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George B Thomas

By George B Thomas

Apr 8, 2015



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Hubcast 37: HubSpot Acquires Rekindle, Advanced Email Spammers & HUGs

George B Thomas

By George B Thomas

Apr 8, 2015

Hubcast 37: HubSpot Acquires Rekindle, Advanced Email Spammers & HUGs

Welcome back to The Hubcast folks, a weekly podcast all about HubSpot news, tips, and tricks. Please also note the extensive show notes below including some new HubSpot video tutorials created by George Thomas.

Show Notes:

Why we Love the Hubcast Community


Nick Sal from HubSpot Academy

Hey guys! Another great episode chock full of HubSpotty goodness.

Checking out your HubSpot wish list.  The trackable Ebook.  Ah yes.....

Something that I know HubSpot (and others) have been doing for a while, in lieu of this, is to create embedded links/CTAs within the Ebook content themselves linking back to the site/landing pages.  If you make these TRACKING URLS ( you can measure how many visitors, leads and customers actually came to your site via links specifically from the Ebook.

Knowing somebody got to page 4 of your Ebook is great.  Knowing what they read there was enough to inspire them to take action and CLICK to visit your site and take the next step/get to know you better is something every inbound marketer is able to find out NOW....with tracking urls :)

Inbound 2015

Omni Parker House - Hubcast Fireside Chat

The Sales Lion team hopes that all #hubcasters that are planning to attend Inbound15 will join us at this hotel. As one of Boston’s historic cornerstones, Omni Parker House displays a character as storied and unique as the town itself. With classic style, modern amenities and personalized service, we offer one of the finest experiences in the country for leisure and business travelers alike. You can make your reservations here.


HubSpot Strategy


HubSpot Acquires Rekindle

Rekindle has developed a technology that taps into the contact graph to connect people with lost connections and friends of friends, as well as facilitate introductions between relevant business contacts.

The technology that Rekindle has developed is designed to specifically help people expand their contact database in a valuable way. Based on the idea that the best way to meet people is through common friends, Rekindle’s founder Matthew Grace identified an opportunity to use technology in a new and simple way to facilitate first-time connections or rekindle old ones.

Read the article

HubSpot Wishlist

Dividing Leads / Setting HubSpot Owner - This week's wishlist comes from one of our Sales Lion clients:

Right now you have to set a HubSpot owner by a certain property. If they join a list, fill out a certain form, live in Texas, have brown hair… It just has to be a property that you know.

However, what if you have a sales team that has 3 to 5 sales people and you want to randomly give them leads that come from your website.

It would be great to have a way to “pass out leads” by a numerical value or some other type of system. Maybe even set up a “Contacts Added To HubSpot Workflow” that would allow you to say lead 1 =, lead 2 =, and once it hits the last person set, it would repeat through the process.

HubSpot Updates

Call To Action Update

Now in HubSpot, if you do not have a valid URL for your CTA, it will show on the site for a second and then disappear.

Just know there is nothing wrong with your site design. Your JQuery is not acting up. There is no error or reason to call HubSpot support… You just need to add a valid URL to that CTA.

Updated Contact Properties Screen

Now live is an improved user experience for creating, editing and viewing contact properties. Hubspot put a lot of effort into the contact properties screen to improve the user experience on the page and make it easier for you to get even the most mundane tasks done faster and with more enjoyment.

Please note: there has been no functionality change to creating or editing properties.

Head into your Contacts Settings check out the new UI. Here are some of the bigger, notable improvements to the properties page:

  • The navigation and entire page layout is updated to match the rest of Contacts. The order of the properties is alphabetical!
  • You can easily click into default, custom and read-only properties.
  • HubSpot now distinguishes between default properties and custom ones. Here's an example:


  • There is a specific place you can go and search, without having to use Control + F to find the property you were looking for.

HubSpot also made some changes to the create/edit properties screen:

  • Form preview was removed. Now they are showing an easier/more clear way to edit your property. For dropdown, radio select, and multiple checkbox properties which all have multiple options, they made it easier to edit, add, remove, and merge them.
  • You can hover over an item within the Analytics view to see the percentage of contacts with that value (out of all your contacts tagged with this property). Here's what it looks like:


HubSpot Tips & Tricks


This week we dive into the world of video marketing. I did three tutorials on some cool custom features you can use when hosting your videos on the Wistia platform.

Also a heads up, we will be posting an article in the next week about YouTube vs Vimeo vs Wistia that includes a review of what platform is the best fit for your company.

Cool HubSpot & Inbound  Tweets

Success Story

We share a success story about using HubSpot and how cost just is not an issue compared to the value received when used correctly.

WOW Event 2015 - Richmond Virginia June 3rd

The biggest issue in the inbound and content marketing space is that of getting buy-in from an entire organization. Most often, the marketing department has a vision that management, sales, and other departments simply don’t see nor understand. And when it comes to marketing companies having successful inbound/content retainer clients, the problem is only compounded.

For over 4 years, we at The Sales Lion have been giving Content Marketing Workshops literally around the globe. During this time, we have experienced exceptional success, and now we want other marketing agencies, consultants, and even CMOs to understand how to give a world-class workshop to their clients so as to get the buy-in, vision, and results everyone is seeking. Specifically, the WOW event will help you if … Check out the WOWEvent page for more details.

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