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Marisa Rodo

By Marisa Rodo

Aug 16, 2014


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20 Everyday Twitter Tips To Keep Your Followers Engaged

Marisa Rodo

By Marisa Rodo

Aug 16, 2014

20 Everyday Twitter Tips To Keep Your Followers Engaged

shutterstock_140282743_miniThe first thing I do when I get into work each morning is check my Twitter account.

Like most of you, I have deadlines.

I don’t have time to scan my Twitter feed for hours on end, so I click on what stands out, and scroll past what doesn’t.

If you’re buyer personas are hanging out on Twitter, you can’t afford to have them scroll past your bite-sized pieces of content.

To save your business money and time, we decided to share the twenty best Twitter practices to help you build your online presence. We even included examples of tweets from real companies to help speed up the learning process

1. Make your content exclusive:

Tweeting content that the average person does not have access to is a great way to increase engagement.

2. Encourage sharing:

Spread the knowledge about your product by simply asking your followers to share the content you posted.

3. Let your personality shine:

Don’t be afraid to use humor in your tweets. If someone finds a tweet funny they are more likely to retweet it.

4. Engage with your followers:

If someone Tweets about your brand, don’t ignore them. You will create brand loyalty by engaging with your followers.

5. Add visuals to your tweets:

It has been proved that tweets with visuals get more engagement. Before you send your next tweet find a relatable image and attach it to your tweet.

6. Respond to customer complaints:

Maintain a positive brand image by respectfully responding to complaints in a timely manner.

7. Use a visually attractive cover photo:

Your header photo is a great way to show off your brand’s identity and give people an idea of what your company is all about. 

8. Thank someone for following you:

Show your new followers you appreciate them by thanking them for following you.  A little effort can go a long way when it comes to brand loyalty.

9. Create tweets that are related to current events:

Stay relevant by creating tweets with images related to a current event.

10.  Do not use hashtags if they are not relevant to your tweet:

Using popular hashtags if they are irrelevant to your tweet is self-promotional and can be seen as spam.

11. Optimize blog titles for tweets:

Get more engagement on your recent blog post by putting a spin on the title to resonate with your Twitter audience.

12. Keep tweets less than 100 characters: 

Encourage sharing by leaving room for commentary.

13. Put keywords in your bio:

Include relevant keywords in order to optimize your profile for search engines.

14. Tweet useful stuff that is not your own content:

If someone has created content that will benefit your followers, share it. You may even get the favor returned to you one day.

15. Enhance your campaign by asking customers to send pictures/videos:

Guess what happens when you retweet your customer’s content? They brag about it to their friends and colleagues. This is a great way to spread your brand via word-of-mouth.

16. Twitter contests: 

Contests are an effective way to increase your brand loyalty and an easy way to gather user-generated content. 

17. Attach coupons to tweets:

People love saving money, so if you can offer any sort of discount, tweet it.

18. Use trending hashtags:

If there is a trending topic that is relevant to your target industry, tweet about it. It will get more engagement and respect from potential customers.

19. Create a custom hashtag for a company event: 

If your company is hosting event, creating a specific hashtag is a great way to gather feedback and it will encourage your guests to share their experience. 

20. Retweet product reviews:

This generates social proof, consumers will be more likely to purchase your product if it has worked for others.

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