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George B Thomas

By George B Thomas

Nov 26, 2014


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Thanks, stay tuned for our upcoming edition.

Hubcast 18: How to Measure & Report Your Social Media Marketing ROI

George B Thomas

By George B Thomas

Nov 26, 2014

Hubcast 18: How to Measure & Report Your Social Media Marketing ROI

Welcome back to The Hubcast folks! As mentioned last week, this will be a weekly podcast all about HubSpot news, tips, and tricks. Please also note the extensive show notes below including some new HubSpot video tutorials created by George Thomas.

Show Notes:

Job Openings Sign

The TSL team is hiring! Are you a fit for the team, or have the skills we need? Follow the link below and let us know.

Wordpress - HubSpot COS developer

HubSpot Strategy

Social Media as an Inbound Strategy

In this strategy session we dive into social media strategy and social media tools.

We talk about some HubSpot social media tool best practices, micro and maxi content. We talk about how each platform should have it's own conversation strategy.

We also talk about how by the end of this episode of the Hubcast how you may want to uninstall Buffer and Hootsuite if you are a HubSpot customer.

HubSpot Tips & Tricks

Hubspot Certifications & LinkedIn Profile

Screenshot 2014-11-26 01.15.21

You spend a ton of time studying and working on becoming HubSpot certified. Why keep that locked up in your portal for know one to see or know about? So this weeks strategy goes along with our social theme and I show you how to add your HubSpot certifications to your LinkedIn profile. It is super easy yet super important.

Watch the tutorial here

HubSpot Public Service Announcement

Beginning next week, HubSpot will be performing some maintenance to improve the platform. HubSpot will be doing this in momentary periods (just a few minutes) over a few weeks. When your specific HubSpot portal is undergoing maintenance, you will see a message at the top of your content-related pages notifying you.

What does this mean to you as a HubSpot user?

1. You may not notice the maintenance at all.

2. Your public pages will NOT be affected and will still function properly for all visitors. However, we wanted to notify you because if you are in your account while the work is underway, you won't be able to make changes during that period.

3. HubSpot expects maintenance periods to last fewer than five minutes.

Again, you'll see a notice at the top of your content tool pages that notifies you if you are in "Maintenance Mode".

When and if you see this, get up, take a break, grab a coffee or tea, and the maintenance should be complete by the time you return.

HubSpot Wishlist

Printer Friendly HubSpot sites - Print.css

The other day I received an email with a very interesting wishlist item. This person we will call her Tiffany was wondering why when she tried to print out any site built on HubSpot it looked crappy, used a ton of ink and just was a poor experience. Isn't this the web of 2014? So I bring up this wish list item not only as a HubSpot can you make HubSpot sites printer friendly but also as an ask of all our listeners… Is a printer friendly version of your HubSpot portal important to you, to your customers? Marcus and i want to know.


HubSpot Updates

Social Reports -- a new feature of Social Inbox

Social Inbox now features 5 pre-populated reports so you can accurately report on your social media marketing.

These reports include:

  • Compare Time Frames
  • Compare Platforms
  • Compare Channels
  • Campaigns
  • Reach

These reports also include benchmarking data, where HubSpot compares a marketer (or  really your marketing) to other marketers with a similar size reach on social media, who are also publishing to social media through Social Inbox.

Links to check out:

Read HubSpot’s launch blog post on Social Reports

Compare Time Frames: This report allows you to compare your social efforts historically by choosing the time frames you’d like to see in your data.


Compare Platforms: This report gives you the same level of detail as Compare Time Frames, but the focus is on comparing the social platforms you’re using against one another. As a reminder, a platform is a specific social network -- like Facebook or LinkedIn.


Compare Channels: This report digs one level deeper than the Compare Platforms report, allowing you to see how each channel on each platform performs individually. Channels, in the case of this report, means the specific assets you can publish to on each platform. For example, if you were the admin of two LinkedIn Company Pages, those are considered two distinct channels.


Campaigns: You can now report on all social messages by campaign. In other words, any message you’ve tagged by campaign when scheduling a message to post can now be reported on in this report.


Reach: If you’re already using Social Inbox, the HubSpot Reach report didn’t go away with Social Reports. Instead, HubSpot refreshed the report to also include relevant social media ROI findings from the Sources Report.

Each report (except Reach) also has three modules.

Here’s what you published: This module will show you the number of messages published through Social Inbox for the time frame you’ve selected.

(Please see screenshots in Compare Time Frames, Platforms and Campaigns Reports above)

Here’s what your followers thought: This module is where you’re going to get some juicy, nitty-gritty details on your social marketing. The section is topped with an easy-to-read paragraph, summing up your status on you social marketing for that time frame, like the example below.


(1)The first sentence is your key takeaway. (2)The second is where Social Reports gives you something you've never seen before and would have been terribly difficult to figure out on your own. Not only does this report provide you historical information on your own social marketing, but it'll also provide you with that awesome benchmarking data I mentioned before. The benchmark data compares you against other HubSpot customers also using Social Inbox to publish to an audience around the same size as yours. (3)The final copy on this section breaks down your interactions on your published messages for that given time frame.

Here’s the impact on your business: This module shows you how many fans and followers you gained on social media this month, as well as how many visits to your website social media as a channel has contributed.

Create lists of contacts by completed / currently in a workflow

You can now create lists of your contacts that have completed or are currently in a workflow. When creating a list, you now have a new option for segmentation called "Workflow":


If you choose "Workflow" as a requirement, you can choose between contacts who have completed or are currently in any given workflow:


And then you'll be able to choose a workflow to complete the criteria:


Cool HubSpot & Inbound  Tweets

HubSpot Question of the Week

Chad asks: What do you think the most effective use of social media is for a legal office?  

Where else can you find the Hubcast Podcast:

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