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With so much marketing content out there on the web, it can be tough filtering through the mediocrity and finding those rare bloggers who offer the perfect blend of resourcefulness and storytelling that make their blog articles stand out.
Well, seeing as I'm such a nice guy (really, ask anyone in the office, I open doors, pull out chairs, I even recycle!) I'm going to share with you my list of my personal favorite inbound marketing bloggers out there. Make no mistake, there are certainly other great bloggers out there, I simply narrowed my list to the ten that most often accompany my morning cup of coffee.
My 10 Favorite Inbound Marketing Bloggers
1. Corey Eridon (@Corey_bos) (HubSpot)
Corey authored perhaps my favorite blog article so far this year, "10 Companies That Totally Nail Copywriting."
As a content marketer and copywriter myself, it serves as a manifesto for developing new content, whether it's for blogging purposes or developing a content strategy for a new website. Like other great bloggers, she infuses the perfect blend of resourceful information and humor, making her articles a breeze to get through but also supplying the kind of helpful information we're all looking for.
Corey is one of those writers that I look for on a daily basis during my morning routine of blog reading. (Hey, some people read the papers, I peruse inbound marketing blogs over my bowl of Cap'N Crunch.)
2. Brianne Carlon (@BrianneCarlon) (Kuno Creative)
Brianne's storytelling ability is what always draws me in to her writing. With so many inbound marketing blogs out there, there's certainly no shortage of information. The challenge then becomes crafting your prose in a way that attracts readers.
The Kuno Creative blog offers great content, and Brianne has certainly become required reading around our office, as it's often rich with resourceful information and also a lot of fun to read.
3. Pamela Vaughan (@pamelump) (HubSpot)
Pamela's posts are by far one of the best inbound marketing resources you can find out there. Her posts are often rich with data and statistics that lend instant legitimacy to all of her work.
She's a thought leader, and this certainly comes across in the tone of her articles, as they're unmistakably written by someone who is a valuable resource for all things inbound marketing.
4. Peter Caputa (@pc4media) (HubSpot & Collaborative Growth Blog)
Simply put, if you haven't discovered Peter Caputa's marketing content as of yet, you've been missing out.
Peter has a very direct way of writing. No sugar coating here, as you'll often see titles like, "Why You Are Failing at Inbound Marketing" come through on your RSS feed from the Collaborative Growth Blog. It's impossible to ignore the power and relevancy of his writing, as the titles themselves pretty much reach through the screen to pull you closer.
If you want it straight, do yourself a favor and check out Peter's work. There's simply no one better at "righting the ship" through a simple blog article than Peter Caputa.
5. Tracy (DiMarino) Lewis (@Tracy_J_Lewis) (Marketing Agency Insider & PR 20/20)
Tracy was an easy pick for me, as her content is always well-researched and resourceful. She's also written on so many topics that I've yet to see covered quite the same way elsewhere. Astounding, considering the amount of marketing content that's out there.
For instance, one recent article titled, "The Breakup: When You Should Walk Away from Clients" provided valuable insight into the inner-workings of the client/agency relationship and listed potential warning signs when they may be souring. Kudos to Tracy for writing on a potentially taboo subject; ending a client relationship.
6. Ron Mattocks (@CK_Lunchbox) (LyntonWeb)
I really enjoy and connect with writers who give us little peaks into their lives and personality. Ron does this effortlessly.
In a recent article titled, "Stop Trying to Be Mr. Popular with Klout," Ron used the entire opening of the blog article as a narative of his children and their desire to be popular at school. Right away I found myself committed and devoured the article much like a teenage girl would the latest Twilight installment, minus the posters on my wall of course.
Writers who are able to make connections with their personal life effectively breathe so much more life into their writing than those who do not. And as I said earlier, with so much marketing content out there, this is the kind of stuff that stands out.
7. Sonia Simone (@soniasimone) (Copyblogger)
Recently, one of my co-workers shared one of Sonia's blog articles with me via email. This is what came through as the subject line; "The Granola-Munching Hippies Guide to All-Natural SEO."
As far as funny, attention grabbing headlines go, I'm not sure I've ever seen a better one. Needless to say, after having a good chuckle about it, I found the article very helpful and entertaining, much like all of Sonia's other work.
While her content is undoubtedly great, it's her headlines that really pull me in. "What Michael Phelps' 19th Olympic Medal Can Teach You About Smarter Online Marketing," obviously appealed to the sports nut in me, and more importantly, provided me valuable insight.
Copyblogger is an amazingly-good resource, with Sonia Simone being one of the reasons it's one of my daily stops.
8. John McTigue (@jmctigue) (Kuno Creative)
John is another blogger whose writing hits a little harder and holds a little more weight given his experience and expertise. Much like Peter Caputa, McTigue's blog articles are very informational and direct in their tone. His purpose is to inform as well as keep you in tune with the latest inbound marketing trends and news.
McTigue's articles are required reading for anyone looking to stay on top of their marketing campaign with the latest methods and trends.
9. Frank Isca (@frankisca) (Weidert Group)
For a company that consistently publishes quality, resourceful content, Frank Isca is among the writers here that I've continually come back to read. Each week, you can expect a blog article focused on helping you improve your inbound marketing campaign and how to do it.
But like all other bloggers on this list, he does so in a compelling an interesting manner. His tone is very conversational, almost as if he is sitting down talking with you personally, making it much more enjoyable to read.
10. David Wells (@DavidWells) (Inbound Now)
Another conversationalist, David certainly makes it seem as if he is talking directly to you, no easy feat as any writer will tell you. However, David is also very direct in his conversation, debunking myths, offering advice, and offering essential tips to get your marketing campaign back on track.
Add these to your Morning Routine
I hope you enjoy perusing the work of these great writers every morning like I do. They all offer something different in the way they write and present information, but the fact of the matter is, when the pen is hitting the paper (or the keys to the....keyboard?), these are the inbound marketing bloggers that I most enjoy reading.

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