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George B Thomas

By George B Thomas

Jul 7, 2017



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Hubcast 145: INBOUND 2017 SESSION REGISTRATION, 14 Video Tips & #ISAYIT

George B Thomas

By George B Thomas

Jul 7, 2017

Hubcast 145: INBOUND 2017 SESSION REGISTRATION, 14 Video Tips & #ISAYIT

Want to learn about HubSpot Inbound 2017 session registration?

Take a listen.

#Inbound17 Event

The website got a facelift.


  • Nice hero image
  • Great purple color. Love the feel!
  • Marcus is on the home page #Love

I guess George was sleeping on the last point.

We have been getting this question: When can we register for your talk Marcus & George?

Inbound has a schedule that explains this all.

The skinny is:

  • Buy a VIP Pass
    • Register for sessions on August 28th
  • Register for INBOUND by January 15th
    • Register for sessions on August 31st
  • Register for INBOUND by March 15th
    • Register for sessions on September 4th
  • Register for INBOUND by May 15th
    • Register for sessions on September 7th
  • Register for INBOUND by July 15th
    • Register for sessions on September 12th
  • Register for INBOUND after July 15th
    • Register for sessions on September 16th


Matt Cameron

Managing Partner, SalesOps Central

Matt Cameron

Critical Conversations with Your Head of Sales

You have hired a VP of Sales and they are set to deliver explosive growth with an aggressive (and expensive) hiring plan ....But will they? Come learn the critical conversations and inspection points that you need for a sales leader to ensure that there are no downside surprises. Be sure that your head of sales is the real deal and can be relied upon to deliver that stretch plan that has your investors excited. This session is for execs, including sales leaders who want to manage up!

Hubcast Fireside Chat


DETAILS: Tuesday at 9:00 PM

HubSpot Strategy

HubSpot is really getting into the “Let’s create content about video” game.

This week they launched an article 14 Video Production Tips to Enhance Quality and Drive Views.

In this episode of the Hubcast, Marcus and George go through the tips and give their thoughts as well as some additions.

HubSpot Says:

Video Pre-Production Tips

Be well-prepared and organized for your video shoots. If you show up to your shoot unorganized and decide to “wing it,” your final product will look unprofessional and sloppy. On the other hand, if you’re prepared, you'll be able to focus your efforts on directing your actors rather than figuring out last-minute logistics.

Time is of the essence, so don’t waste hours trying to figure out which angle you want or what line needs to be delivered next. Know exactly what you want before the day you film by following the steps below.

1. Be original.

2. Plan it out.



Common questions this video will address:

  • "Where do I start to make a marketing video?"
  • "How do I incorporate a call to action in my videos?"
  • "How can I make the most of my video production?"
  • "How do I make better videos?"


Read the "7 Elements of Successful Video Marketing (From Goals to Best Practices)"

3. Be selective when choosing video subjects.

4. Carefully consider the set.

From TSL:
Setting Up a Video Marketing Office Studio On a Beginner Budget
Video Marketing: How To Upgrade Your Office Studio & Video Equipment

Video Production Tips

You can always touch up your footage when you edit afterward, but remember that editing takes time. If you can make everything look as close to perfect as possible during filming, you'll save yourself a lot of valuable time in post-production. If you shoot a scene and it doesn’t come out great, learn from what went wrong the first time, and shoot it again. Here's how to do it:

5. Be cognizant of sound quality.

6. Set up lights.

From TSL:



7. Use a tripod.

8. Focus.

9. Obey the rule of thirds.

Video Editing Tips

Make sure your content is remarkable and tailored to your target audience. Edit your video so that it gets to the point, and doesn’t drag on. Remember, you don't have long to capture (and hold) your viewer’s attention, so make sure that the beginning of your video is engaging, informative, and relevant to the viewer, and that she'll clearly understand the message.

10. Align the flow of the video with the emotional response you want to evoke in viewers.

11. Leverage b-roll.

From TSL:
Using Stock Footage in Marketing Videos: Pros and Cons

12. Use background soundtracks.

13. Optimize video text.

14. Optimize your video for the platform.

HubSpot Updates

[HubSpot Connect] - GetAccept Integration


What’s this integration partner do?

GetAccept lets Salespeople send sales documents with one click. Their solution offers reporting, document tracking, and e-signature features for those documents.

With GetAccept you can present sales documents with a video introduction and use the built-in live chat to support prospects.

How does GetAccept integrate with HubSpot?

GetAccept has a Chrome plug-in that let’s HubSpot CRM users send documents to prospects directly from the HubSpot CRM. Users can track documents, see how people engage with them, and follow up all with GetAccept, without ever leaving the HubSpot CRM

Learn More

[Now Live] - Emojis in Social Publishing

HubSpot Emojis Social

Marketers can now add Emojis to all social posts from HubSpot. This is live in your social media publishing tool.

Emojis are a fun and creative way to connect with customers on a more personal level. It’s a helpful way for you to show more personality on social. An Appboy study in 2016 found that marketing campaigns with emojis increased 777% year-over-year and were continuing to rise by 20% every month. Emojis are how our customers want to communicate.

Learn More

Your Companies Database Now Lives in Your Marketing Navigation

HubSpot Companies

Marketing starts with individual: no matter the nature of your company, you’re trying to convert real people into loyal customers and evangelists of your brand. That’s why your HubSpot Marketing tool is centered around an robust, integrated contact platform.

But if you’re B2B, your organization lives and breathes in the world of the companies those individuals work for. The data you collect about the companies you interact with — size, industry, location, and more — is just as important to your marketing efforts as any trait of the individual contacts.

With that in mind, did you know that your HubSpot Marketing portal comes fully equipped with a company database?

With today’s change, that companies database now lives under “Contacts” in the HubSpot Marketing navigation.

Learn More

Tweets of The Week

Free Assessment:

How does your sales & marketing measure up?
Take this free, 5-minute assessment and learn what you can start doing today to boost traffic, leads, and sales.