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George B Thomas

By George B Thomas

Jan 15, 2015



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Hubcast 25: Sales Pipeline & Lead Generation Tips for Businesses

George B Thomas

By George B Thomas

Jan 15, 2015

Hubcast 25: Sales Pipeline & Lead Generation Tips for Businesses

Welcome back to The Hubcast folks, a weekly podcast all about HubSpot news, tips, and tricks. Please also note the extensive show notes below including some new HubSpot video tutorials created by George Thomas.

Marcus has been traveling all over the place. For a second week he comes to us from a distant remote location. I find it funny how the Hubcast community is letting know where he will be. I love it!

HubSpot Strategy


"Hey guys. I've got a question you might want to address in your Hubcast. When it comes to lead gen content, which approach is most effective: The HubSpot, Impact method where they have a bazillion different offers at all levels of the funnel, or The Sales Lion approach where you have fewer offers but directed more to the bottom of the funnel. I'm struggling with this right now for our own agency. Multiple offers will bring in more leads but the reality is I can't follow up with all of them, especially at the top of the funnel. Just don't have the time. Anyway, I think this could be a really good discussion. And I'm sure there are others who struggle with this. Have a great week."  Chris Heiler

In this section thanks to Chris' email above, we talk about what small and large companies can do. What they should focus on as well as embracing the buyers journey in a way that is right for both of them.

HubSpot Tips & Tricks

 HubSpot CRM How to add off site / email leads to your HubSpot CRM. Watch the Tutorial HubSpot COS (Design) - Responsive Sidebars How to build your HubSpot COS sidebars so they are responsive. Watch Tutorial Now

HubSpot Wishlist

Create HubSpot CRM tasks in workflows a man whispering an annoying and disturbing news to the other Right now users can create a Salesforce Task within a workflow. It would be super cool to also create a HubSpot CRM task. The uses are endless. But two examples are:

  1. Sales users could then add a contact to a prospecting workflow involving a number of calls and emails.
  2. Tasks for a sales user to follow up on content downloads could be automatically assigned.

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HubSpot Updates

New way to keep people updated on the software. Not sure if they are going to do this for every update but I think it was pretty cool to login and see a slide-in panel with an update. We think this will be for all major updates but not used for minor ones. Content Home will be Removed on January 29, 2015.


(From HubSpot) --In an effort to streamline your HubSpot experience, we are planning to remove Content Home on January 29, 2015. In place of utilizing Content Home, you can easily find information on content you have drafted, created, and published within the Calendar app. If you have any bookmarks that currently are saved for Content Home, please update the URL to link to the Calendar app before January 29.   Simple & Advanced Version of Import Contacts As of today, you'll notice a newly-designed, simpler process for importing contacts into HubSpot. This will help reduce the number of decisions you need to make when importing your contacts. You can see this simplified view by clicking on "Import" in your Contacts App. After choosing your file of contacts, you'll see a simplified version of the import process: Contacts___HubSpot_2 However, you always have the option to "Switch to advanced view", called out above, which will allow you to add extra details about the contacts you're importing like lifecycle stage, date format setting and more. You can also choose to add your newly-imported contacts into an existing list.

Cool HubSpot & Inbound  Tweets

(In a recent email to Marcus:) "Marcus and George, Wanted to shoot you a quick video message about your guys' influence on our marketing agency. All to say we have been hustling and implementing your advice (Speak as often as possible and implement workshops). ...and we have seen incredible results with over $140,000 in retainers closed over the last month!" 

Ask The Hubcast

Billy asks: I have stumbled onto your podcast and have to say I am really enjoying it. My question may come over as basic but here goes, My industry is different ... will Inbound work for me, too?

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