount your business’ credibility is to fall victim to spelling errors and poor grammar. 

While you should have read your post over several times before hitting publish, it doesn't hurt to quadruple check your work. 

This type of careful consideration will help you to prevent presenting readers with subpar content.

Additionally, it will help to ensure that your business isn't at risk of losing valuable word-of-­mouth marketing

Notify your subscribers

In a perfect world all of your blog subscribers have your page bookmarked and are checking for new posts religiously.

However, we all know marketing is far from perfect.

Assume that most of your blog subscribers are extremely busy people. It’s likely that they aren’t perusing your blog while they enjoy their morning cup of coffee. It’s more likely that they’ve just arrived at work after a profanity-laced commute and are just trying to get through their email inbox without being bothered by their boss.

See that? We’re understanding how our audience is behaving, and as a result, we can develop a strategy that aligns with this.

The best practice here would be to set up an instant notification to your blog subscribers that sends the newest content directly to their inbox. You know...the place where your audience is likely spending a good portion of their morning.

Utilize social amplification

Leveraging social media is no longer suggested, it's required.

However, before you go posting anything, you should be aware that there is a science behind effective social media sharing. Rather than simply copying and pasting the title with a shortened link back to it, consider how your audience is behaving in each social media network. For instance, we can hypothesize the following:

  •   Facebook – What are the people close to me up to?
  •   Twitter – What breaking news or trends am I missing out on?
  •   LinkedIn – How can I do my job better?

Ask yourself how you can position the sharing of each of your blog articles to align with these behaviors. In doing so, your content will provide greater context and result in more visits back to your website. 

Establish co-marketing 

Co­-marketing campaigns aim to deliver greater results in terms of visibility, reach, and sales advances that could not have been accomplished without the support of another brand. 

When it comes to your blog posts, co-marketing opportunities not only allow you to expand your reach, but they also provide both partner’s audiences with fresh, informative content.

Keep in mind that it’s a good idea to hash out your expectations with your co-marketing partner prior to the launch of the promotion. This will help both parties determine which channels they should be sharing the blog post on, and at what frequency. 

Feature posts in your newsletter

If you have a company newsletter, start incorporating a few excerpts or teasers from your blog articles in order to drive your recipients back to your website to read more.

Recipients of your newsletter will welcome any resourceful content you’re sharing, and in turn, will improve their overall experience with your brand. 

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