Welcome back to The Hubcast folks, a weekly podcast all about HubSpot news, tips, and tricks. Please also note the extensive show notes below including some new HubSpot video tutorials created by George Thomas.
Show Notes:
Inbound 2015 News
Bold Talks / Event Discount
There is only a couple days from the time this episode was recorded, to use the discount code for registration. If folks just do not have time to watch the Bold Talks on inbound.com then as Hubcast listeners we want to do you a solid. We have watched the bold talks and the discount code you are looking for is “Bold2015” Go register and get the lowest price possible for the event.
WOW Event 2015 - Richmond Virginia June 3rd
The biggest issue in the inbound and content marketing space is that of getting buy-in from an entire organization. Most often, the marketing department has a vision that management, sales, and other departments simply don’t see nor understand. And when it comes to marketing companies having successful inbound/content retainer clients, the problem is only compounded.
For over 4 years, we at The Sales Lion have been giving Content Marketing Workshops literally around the globe. During this time, we’ve experienced exceptional success, and now we want other marketing agencies, consultants, and even CMOs to understand how to give a world-class workshop to their clients so as to get the buy-in, vision, and results everyone is seeking. Specifically, the WOW event will help you if ... Check out the WOWEvent page for more details
HubSpot Strategy
In this week's strategy section we talk about "Is Google Making Us Stupid", CSI - Content Saturation Index, and so much more.
HubSpot Tips & Tricks
This week I continued on my HubSpot Setup Playlist. This week it was all about HubSpot Contacts. I created some tutorials on the following subjects:
- HubSpot contact dashboard a basic review
- Difference between standard and custom contacts
- How to create a custom contact
- How to create your own property group
- How to add a new contact to HubSpot
Next week I am going to move into some setup tips for the content areas of HubSpot.
Check out the HubSpot Setup playlist
HubSpot Wishlist
This week's wish list item comes to us via Twitter from Anthony Fors
@GeorgeBThomas thanks for your Hubspot crm videos...is there any way to request an Android app. Mobile experience unusable on the go.
— Anthony Fors (@absolutecleanMA) February 12, 2015
HubSpot, we know you have a beta CRM app for iOS devices, however, Anthony is right. An Android CRM app would be great. When can we have this for download?
HubSpot Updates
Copy Contact to Company Properties (and vice versa) in Workflows
Now live in HubSpot is the ability to copy a contact property to a company property and vice versa using new actions available in HubSpot's Workflows App. You will see this new option in workflows if you are using the company object in HubSpot. To check it out, head on over to the Workflows App and create a workflow. When adding an action, choose "Copy a contact property value" or "Copy a company property value" under the Administrative section: From there, you can select the company or contact property you'd like to copy. Use case: syncing a contact to a company property: You will need this action whenever you want to see more information on the company level. There are properties on the contact level that may contain important information that should apply to all contacts united by a company. For example, if you have a custom date property showing a contact’s last login into a product, you may want to stamp that same date on the company object so you know when a company was last engaged with your product. Use case: syncing a company to a contact property: You will need this action whenever the company object has information that you want to make sure all its contacts share. For example, you may have an industry field that you would like to stamp on each contact associated with that company. Check out the documentation on this update
Localized Time and Number Settings Now Available in HubSpot
Now individual HubSpot users can change the way that times, dates and numbers are displayed in their accounts. These are personal settings and won’t affect other users in your HubSpot portal. All the ways you can now adjust the time & number formats in HubSpot: Public Facing Time Formats Found in Content Settings, this feature allows companies to set the time-display that website visitors will see when they view time stamped content like blog posts. This is a portal-wide setting and will change the content formatting for all users. Portal-wide Time Settings Found within Reports Settings, this feature sets the portal's preferred time-zone. The portal-wide time zone determines how analytics data will be displayed and is used for scheduling events like blog posts, social media and email sends. This is a portal-wide setting and will change the timezone for all users. Individual Time and Number Display (New!) Within User Settings under the "My Profile" tab, users can select the locale in which they'd like all in-app times, dates and numbers to appear. So if you've got teams in Cambridge, Dublin, and Sydney each member of your team can set time/date formats that work for them. Many countries don't use the 12-hr time format or don't display numbers like 3:17 am (but rather 03:17). This setting allows a user to change time, date and number formatting to display in a way that is common for their locale. This is an individual display setting and will only affect the individual making the change. How you may use this: Let's say a user at your company doesn't like the way HubSpot defaults our dates (ex. 2/11/2014 vs. 11/2/2014), times (ex. 3:17 pm vs. 15:17) or numbers (ex. 1,257,000 vs. 1 257 000). This setting allows them to interact with the data in their personal portal in formats they are familiar/comfortable with. Multi-national organizations in particular will find a lot of value in this as it gives the individual user some customization power for their portal. This settings feature is now live for any customer who wishes to use it. Support documentation on using time/number localization
Cool HubSpot & Inbound Tweets
Just found this @NickSalinbound. Hilarious! @HubSpot #HubSpotting. https://t.co/VgDKcmFtd1 — Peacock Media (@KathrynCartini) February 22, 2015
I may have just OD’d on the #hubcast. Three episodes in a row — and I get to see @TheSalesLion in action TOMORROW! #blessed
— Paige Worthy (@paigeworthy) February 8, 2015
Ask The Hubcast
Devon Asks: If you had to start an Inbound agency today what is the first thing you would do?

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