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George B Thomas

By George B Thomas

Mar 18, 2016



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Hubcast 86: Smart Content, Cost Articles, & HubSpot Favicons

George B Thomas

By George B Thomas

Mar 18, 2016

Hubcast 86: Smart Content, Cost Articles, & HubSpot Favicons

Welcome back to The Hubcast, folks: A weekly podcast all about HubSpot news, tips, and tricks. Please also note the extensive show notes below, including some new HubSpot video tutorials created by George Thomas.

This episode of the Hubcast is brought to you by our awesome sponsors: Wistia & The Seventh Sense.

HubSpot Strategy

In this episode of the Hubcast, we start out talking about why cost articles are vitally important to your content marketing success. We then share info on our latest article, "How to Write Cost Articles That Don't Suck!" You can check out the article and free template by going to How to Write an Effective Cost Article for Businesses: Instructions/Templates/Tips

We then chat about The Big 5 and the "They Ask You Answer" strategy many have used for content success in the past. We then share how The Big 5 is a part of this strategy and how we plan to create micro articles on each Big 5 topic. If you want to learn more, just go watch the Big 5 video we produced.


Go Check Out Wistia

HubSpot Agency Spotlight

9 clouds

Agency: 9 Clouds

CEO & Brofounder: Sarah Carnes & Scott Meyer


Twitter: @sarah_carnes & @MrScottMeyer

Reasons: Automotive niche, ROI Calculator, Contact Us (Manifesto), Delicious Data Cookbook, Case Studies, Resource Center is off the chain, & they're a HubSpot Platinum Partner.

HubSpot Tips & Tricks

This week I got nerdy in the HubSpot content setting area. I pulled out two little features that many users are not leveraging for their inbound awesomeness.

How to Enable your HubSpot Google Analytics integration

How to add your Favicon image to HubSpot

HubSpot Wish List

Add YouTube account to social monitoring


Not being able to monitor YouTube creates a bit of a black hole in my social monitoring & analytics. It would be great if this could be incorporated in HubSpot ASAP.
Vote It Up

Cool HubSpot Tweets

Go Check Out The Seventh Sense

HubSpot Question of the Week

I want to start using Smart Content in my inbound marketing efforts but I am nervous that I might do it wrong. What are some Smart Content best Practices?

Progressive profile

People don’t want to spend any more time on things than they have to, and that especially includes your website. Don’t overwhelm yourself with too many fields that need to be filled out to download an offer because chances are the person filling out that field will go somewhere else.

If you have many questions you want to ask, just give them a few at a time. Then, when they come back, the form can replace those that were already answered with new questions to ask.

Adapt by persona

A CEO of a company will be interested in different content you provide than someone who is a mid-level manager. Use smart CTAs and images based on the personas you have created. You have created personas right?

Modify by lifecycle stage

Everyone that visits your website has different needs and interests. Make sure you account for that. Where are they in the buyer's journey? Show those who are first time visitors top-of-the-funnel offers, and those who are customers some product demos.

Customize to Location

If your company operates in different countries, research the most common language used in that area and incorporate it in your website. Another way you can customize based on location is regional. Use relevant images or text the visitor can identify with. For example, use local attractions near where they're from, or even a city skyline image.

Use names

When they log on to you website, you can greet them by their name or send them an email addressed to them. This is a great way to engage with your subscriber, but make sure you don’t over-do it, or it can come across as creepy.

Don’t over do it!! My Grandpa used to say KISS...

This episode of the Hubcast has been brought to you by our awesome sponsors Wistia & The Seventh Sense.

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