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Karisa Hamdi

By Karisa Hamdi

Feb 8, 2017


Content Marketing

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Content Marketing

How to Repurpose Your Content on Other Platforms

Karisa Hamdi

By Karisa Hamdi

Feb 8, 2017

How to Repurpose Your Content on Other Platforms

Once you’ve been blogging for business a number of years you may find yourself struggling to come up with new or ideas or wishing you could get more out of it.

Luckily, there’s a way.  

Repurposing your older content onto other platforms is one of the best ways to take advantage of all of your hard work. With repurposing, you can give your older content new life by adding value and new purpose to your past posts.

Repurposing the Right Way

Before you get too excited about starting this journey it’s important to know how to repurpose the right way.

With Google’s harsh penalties for posting duplicate content, you want to be sure that you’re not breaking any rules that could result in loss of traffic or a flag on your site.

It’s also important to ensure that the content you’re publishing makes sense for the platform and how audiences are interacting with it.

If you republish without considering these important factors, then your efforts won’t produce the results that you’re looking for.

Now that you know what you need to be aware of with repurposing your content here’s how you can do so across a variety of platforms:


Video is huge right now!

According to Syndacast, 74 percent of all Internet traffic in 2017 will be video.

With this in mind, creating videos on YouTube is a great new way to connect with your audience in a medium other than text.

Video is dynamic. It adds a more human element to your brand by putting an actual voice or even face to your company.

One way to repurpose your content onto YouTube is to host and share a live webinar based on it.

This will give you a chance to showcase your expertise and increase communication with your audience. Use your older pieces of content as your starting point for research or potential information your audience may have questions about.

You can also consider doing this via Facebook Live.


Another way to repurpose your content into video is to can take each main talking point of an older post, then use each one as the focus of a quick 1-2 minute clip on Instagram.

Once you’re done publish on Instagram, label it with relevant hashtags, and then share across your website, email, or even other social platforms.

You can also consider posting bloopers or outtakes from your longer videos on Instagram. This will not only humanize your brand but also build awareness of the existing video content.


Podcast listening grew 23% between 2015 and 2016 making it a great channel to repurpose your content.

Starting your own podcast series may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be! If you have enough older pieces of content that relate to the bigger topic you have a place to start.

Take each piece of content use it as your script, just like you’d do for video.

If you don’t have enough content to start your own podcast series, reach out to some other influencers in the same field and invite them on. Having them offer their expertise on your podcast is a great way to capitalize on their audience while getting your r voice out there.

In addition to sharing the audio recording as a podcast, you can also consider recording your conversation and posting it as a video.


Have a great eBook you’re hiding behind a form? Try creating a slide deck, report, or another document for SlideShare.

Just like with video you want to break up your main points into easily digestible chunks for each slide. It’s important to remember not to just copy and paste your content into each slide, use statistics or visuals to get your point across.

This approach breaks up the text into a more visual presentation without as much effort as an eBook or infographic.


SlideShare is also a great place to share previews or even full-length guides created from your existing content.

Try piecing together some of the most important information for your blogs to create an irresistible offer for your audience.

This not only gives you an easy way to create a stronger piece of content, but it also gives you an opportunity to capture leads by posting only a preview then leading readers back to your landing page.


If one of your older posts has information that makes for great visuals (think statistics, facts, how-tos) try making it into an infographic for Pinterest or SlideShare.

Just like with a slide deck,  you’ll be able to showcase your information in a more visually appealing, easy-to-digest layout. Plus, infographics are highly shareable. 

IMPACT successfully uses this tactic regularly. For example, we turned this article into the infographic below:


Content syndication is a great way to get your post in front of readers who are interested in the same topic as your posts but aren’t directly connected to your brand.

Repurposing your content on sites like Medium is a perfect way for your company to increase your reach and brand awareness.

When doing this, it's extremely important to be aware of your risk of duplicate content by not posting the full article and making needed adjustments to the content. An infographic can do a better job of communicating with your audience.


Creating an instructional email series is a great channel for repurposing content.

Take a couple of your past well-performing articles and break those up into a daily or weekly email series to capture new leads.

Once you’ve broken them up into different emails, make sure you create a strong, catching subject line to make sure your leads are opening and reading your email content.

Then, after your emails are all set, create a workflow to deliver the messages automatically, eventually leading them to the same offer you promoted your previous articles.

Delivering your older content in this manner makes it more valuable to your readers increasing the conversion rate of your offer.

Key Takeaway

Repurposing can be extremely beneficial for your business by extending your reach across a variety of platforms and helping you get more out of the work you’ve already done.

Reaching a new audience or your old audience in a new way can result in exponential growth for your company.

Ready to get started? Once you do, share what results you’ve seen from repurposing!

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