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John Bonini

By John Bonini

Jan 11, 2013



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The HubSpot Software: Your Marketing Game Changer for 2013

John Bonini

By John Bonini

Jan 11, 2013

The HubSpot Software: Your Marketing Game Changer for 2013

The following is an excerpt from IMPACT's popular ebook, "The Essential Guide for Mastering HubSpot." For more expert tips on transforming your marketing using the software, be sure to check out the full ebook.

It's a new year, so we're all looking for new ways to expand and improve our business in 2013.

With technology being what it is, the answer often lies in not necessarily doing things better, but doing them smarter and more efficiently. With the unveiling of 'HubSpot 3' last summer, it's become evident that HubSpot has become the industry standard when it comes to marketing software.

By introducing "smart content," marketers and business owners can now offer website visitors a more targeted, unique experience that results in higher conversion rates. We've detailed some of the features and tips for mastering the HubSpot software below.

If you're interested in learning how to turn these tips into actual results, continue reading the full ebook.

Features of the HubSpot Software

Keyword Analysis

Keywords are the root of success when it comes to your website. They’re important for search engine optimization, lead generation, blogging, and a number of other key aspects of any company’s online marketing campaign. As you likely already know, if you aren’t using the right keywords with your website, then your online business will suffer enormously.

If you’ve already dabbled with some of the many keyword tools out there, then you have probably already discovered that HubSpot’s Keyword Grader is one of the best (and definitely our preferred) keyword analysis tools out there. Using the Keyword Grader will help you:

  • Get better page rankings
  • Target the specific visitors and leads that you want
  • Organize the content on your site or blog
  • Create profitable PPC and other marketing campaigns

This keyword analysis tool not only allows you to find the best keywords for your site and track their progress over time (i.e. you can see the number of leads you generate per keyword or keyword phrase), but you can also check out things like the keywords that your competitors are ranking for. This is important, since you can then plan out exactly how you can target those keywords and take them out from the top ranking spots in the search engines and put your website in their place.

CMS & Blogging Platform

HubSpot’s blogging platform has everything you need to get your content fully optimized for SEO and looking good. Prior to publishing or scheduling your articles, there will be reminders on the sidebar of your draft of things you’re missing before hitting the publish button.

How else can the HubSpot blogging platform benefit you?

  • HubSpot’s blogging platform comes with the plugins already built in, so even the most novice of business owners can easily get the blog up and going within a matter of minutes
  • You can start up multiple blogs at once
  • The blogging platform is fully integrated with the HubSpot analytical software, so you can get great data on your blog from the second it goes live

Blog Analytics

All too many of our clients come to us and admit that they “guess” at how well their online marketing campaign is going. Some will tell us that their customers told them that they found them online, and some may even tell them how, but how the vast majority of customers find them is a complete mystery. This is where analytical tools come in to play. Every marketer and business owner needs this tool since it will tell you things like:

  • How your leads first found you, so you’ll know which marketing methods are working for you and which aren’t
  • Which touch-points on your site lead to conversions and which didn’t
  • Which marketing campaigns resulted in the most sales
  • The actions that led to leads who converted into customers

Ultimately this information will help you not only make money, but also learn where you should be allocating both your time and budget. You may even decide to scrap a marketing campaign or two, especially if you find out that your Google PPC just isn’t working for you, no matter how many different angles you try.

Landing Pages

We at IMPACT know just how valuable landing pages are in terms of getting leads and increasing conversions, which is why we support the HubSpot landing page creator. Here are a few of the reasons why:

As with most HubSpot tools, you’ve likely discovered that you need little to no experience with web development to create professional and effective landing pages (and you save thousands of dollars by not having to hire on any web designers or developers!). Everything is “drag and drop”-able, and you can create fully customized lead capture forms, thank you pages, and auto-response emails – no messing around with coding or trying to align your email marketing software with your landing pages.

CTA Tool (With Smart CTAs)

Speaking of CTAs, HubSpot couldn’t have possibly made them any easier to create professional and effective CTAs than with their CTA tool (which can be fully integrated with the landing page creator).

If you’re struggling to create the perfect call-to-action buttons, then you are not alone. One of the most common complaints that we at IMPACT receive is that a company’s CTAs are drawing little to no action. The new and improved HubSpot CTA tool, with “Smart CTAs”, is the best in its class. Here’s why we love the tool:

  • In mere seconds you can create and change up the CTAs on not only every page of your website, but on every blog entry, each email, and all landing pages
  • The CTA tool is fully integrated with HubSpot’s CTA analytics, making it a cinch for anyone to track and compare the success of each CTA (i.e. which ones had a high conversion rate)

Page Performance Tool

A lot of clients come to us here at IMPACT absolutely mystified by the whole SEO “thing”, and the HubSpot Page Performance Tool is one tool that we often use to help explain exactly what on-page SEO is and what each business owner needs to be reviewing and checking on his or her website to ensure that their site is ranking as high as it should.

The Page Performance Tool will:

  • Check a page’s title, ensuring that it’s properly tagged and that it is of a good character length (for example, you never want your headline to exceed 70 characters)
  • Review any meta descriptions and ensure that they aren’t too long, that they’re unique, and that it doesn’t contain the page title
  • Ensure that header tags are optimized (i.e. that H1, H2, etc. tags are being utilized)
  • Make sure that all Alt Tags for images are included (having Alt Tags can be one of the quickest and easiest ways to increase your SEO)
  • Grade you on your page’s link anchor text

Continue reading the full ebook for more tips and features...

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