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Carina Duffy

By Carina Duffy

Jul 25, 2019



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HubSpot Village at INBOUND, Service Hub Reporting, & #TheyMadeThemFree [Hubcast 236]

Carina Duffy

By Carina Duffy

Jul 25, 2019

HubSpot Village at INBOUND, Service Hub Reporting, & #TheyMadeThemFree [Hubcast 236]

This episode of the Hubcast is brought to you by IMPACT Live, August 6 and 7 in Hartford, Connecticut. Register now at

Welcome back to another episode of Where in the World is Marcus Sheridan? This week, it’s Australia!

But never fear, Stephie B is here!

INBOUND Breakout Highlights:

HubSpot Village at INBOUND — in the Westin 

“The HubSpot village is a space at INBOUND that celebrates the community of customers and general attendees alike who want to learn more about Growing Better with HubSpot.”

Sessions for customers to connect with each other, Academy professors, HubSpot experts, and HUG Leaders. Sessions range from workshops, panel discussions, and networking.

Come to Share Space to get a free professional headshot on Wednesday and Thursday from 11am to 12pm

Stephanie's Session: Build Your First Website Chatbot (a guided workshop) 

Other “regular” INBOUND sessions I want to see: 

Creative Trespassing: How to Find Inspiration Where Others See Only Limitations! Tania Katan is an LGBTQ+ person and CEO of Creative Trespassing. Wed, Sep 04, 4:30

Growth by Content: How to Drive Massive Organic Traffic Without a Big Budget. Nadya Khoja, Chief Growth Officer, Venngage. Wed, Sep 04, 1:15

How Facebook Groups Can Flood Your Inbound Marketing and Convert Into Revenue. IMPACT friend & fan, and Elite member, Bella Vasta. Wed, Sep 04, 4:30


Report on This

Service Hub reporting

Let’s look at tickets! We’ll start with the basics. Tickets function just like deals, so you can pull things like Ticket Status, Owner, etc. to get your standard reports.

However, with cross-object reporting, you can report not only on those tickets, but on contact data associated with those tickets.

Here’s an interesting example: maybe you’re a SaaS company using HubSpot for customer support. You could create a report that shows the number of tickets opened by customers, broken out by their Contact Owner — so you can see which of your sales reps or customer success managers are having a disproportionate number of tickets submitted. 

What’s on our minds

This week HubSpot announced the release of its email marketing and ads tools in the free version of the platform.

What’s the play here?

(One of the cool things I could see is companies who start with the Sales Hub, but because they have access to these other free tools [although in a very limited capacity], they may test them out and switch to HubSpot for marketing.)

This episode’s sponsor: IMPACT Live

It’s not too late to register! August 6-7 in Hartford, tickets are on sale now at Use the promo code HUBCAST to get 15% off any ticket type.

HubSpot wishlist: Filter deals by associated products

“Our Sales team would like to be able to filter Deals by Products related to the Deal.

"Today we use (probably too many) Deal Stages/Pipelines to distinguish which product someone is interested in purchasing. This way of tracking products seems duplicative now that HubSpot has the Product object on Deals.

"Ideally, Marketing would also love to be able to trigger workflows, build smart lists based on Products. (For example, if a contact is associated to a Deal with Product X, and the Deal Stage is 'Closed Won,' trigger an onboarding nurture series relevant to Product X.)”

Vote it Up!

Products is supposed to be able to replace having a custom deal property where a rep selects the products or services related to that deal. This limitation makes it feel like I have to do both :(

HubSpot Updates

Free email marketing tools in the HubSpot CRM 

“To help any business understand how each marketing touchpoint impacts their customers, we’ve added our email marketing tool into the free HubSpot CRM.”
Learn More

You’ll be able to send up to 2,000 emails a month, but you cannot connect an email sending domain with the free tools. This is important! Not having a sending domain connected can harm the deliverability of your emails.

I’m curious to see whether this becomes an issue for people.

Free ads tools now available in HubSpot CRM

“To help all marketers get their advertising right, we’ve added expanded ads functionality into the free marketing tools in HubSpot CRM.”

Learn More

You can manage up to $1,000/month of ad spend across two accounts.

[HubSpot also released a new Lead Ad creation experience to align better with their new UI.]

Zoom integration update: See webinar data on the contact timeline

“Here are the cool new things you’ll be able to do when you connect HubSpot and Zoom:

  • See who registered and attended your Zoom webinar on the contact timeline
  • See how long that contact attended your webinar in the timeline event 
  • Segment lists based on contacts who: registered, attended, registered but did not attend, attendance duration, and attendance duration percent
  • Use new contact properties including total number of webinars attended, total webinars registered for, and average attendance duration for a single contact”

Learn More

This has been a long time coming! Note: you do need to go into your integrations settings and hit Update in order to set this live!

Until next time

Interested in sponsoring the Hubcast? Head on over to the Advertise with IMPACT page to learn more!

If you’re listening on iTunes — head on over and leave us a review! We love hearing your feedback, so feel free to leave some in the comments, or shoot me an email at!

Until next time. This is Carina Duffy & Stephanie Baiocchi saying to you, get out there and get after it!

Free Assessment:

How does your sales & marketing measure up?
Take this free, 5-minute assessment and learn what you can start doing today to boost traffic, leads, and sales.