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How does your sales & marketing measure up?
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George B Thomas

By George B Thomas

Apr 5, 2018



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Hubcast 171: INBOUND Dreams & Service, HubSpot CRM, & Device Type Segmentation

George B Thomas

By George B Thomas

Apr 5, 2018

Hubcast 171: INBOUND Dreams & Service, HubSpot CRM, & Device Type Segmentation

In this episode of the Hubcast, we cover INBOUND dreams, inbound Services, HubSpot CRM Updates, and so much more.

We even talk about some possible INBOUND 2018 speakers. Check it out!

This episode of the Hubcast is brought to you by Yip Yip.

Free 15-Minute Assessment

Do you want to make sure you are getting 100% out of your HubSpot & inbound efforts? Schedule your free 15-minute portal assessment with George B Thomas today!

HubSpot Property of The Week
Sends Since Last Engagement

“The number of marketing emails that have been sent since the last engagement (open or link click). Read more here.”

This ties into HubSpot’s “Don’t send to unengaged contacts” functionality in the Email tool.

How that works:

A contact will be categorized as unengaged if they meet one of the following criteria:

  • Have never opened a marketing email from you and has not opened the last 11 emails you've sent them.
  • Has previously opened a marketing email from you but has not opened the last 16 emails you've sent them.

HubSpot creates your re-engagement list for you!

HubSpot Wish List

Device Type Segmentation for Pages, Landing Pages, & CTAs (Brought by Kevin Phillips)

It would be very valuable to be able to segment data based on device type.

For example, I was working with a client on how one of their top trafficked pages was performing. Their CTA was getting a decent amount of clicks, but the landing page wasn't getting many submissions.

While looking at their landing page on mobile, I noticed some of their form field answers were getting truncated. I wanted to know if this was impacting the rates of submissions on that form. 

However, in HubSpot, I can't segment the data to see how the page is performing on mobile vs desktop. I have to go into Google Analytics for that information.

I would love to be able to get that important data segmentation without having to leave HubSpot.

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Facebook Groups


Mastering HubSpot: 

A few weeks ago Ryan posted about his challenges with the HubSpot CMS and was looking for advice/alternatives.

He got a ton of helpful comments, PLUS Jeffrey Vocell from HubSpot even hopped in!

Are you looking for a place to take your inbound learning to the next level? Then make sure Hubcast listener to check out our two private Facebook groups IMPACT ELITE & MASTERING HUBSPOT today!

HubSpot Strategy

Inbound Service: What does that mean for your company?

Customer Support

Reacting to your customers' needs. It's about being there for customers, whatever they need and whenever they need it.

Customer Service

More proactive. It's about you having something for the customer instead of a customer saying that they need something from you.

Customer Success

Initiated by the business. Doing something that a customer might not have even known they wanted or needed.

Empathy & Listening

Empathy: the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another without having them fully-communicated in an objectively explicit manner. 

You need to be empathetic to your visitors, leads, customers, and promoters. To be empathetic, you have to be a great listener.

Active listening means that you’re fully concentrating, comprehending, and focusing on what is being said rather than just passively 'hearing' the message.

Engage - Guide - Grow???

Want to learn more, check out the new inbound certification.

It is a more holistic inbound company type certification vs just sales and or marketing.

Check it out now



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HubSpot Updates

[HubSpot Connect] - Map My Customers Integration

Map My Customers is a product that gives you a visual look at your data by mapping contacts, companies, or deals in your HubSpot CRM.

Easily plan a road trip to visit and nurture your best clients and check-in on promising leads by using the Map My Customers integration.

This powerful customer and opportunity visualization while on the road helps makes sure you never miss a valuable visit again. What kind of company is this good for?

Learn More

[Now Live] Automated Tasks on Deal Stages

Your team likely has a standardized process once deals enter your pipeline.

For example, you might have certain steps that are always taken when a demo or proposal is requested.

Naturally, you might want to use Tasks to help your sales reps follow this process. Now live, you have the ability to create tasks on deals automatically when deals change stages.

Learn More

[Now Live] Rotate Leads to Teams and Custom Owners

Now live is the ability to both rotate leads to a Custom Owner (HubSpot user) property and rotate leads between a Team within Workflows -- which makes it easier than ever to scale your business in HubSpot as your team grows.

Learn More

Tweet of The Week

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We are dedicated to pushing our HubSpot & inbound educations & conversations to the next level. If you are interested, just head over to the main Hubcast page sign up today to stay in the loop.

Our March one just went out! If you missed it - hit me up at and I’ll send it to you.

Question of the Week


How many HubSpot products are you using? Marketing, CRM, COS, Reporting Add-on, Sales Pro? If only one, why aren’t you using more?

Until Next Time

Are you listening to the Hubcast with your favorite podcast app? Please leave us a rating or review on iTunes so other awesome HubSpotters can find our show.

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Until next time this is Carina Duffy & George B Thomas saying to you, go out into the world and do some HAPPY HUBSPOTTING!

Free Assessment:

How does your sales & marketing measure up?
Take this free, 5-minute assessment and learn what you can start doing today to boost traffic, leads, and sales.