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Ramona Sukhraj

By Ramona Sukhraj

Aug 28, 2015


Marketing Strategy

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6 Brands That Are Actually Worth Following On Social Media

Ramona Sukhraj

By Ramona Sukhraj

Aug 28, 2015

6 Brands That Are Actually Worth Following On Social Media

6-brands-to-follow-on-social-mediaPave your own way. Be independent. Be the leader. Don’t be a follower.

Ideas like these have been ingrained in many of our minds since we were young. They should be treated as inspiration and words to live by --- unless, of course, we’re talking about social media.

As Marketers today (or sometimes just as social beings), we’re all in pursuit of retweets, “likes,” and follows. They’re like little digital drops of acceptance and public approval, and they nourish our psychological need to belong to a group.

Whether it’s on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, or any other platform, it’s always satisfying to see that someone agrees with you or wants hear/see everything you have to share.

As a brand, this kind of customer loyalty and advocacy can have a huge impact on your overall success -- but let’s face it, some brands are just a little socially awkward.

When it comes to social media, some brands just get it. They’re not overly promotional. They’re witty. They’re visual. They know how to push all the right buttons to grab and engage fans (and even get them to click back on to their website.)

These brands pull us in and make “being a follower” not such a bad idea after all. Here are 6 that my IMPACT colleagues and I absolutely love to follow on social media.

Eno Hammocks:

Eno Hammocks is one of the brands that I love to see across my Instagram feed. They’re just a simple hammock company, but they do an amazing job of showing all the different places you can use their product. Their posts give people a sense of adventure and excitement and I really think that’s the exact look and feel they’re brand is all about. - Joe Rinaldi, Creative Supervisor



I follow a lot of brands on social media, but one that particularly stands out in my mind is Laduree. The US Instagram account of the French brand is the definition of eye candy in my book.

Their photos are crisp and their colors are fresh and vibrant (just like their macarons.) Their team always finds unique ways to highlight their different menu items and the fine details of their storefronts, while evoking a sense of luxury and indulgence. It’s a great representation of their brand, and frankly, I can’t look at them without getting hungry.  - Ramona Sukhraj, Content Marketing Manager


Food & Wine Magazine:

Food & Wine Magazine has an excellent, diverse Twitter feed. I cook a lot, I bake a lot, and I drink a lot (heh), and since their realm expands beyond just food and wine, there’s a lot to learn. They don’t post any one type of content either - there’s always a variety of images, videos, and content that I can use. It’s never just recipes either. They post articles about food culture, tips from professionals, and roundups of recipes based on the season, food holidays, and time of day. Check them out if you like eating and drinking! - Derrick Weiss, Account Executive

Free People:

It might just be my passion for fashion coming out, but I think Free People does a phenomenal with their social media, especially their Instagram. Free People has a great mix of product promotion and lifestyle envy. From amazing destinations, beautifully designed clothing, and even some food sprinkled in here and there I always look forward to their posts. - Gibson Starzynski, Account Strategist


Taco Bell:

My absolute favorite brand to follow on Twitter would have to be @tacobell. With just about 1.6 million followers, they keep everyone super attentive with their over 44k tweets. They don't just post brand promotion tweets; they ask engaging questions, retweet many of their followers, and have a great sense of humor.

They also create and launch awesome marketing campaigns in which they develop catchy hashtags and get their followers involved. Want to laugh every time you visit Twitter? Follow Taco Bell, and Live Más. - Kaitlyn Petro, Account Strategist


I love to follow Starbucks on Twitter and Instagram mainly because of my love for their coffee -- but also because of the way they make the Starbucks community an integral part of their feed and the clever ways they showcase their products (who knew the same cup of coffee could be so interesting?) - Amanda LeClair, Client Resource Manager




Ugmonk has small roots and he crafts meaningful and thoughtful items. Seeing his products and the things that inspire him on Instagram, inspire me. - Donny Wilson, Creative Lead


So, who are you following?

What brands can you not get enough of on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and social media in general? What makes them stand out on your newsfeed or want to share it with a friend? Let me know if the comments below!

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