By Carina Duffy
Nov 8, 2018
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This episode of the Hubcast is brought to you by Verblio.
Since I couldn’t find Marcus this week, I’m bringing back the newly-name Stephanie Baiocchi (formerly Casstevens) to join me for all of this episode’s HubSpot nerd-dom!
Stephanie and I now share a deep connection, since while she was out for her wedding, I moderated her community baby, IMPACT Elite. Hear more about why both of us are so excited about Elite these days, and how you can get involved.
Property of the Week: Ticket Property Series
Time to first agent reply
“The time between when the ticket was created and an agent first replied.”
Super important for your customer service metrics! This is likely one of the main data points you’re going to have goals set around.
What’s on Stephanie’s Mind
Stephanie realized recently just how spoiled she is as a SaaS customer. So many companies she’s worked with having amazing customer experiences make her life easy, but it’s not all sunshine.
We’ve got some thoughts on how companies can take their customer experience more seriously, and, might spend a little time venting, too.
HubSpot Wishlist: Adjustable Columns in Contact & Company Views
“PLEASE, PLEASE make column width adjustable, like Excel, for example. Salesforce has this capability which allows for seeing many more data points on the Contact Record. Currently, I can see about 4-5 columns on a 24" monitor before I have to scroll over on the bottom of the page.” - Court_CDS
Seriously though please vote this up! It would be amazing!
This Episode’s Sponsor: Verblio
Verblio creates content to power inbound marketing, and we're excited to show you what we can create for your audience, or your clients' (PSA: they are a resource service for agencies!).
With their simple HubSpot integration, you can get your content ported straight from Verblio into a HubSpot blog draft!
Learn more at and visit to get 50% off your first month up to $500!
HubSpot Updates
Two Updates to Permissions that Give Admins More Control
“Now live are two updates to permissions in HubSpot CRM:Custom “HubSpot User” properties in HubSpot now respect the user permissions to “View”, “Edit” and “Communicate” as an admin, you can now set “View” and “Edit” permissions for deals and tickets in the sales and service tabs”Learn More
(If your permissions are set to owned only - it can be any HubSpot User property, not just the default HubSpot owner property.)
Set it and Forget it: Send Later Email Scheduling in HubSpot CRM
“Now live is the ability to choose a later send time for emails you draft in the HubSpot CRM. That means you can write emails when it’s convenient for you, schedule them to send at exactly the right moment -- and do all of this directly within your HubSpot CRM.”
[Now Live for Marketing Hub Enterprise] Avoid Over-Emailing Contacts with Email Send Frequency Cap
“Now live is a new Email Send Frequency Cap which allows you to set the maximum number of emails every contact should receive in a specific timeframe.
Once you've set the maximum number of emails per recipient, any that cross the threshold will automatically not be sent to contacts who have reached or exceeded the limit.
If you have an important email send that has to get to all users, you can override this setting within the Recipients tab of any email. This setting applies to all email sent from the Marketing Hub, including
Woohoo! Wish this wasn’t Enterprise only but we’ll take it!
[Now Live for Marketing Hub Enterprise] Work Seamlessly With Your Team Using Content Partitioning
“Based on the Teams set up in your HubSpot account, you can now set view, edit, and publish access for each team so they work on the right content and don't get bogged down by hunting for the page they need to update.”
Until Next Time
If you’re listening on iTunes - head on over and leave us a review! We love hearing your feedback, so feel free to leave some in the comments, or shoot me an email at!
Until next time. This is Carina Duffy & Stephanie Baoicchi saying to you, go out into the world and do some happy HubSpotting!
Register for IMPACT Live in Hartford CT, October 14-16!