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John Bonini

By John Bonini

Aug 3, 2012


Content Marketing Just for Fun

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Content Marketing  |   Just for Fun

Funny Pic of the Week – How's Your Content Marketing?

John Bonini

By John Bonini

Aug 3, 2012

Funny Pic of the Week – How's Your Content Marketing?

We're big Seinfeld fans here at IMPACT, therefore when we saw this image from HubSpot as a parody to the famous "Soup Nazi" episode, I just had to share it. How's your content marketing?

The joke plays perfectly into the changes Google has gone through recently, changing its algorithm to value fresh, relevant content rather than overly optimized web pages. Don't have good content? "No rank for you!"

For more on Google's algorithm changes and how to align yourself with them, take a look at an excerpt from our Ebook, "Why Google's Latest Algorithm Change Hates Your Website" below.

Not ranking well in the search engines? Give us a call here at IMPACT and learn how we can help!

Why You’ll Fall Behind Without Fresh Content

Having fresh content is great and all, but if it’s not relevant, original, problem solving, entertaining content, you’re missing the point.

Like all companies, you’re in the business of solving peoples problems, so your website needs content that centers on solving these problems.

It’s crucial to the success of your website. You cannot execute an inbound marketing campaign without content. Great, compelling, relevant content.

As Jason Falls from Social Media Explorer says, “the days of top 10 lists and how-to’s are coming to a close. We’ve all got to get better at becoming awesome at content.”

It’s imperative to not only create awesome content just for the sake of being awesome, but for search engines like Google to take notice of your sites relevant, fresh content.

Engagement is key here. After content marketing, social media is the second most important factor for driving traffic in the inbound marketing methodology.

Simply put, you need content that is relevant and compelling enough to be shared on the various social media platforms. By having this sort of content, you’re effectively reaching an entire network of people you wouldn’t otherwise have access to.

Can't keep up with the content necessary to rank higher in search engines? Give us a call here at IMPACT and learn how we can help!

The New SEO: Content Marketing

As stated earlier, content marketing has been declared across the marketing industry as the new SEO.

Because of this, your website will get buried alive without fresh, relevant content.

This has become even more important due to the changes Google has undergone in the past few years.

Consistent, compelling content in various forms will be rewarded in search engines, despite technical SEO techniques. That’s right; Google now values quality content over traditional SEO tactics!

Google Panda is yet another update to the company algorithm put in place by the search engine giants to ensure high quality content gets higher rankings than websites that practice keyword stuffing and other low quality link building practices.

By having powerful, shareable content on your website, you’re also setting your company aside as an expert in the industry, effectively increasing the value of your brand.

However, the most important factor to take away from this is, without frequent, relevant, compelling, fresh content on your website, you’re cutting off a major source of traffic and, as a result, sales.

To drive home the importance of a great content marketing strategy, you only need to take a look at Google’s Webmaster Guidelines:

“Make sure that your site adds value. Provide unique and relevant content that gives users a reason to visit your site first.”

The only thing left to say is, what are you waiting for?

Continue reading the rest of the Ebook...

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