SEO Analytics beta, visual record timelines, and why podcasting might not be the answer [Hubcast 260]

By Carina Duffy
Feb 6, 2020
![SEO Analytics beta, visual record timelines, and why podcasting might not be the answer [Hubcast 260]](
It’s been a quiet week in HubSpot land but hey, that just means more time to jump into your 2020 HubSpot initiatives right?
Report on this
SEO Analytics beta
If you’ve ever been frustrated that you have to leave HubSpot and go over to Google Search Console to see things like impressions, clicks, and position for your pages on Google, this is for you!
Right now the SEO Analytics beta is essentially just pulling in page analytics and query analytics data from Google Search Console for you to view right in your HubSpot portal.
My feedback: It needs to be attached to the Pages tab in Traffic Analytics! Right now it’s just a portal into Google Search Console, but bringing it together with page views, call-to-action clicks, bounce rate, etc. would be clutch!
What’s on Marcus’ mind
Marcus recently had a discussion with a company about their new podcasting initiative. Find out why he pushed back on it!
HubSpot wishlist: Quick record timeline that you can quickly jump to points in the record timeline
“Wouldn't the contact record timeline be great if you could see an at a glance (at the top) when a contact has been touched. Almost like a scrub-able timeline heat map showing dots where they were touched. It'd help you see at a glance how often the whole team has been talking to the contact.
I imagine dots icons that let you see calls, sales emails, marketing emails (different dots for open, click and not opened), social media clicks, page views, form submissions, etc.”
From our friend Will Curran in the HubSpot User Slack! Wouldn’t this be so cool? You have to check out the mock-up he put into the idea submission.
HubSpot updates
[Private Beta] Quickbooks Online Integration
It has been confirmed by the product team that there is a live beta for the new Quickbooks Online integration! You’ll be able to create and share invoices in HubSpot, as well as trigger automation based on new invoice deal properties.
Select associations for created tasks in workflows
When creating a task using a workflow, you can now select the records you wish to associate the task with. You can also do this when creating deals and tickets now!
Add search tags for Knowledge Base articles
In the settings of your Knowledge Base articles, you can now add search tags for words and phrases that are commonly used to find the article.
Restrict access to Knowledge Base content
Service Hub Pro and Enterprise users can now restrict access to specific Knowledge Base articles based on list membership. List members will be required to login with their email and a created password to be able to view content.
Until next time
Join the HubSpot User Slack and hang out with us!
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Until next time. This is Carina Duffy and Marcus Sheridan saying to you, get out there and get after it!

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